Source code for maad.sound.transform

#!/usr/bin/env python
Collection of functions to transform audio signals : Take the envelope
# Authors:  Juan Sebastian ULLOA <>
#           Sylvain HAUPERT <>
# License: New BSD License

# =============================================================================
# Load the modules
# =============================================================================
# Import external modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import hilbert
from scipy.signal import periodogram, welch
import scipy
import resampy
from warnings import warn

# import internal modules
from maad.sound import wave2frames
from maad.util import plot_spectrum

# =============================================================================
# public functions
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[docs] def envelope (s, mode='fast', Nt=32): """ Calculate the envelope of a sound waveform (1d) Parameters ---------- s : 1d ndarray of floats Vector containing sound waveform mode : str, optional, default is `fast` - `fast` : The sound is first divided into frames (2d) using the function wave2timeframes(s), then the max of each frame gives a good approximation of the envelope. - `Hilbert` : estimation of the envelope from the Hilbert transform. The method is slow Nt : integer, optional, default is `32` Size of each frame. The largest, the highest is the approximation. Returns ------- env : 1d ndarray of floats Envelope of the sound References ---------- .. [1] Towsey, Michael (2013), Noise Removal from Waveforms and Spectrograms Derived from Natural Recordings of the Environment. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. .. [2] Towsey, Michael (2017),The calculation of acoustic indices derived from long-duration recordings of the natural environment. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. Examples -------- >>> s,fs = maad.sound.load("../data/rock_savanna.wav") >>> env_fast = maad.sound.envelope(s, mode='fast', Nt=32) >>> env_fast array([0.2300415 , 0.28643799, 0.24285889, ..., 0.3059082 , 0.20040894, 0.26074219]) >>> env_hilbert = maad.sound.envelope(s, mode='hilbert') >>> env_hilbert array([0.06588196, 0.11301711, 0.09201435, ..., 0.18053983, 0.18351906, 0.10258595]) Compute the time vector for the vector wave. >>> import numpy as np >>> t = np.arange(0,len(s),1)/fs Compute the time vector for the vector env_fast. >>> t_env_fast = np.arange(0,len(env_fast),1)*len(s)/fs/len(env_fast) Plot 0.1s of the envelope and 0.1s of the abs(s). >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,4)) >>> ax1.plot(t[t<0.1], abs(s[t<0.1]), label='abs(s)', lw=0.7) >>> ax1.plot(t[t<0.1], env_hilbert[t<0.1], label='env(s) - hilbert option', lw=0.7) >>> ax1.plot(t_env_fast[t_env_fast<0.1], env_fast[t_env_fast<0.1], label='env(s) - fast option', lw=0.7) >>> ax1.set_xlabel('Time [sec]') >>> ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude') >>> ax1.legend() """ if mode == 'fast' : # Envelope : take the max (see M. Towsey) of each frame frames = wave2frames(s, Nt) env = np.max(abs(frames),0) elif mode =='hilbert' : # Compute the hilbert transform of the waveform and take the norm # (magnitude) env = np.abs(hilbert(s)) else: raise Exception("Invalid mode. Mode should be 'fast' or 'hilbert' ") return env
[docs] def spectrum(s, fs, nperseg=256, noverlap=None, nfft=None, window='hann', method='welch', tlims=None, flims=None, scaling='spectrum', as_pandas_series=False, display=False): """ Estimate the power spectral density or power spectrum of 1D signal. The estimates can be computed using two methods: Welch or periodogram. Welch's method divides the signal into segments, computes the power spectral density for each segment and then takes the average between segments. The periodogram method computes the power spectral density of the input signal using a defined window (Hanning window by default). Parameters ---------- s: 1D array Input signal to process fs: float, optional Sampling frequency of audio signal nperseg: int, optional Length of segment for 'welch' method, default is 256 noverlap: int, optional Overlap between segments for Welch's method. If None, noverlap = nperseg/2. window : string, default is 'hann' Name of the window used for the short fourier transform, 'hanning' window is now deprecated. nfft: int, optional Length of FFT for periodogram method. If None, length of signal will be used. Length of FFT for welch method if zero padding is desired. If None, length of nperseg will be used. method: {'welch', 'periodogram'} Method used to estimate the power spectral density of the signal tlims: tuple of ints or floats Temporal limits to compute the power spectral density in seconds (s) If None, estimates for the complete signal will be computed. Default is 'None' flims: tuple of ints or floats Spectral limits to compute the power spectral density in Hertz (Hz) If None, estimates from 0 to fs/2 will be