Quick startΒΆ

The full package is imported as maad:

import maad

All functions are organized within five main modules.

  1. maad.sound has functions to load and preprocess audio signals.
  2. maad.rois provides tools to find regions of interest in audio (1D) and spectrogram signals (2D).
  3. maad.features include functions to compute robust descriptors to characterize audio signals.
  4. maad.spl provides tools to describe the physics of acoustic waves.
  5. maad.util has a handfull of useful set of tools used in the audio analysis framework.

To load submodules juste type:

from maad import sound, rois

To use scikit-maad tools, audio must be loaded as a numpy array. The function maad.sound.load() is a simple and effective way to load audio from disk. For example, download the spinetail example to your working directory (link) and type:

s, fs = sound.load('spinetail.wav')

You can then apply any analysis to find regions of interest or characterize your audio signals.:

rois.find_rois_cwt(s, fs, flims=(4500,8000), tlen=2, th=0, display=True)

We provide a diversified audio dataset in our repository to test the package functions. For more information, visit the Module Index and the Example gallery.