
The module utils has a handful of useful set of tools used in the audio analysis framework.


rand_cmap(nlabels[, type, ...]) Creates a random colormap to be used together with matplotlib.
crop_image(im, tn, fn[, fcrop, tcrop]) Crop a spectrogram (or an image) in time (horizontal X axis) and frequency (vertical y axis)
save_figlist(fname, figlist) Save a list of figures or spectrograms to disk.
plot1d(x, y[, ax]) Plot the waveform or spectrum of an audio signal.
plot_wave(s, fs[, tlims, ax]) Plot audio waveform.
plot_spectrum(pxx, f_idx[, ax, flims, ...]) Plot power spectral density estimate (PSD).
plot2d(im[, ax, colorbar]) Display the spectrogram of an audio signal.
plot_spectrogram(Sxx, extent[, db_range, ...]) Plot spectrogram represenation.
overlay_rois(im_ref, rois[, edge_color, ...]) Display bounding boxes with time-frequency regions of interest over a spectrogram.
overlay_centroid(im_ref, centroid[, savefig]) Overlay centroids on the original spectrogram
plot_features_map(df[, norm, mode]) Plot features values on a heatmap.
plot_features(df[, ax, norm, mode]) Plot the variation of features values (ie.
plot_correlation_map(df[, R_threshold, method]) Plot the correlation map between indices in the DataFrame obtained with maad.
plot_shape(shape, params[, row, ax, ...]) Plot shape features in a bidimensional plot.
false_Color_Spectro(df[, indices, plim, ...]) Create False Color Spectrogram from indices obtained by MAAD.


running_mean(x, N[, mode]) Compute fast running mean for a window size N.
get_unimode(X[, mode, axis, N, N_bins, verbose]) Get the statistical mode or modal value which is the most common number in the dataset.
entropy(x[, axis]) Compute the entropy of a vector (waveform) or matrix (spectrogram).
rms(s) Compute the root-mean-square (RMS) level of an input signal.
kurtosis(x[, axis]) Compute the kurtosis (tailedness or curved or arching) of an audio signal.
skewness(x[, axis]) Compute the skewness (asymetry) of an audio signal.
moments(X[, axis]) Computes the first 4th moments of a vector (1d, ie.


read_audacity_annot(audacity_filename) Read Audacity annotations file (or labeling file) and return a Pandas Dataframe with the bounding box and the label of each region of interest (ROI).
write_audacity_annot(fname, df_rois[, save_file]) Write audio segmentation to text file in Audacity format, a file that can be imported and modified with Audacity.
read_raven_annot(raven_filename) Read Raven annotations file (or labeling file) and return a Pandas Dataframe with the bounding box and the label of each region of interest (ROI).
write_raven_annot(fname, df_rois[, save_file]) Write audio segmentation to text file in Raven format, a file that can be imported and modified with Raven.
date_parser(datadir[, dateformat, ...]) Parse all filenames contained in a directory and its subdirectories.


index_bw(fn, bw) Select all the index coresponding to a selected frequency band.
into_bins(x, an, bin_step[, axis, bin_min, ...]) Divide a vector (1D) or a matrix (2D) into multiple bins according to a bin_step with respect of the energy
shift_bit_length(x) Find the closest power of 2 that is superior or equal to the number x.
rle(x) Compute the Run-Length encoding (RLE) of a vector.
linear_scale(x[, minval, maxval, axis]) Scale the values of a vector or matrix from a user specified minimum to a user specified maximum.
amplitude2dB(x[, db_range, db_gain]) Transform amplitude data (signal, scalar) into decibel scale within the dB range (db_range).
power2dB(x[, db_range, db_gain]) Transform power (amplitude²) signal or scalar into decibel scale within the dB range (db_range).
dB2amplitude(x[, db_gain]) Transform data in dB scale into amplitude A gain (db_gain) could be added at the end.
dB2power(x[, db_gain]) Transform data in dB scale into power (amplitude²) A gain (db_gain) could be added at the end.
mean_dB(*argv[, axis]) Compute the average of decibel values.
add_dB(*argv[, axis]) Computes an addition on decibel values.
nearest_idx(array, value) Find nearest value on array and return its index.
get_df_single_row(df, index[, mode]) Extract a single row from a dataframe keeping the DataFrame type (instead of becoming a Series).
format_features(df, tn, fn) Format features such as bounding box coordinates and centroids coordinates to predifined format : time-frequency to pixels or pixels to time-frequency units.
crossfade(s1, s2, fs[, fade_len]) Add a smooth transition (cross-fade) between two audio signals.
crossfade_list(s_list, fs[, fade_len]) Apply a cross-fade to a list of audio signals.


xc_query(searchTerms[, max_nb_files, ...]) Query metadata from Xeno-Canto website depending on the search terms.
xc_multi_query(df_query[, max_nb_files, ...]) Multi_query performs multiple queries following the search terms defined in the input dataframe
xc_selection(df_dataset[, max_nb_files, ...]) Select a maximum number of recordings depending on their quality and duration in order to create an homogeneous dataset.
xc_download(df, rootdir[, dataset_name, ...]) Download the audio files from Xeno-Canto based on the input dataframe It will create directories for each species if needed

Audio metadata

check_file_format(path_audio) Check Wave file consistency.
audio_header(path_audio) Get audio header information from WAVE file.
filename_info(path_audio[, verbose]) Get information from filename when using standard format.
get_metadata_file(path_audio[, verbose]) Get metadata asociated with audio recordings in audio file.
get_metadata_dir(path_dir[, verbose]) Get metadata asociated with audio recordings in a directory.