computed. Default is 'None' scaling: {'spectrum', 'density'}, optional Choose between power spectrum (units V**2) or power spectral density (units V**2/Hz) scaling. Defaults to 'spectrum'. as_pandas_series: bool Return data as a pandas.Series. This is usefull when computing multiple features over a signal. Default is False. Returns ------- pxx: pandas Series Power spectral density estimate. f_idx: pandas Series Index of sample frequencies. Notes ----- This is a wrapper that uses functions from Scipy (, in particular from the scipy.signal module. Examples -------- >>> from maad import sound >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> spec, f_idx = sound.spectrum(s, fs, nperseg=512, display=True) Specify temporal and spectral limits to get spectral characteristics of the spinetail's song. >>> spec, f_idx = sound.spectrum(s, fs, nperseg=2056, tlims=(5.3, 7.9), flims=(2000, 12000), display=True) """ if tlims is not None: # trim audio signal try: s = s[int(tlims[0]*fs): int(tlims[1]*fs)] except: raise Exception('length of tlims tuple should be 2') # small fix to keep compatibility with old scipy version if window=='hanning': window='hann' warn("Window type 'hanning' will be deprecated. Changing to 'hann' window.", FutureWarning) if method=='welch': f_idx, pxx = welch(s, fs, window, nperseg, noverlap, nfft, scaling=scaling) elif method=='periodogram': f_idx, pxx = periodogram(s, fs, window, nfft, scaling=scaling) else: raise Exception("Invalid method. Method should be 'welch' or 'periodogram' ") if flims is not None: pxx = pxx[(f_idx>=flims[0]) & (f_idx<=flims[1])] f_idx = f_idx[(f_idx>=flims[0]) & (f_idx<=flims[1])] if as_pandas_series==True: index_names = ['psd_' + str(idx).zfill(3) for idx in range(1,len(pxx)+1)] pxx = pd.Series(pxx, index=index_names) f_idx = pd.Series(f_idx, index=index_names) if display: plot_spectrum(pxx, f_idx) return pxx, f_idx
[docs] def resample(s, fs, target_fs, res_type = 'kaiser_best', **kwargs): """ Changes the sample rate of an audio file or any time series. Parameters ---------- s : np.ndarray Mono or stereo signal as NumPy array. fs : int Time series sampling rate. target_fs : int Target sampling rate. res_type : str, optional Resample method. By default 'kaiser_best'. 'kaiser_best' method that applies a Kaiser windowed sinc interpolation. 'kaiser_fast' similar to kaiser_best, but faster. 'scipy' is a Fourier transform method implemented in scipy. 'scipy_poly' Resample using polyphase filtering and an FIR filter. kwargs : additional keyword arguments If `res_type='sinc_window'`, additional keyword arguments to pass to `resampy.resample`. Returns ------- res_data : np.ndarray Resampling time series. See Also -------- resampy.resample scipy.signal.resample Examples -------- Resample an audio file from sample rate of 44100 kHz to 22050. >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> s_resamp = sound.resample(s, fs, target_fs=fs/2) >>> print('Number of samples - original audio:', s.shape[0], ... 'Number of samples - resampled audio:', s_resamp.shape[0]) >>> _ = sound.spectrogram(s, fs, display=True) >>> _ = sound.spectrogram(s_resamp, fs/2, display=True) """ if fs == target_fs: return s if res_type == 'scipy': # Calculate the resampling ratio and get the number of output samples ratio = float(target_fs) / fs n_samples = int(np.round(s.shape[-1] * ratio)) res_data = scipy.signal.resample(s, n_samples, axis=-1, **kwargs) elif res_type == 'scipy_poly': # Calculate the resampling ratio and get the common denominator gcd = np.gcd(int(fs), int(target_fs)) num = target_fs // gcd den = fs // gcd # Resample the signal using SciPy's resample_poly function res_data = scipy.signal.resample_poly(s, num, den) elif res_type in ('kaiser_best', 'kaiser_fast'): warn("Methods 'kaiser_fast' and 'kaiser_best' are deprecated and will be removed from future versions.", DeprecationWarning) res_data = resampy.resample(s, fs, target_fs, filter=res_type, axis=-1, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Valid resample methods are 'scipy', 'scipy_poly', 'kaiser_best', 'kaiser_fast', not res_type={}".format(res_type)) return np.ascontiguousarray(res_data, dtype=s.dtype)
[docs] def trim(s, fs, min_t, max_t, pad=False, pad_constant=0): """ Slices a time series, from a initial time `min_t` to an ending time `max_t`. If the target duration `duration =` is larger than the original duration and `pad = True`, the time series is padded with a constant value `pad_constant = 0`. Parameters ---------- s : np.ndarray Mono or stereo signal as NumPy array. fs : int Time series sampling rate. min_t : float Initial time. If initial time `min_t < 0` and `pad=True`, this time is added to the beginning of the audio slice. max_t : float Ending time of the audio slice. pad : bool, optional If true, the time series is padded with a constant value `pad_constant`. Default is False. pad_constant : It is the constant with which the time series is