Quick start ^^^^^^^^^^^ The full package is imported as ``maad``:: import maad All functions are organized within five main modules. 1. :any:`maad.sound` has functions to load and preprocess audio signals. 2. :any:`maad.rois` provides tools to find regions of interest in audio (**1D**) and spectrogram signals (**2D**). 3. :any:`maad.features` include functions to compute robust descriptors to characterize audio signals. 4. :any:`maad.spl` provides tools to describe the physics of acoustic waves. 5. :any:`maad.util` has a handfull of useful set of tools used in the audio analysis framework. To load submodules juste type:: from maad import sound, rois To use scikit-maad tools, audio must be loaded as a numpy array. The function :py:func:`maad.sound.load` is a simple and effective way to load audio from disk. For example, download the spinetail example to your working directory (`link `_) and type:: s, fs = sound.load('spinetail.wav') You can then apply any analysis to find regions of interest or characterize your audio signals.:: rois.find_rois_cwt(s, fs, flims=(4500,8000), tlen=2, th=0, display=True) .. image:: _images/sphx_glr_plot_find_rois_simple_002.png :align: center We provide a diversified audio dataset in our `repository `_ to test the package functions. For more information, visit the :ref:`modindex` and the :ref:`Example gallery`.