Segmentation methods

The module rois has a collection of functions to segment and find regions of interest in audio and spectrograms.


find_rois_cwt(s, fs, flims, tlen[, th, ...]) Find region of interest using known estimates of signal length and frequency limits.


create_mask(im[, mode_bin, verbose, ...]) Binarize an image based on a double threshold.
select_rois(im_bin[, min_roi, max_roi, ...]) Select regions of interest based on its dimensions.
rois_to_imblobs(im_zeros, rois) Take a matrix full of zeros and add ones in delimited regions defined by rois.
template_matching(Sxx, Sxx_template, tn, ...) Use normalized spectrogram cross-correlation to detect the occurrence of a template sound in a target audio.