padded. Returns ------- s_slice : np.ndarray Time series with duration `duration = max_t - min_t`. See Also -------- numpy.pad Examples -------- Slice an audio file from 5 to 8 seconds. >>> from maad import sound >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> s_slice = sound.trim(s, fs, min_t = 5, max_t = 8) >>> _ = sound.spectrogram(s_slice, fs, display=True, figsize=(4,6)) >>> s_slice.shape[0]/fs 3.0 """ min_lim = min_t * fs max_lim = max_t * fs duration = max_t - min_t if pad: if s.ndim == 1: # mono file if (duration * fs) > s.shape[-1]: # length of trimmed section larger than signal duration, pad both sides up_lim = int(max_t * fs - s.shape[-1]) if min_t <=0: low_lim = int(abs(min_t) * fs) s_slice = np.pad(s, (low_lim, up_lim), 'constant', constant_values=(pad_constant)) else: low_lim = int(0.0) s_slice = np.pad(s, (low_lim, up_lim), 'constant', constant_values=(pad_constant)) s_slice = s_slice[int(min_lim):] elif min_t < 0: # min_t with negative values, pad left side pad_width = int(abs(min_t) * fs) up_lim = int(max_t * fs) s_slice = s[0:up_lim] s_slice = np.pad(s_slice, (pad_width, 0), 'constant', constant_values=(pad_constant)) elif max_t * fs > s.shape[-1]: # max_t with values outside duration of signal, pad right side low_lim = int(min_t * fs) pad_width = int((max_t * fs) - s.shape[-1]) s_slice = s[low_lim:] s_slice = np.pad(s_slice, (0, pad_width), 'constant', constant_values=(pad_constant)) else: # no padding needed s_slice = s[int(min_lim): int(max_lim)] else: # stereo file s_slice = np.empty((s.shape[0], int(duration * fs))) for i, chanel in enumerate(s): if (duration * fs) > chanel.shape[-1]: up_lim = int(max_t * fs - chanel.shape[-1]) if min_t <=0: low_lim = int(abs(min_t) * fs) s_slice = np.pad(chanel, (low_lim, up_lim), 'constant', constant_values=(pad_constant)) else: low_lim = int(0.0) s_slice = np.pad(chanel, (low_lim, up_lim), 'constant', constant_values=(pad_constant)) s_slice = s_slice[int(min_lim):] else: s_slice[i] = s[i][int(min_lim): int(max_lim)] return s_slice else: if min_t < 0: raise ValueError("min_t must be >= 0.") if s.ndim == 1: if (duration * fs) > s.shape[-1]: raise ValueError("Target duration is longer than original duration.") else: s_slice = s[int(min_lim): int(max_lim)] else: s_slice = np.empty((s.shape[0], int(duration * fs))) for i, chanel in enumerate(s): if (duration * fs) > chanel.shape[-1]: raise ValueError("Target duration is longer than original duration.") else: s_slice[i] = s[i][int(min_lim): int(max_lim)] return s_slice
[docs] def normalize(s, max_amp=0.7, max_db=None): """ Normalize audio signal to desired amplitude or decibell full scale value (dBFS). Parameters ---------- s : np.ndarray Mono audio signal as NumPy array. max_amp : float, optional Maximum amplitude. Must be between 0-1. The default is 0.7. max_db : float, optional Maximum amplitude in dBFS. Must be a negative value. Returns ------- s_out : np.ndarray Normalized mono signal. See Also -------- sound.trim Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from maad import sound Use normalized amplitude value for normalization >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> s_out = sound.normalize(s, max_amp=0.8) >>> print('s_out maximum amplitude:', np.abs(s_out).max()) s_out maximum amplitude: 0.8 Use a dBFS value for normalization: >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> s_out = sound.normalize(s, max_db=-3) >>> print('s_out maximum value in dBFS:', np.max(20*np.log10(np.abs(s_out)))) s_out maximum value in dBFS: -3.0 """ # Check values for normalization and transform if using max_dbfs if (max_amp < 0) | (max_amp > 1): raise ValueError('max_amp should be a value between 0 and 1') elif (max_db is not None): if max_db > 0: raise ValueError('max_db should be a negative value') else: # transform dbfs to normalized amplitude max_amp = 10 ** (max_db/20) else: pass # compute and apply gain value gain = max_amp/np.abs(s).max() s_out = s*gain return s_out
[docs] def gain(s, gain_db=0): """ Amply amplification or attenuation to the audio signal. Parameters ---------- s : np.ndarray Mono audio signal as NumPy array. gain_db : float, optional Gain value to amplify (positive values), or attenuate (negative values) the signal in dB. Returns ------- s_out : np.ndarray Amplified or attenuated audio signal. See Also -------- sound.normalize, sound.trim Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from maad import sound Amplify the signal by 3 dB >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> s_out = sound.gain(s, gain_db=3) >>> print('Signal amplified by:', 20*np.log10((s_out.max()/s.max())), 'dB') Signal amplified by: 3 dB Attenuate the signal by 3 dB >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> s_out = sound.gain(s, gain_db=-3) >>> print('Signal amplified by:', 20*np.log10((s_out.max()/s.max())), 'dB') Signal amplified by: -3 dB """ # Apply the gain value s_out = s * 10**(gain_db/20) return s_out