#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Collection of functions to estimation sound attenuation due to spreading loss,
atmospheric absorption and habitat attenuation (diffraction, reflexion,
diffusion... due to folliage, ground, trunks).These functions are required to
estimate active distance (i.e. detection range) of audio recorder (such as SM4)
as well as initial sound pressure level (dB SPL).
# Authors: Juan Sebastian ULLOA <lisofomia@gmail.com>
# Sylvain HAUPERT <sylvain.haupert@mnhn.fr>
# License: New BSD License
# ------------------- Load modules ---------------------------
# Import external modules
import numpy as np
from numpy import sum, log10, sqrt, exp
import pandas as pd
# min value
import sys
_MIN_ = sys.float_info.min
# import internal modules
from maad.spl import dBSPL2pressure, pressure2dBSPL
# =============================================================================
# Private functions
# =============================================================================
def _geometric_att_factor (r,r0) :
Get the attenuation factor due to spreading loss (also known as geometric
attenuation). Usually the source is considered to be ponctual which creates
a spherical spreading loss.
r : scalar or array-like
propagation distances in m [SCALAR or VECTOR]
r0 : scalar
reference distance in m [SCALAR]
Ageo_factor : scalar or array-like
Geometric attenuation factor
=> Multiply this factor with the effective reference acoustic pressure p0
measured at r0 to estimate the pressure after attenuation
# make sure it's array
r = np.asarray(r)
Ageo_factor = r0/r
return Ageo_factor
def _geometric_att_dB (r,r0) :
Get the attenuation in dB due to spreading loss (also known as geometric
attenuation).Usually the source is considered to be ponctual which creates
a spherical spreading loss.
r : scalar or array-like
propagation distances in m
r0 : scalar
reference distance in m
Ageo_dB : scalar or array-like
Geometric attenuation
=> Subtract this value from the reference acoustic pressure L0 in dB
(or sound pressure level (SPL)) measured at r0 to estimate the
acoustic pressure L in dB after attenuation
# make sure it's array
r = np.asarray(r)
Ageo_dB = -20*log10(_geometric_att_factor(r,r0))
return Ageo_dB
def _atmospheric_att_coef_dB (f, t=20, rh=60, pa=101325):
Get the atmospheric attenuation coefficient in dB/m
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
t: scalar, optional, default is 20
temperature in °C
rh: scalar, optional, default is 60
relative humidity in %
pa: scalar, optional, default is 101325
atmospheric pressure in Pa
Aatm_coef_dB : scalar or array-like
atmospheric attenuation coefficient in dB/m
Partially from http://www.sengpielaudio.com/AirdampingFormula.htm
# make sure it's array
f = np.asarray(f)
# test if t, rh and pa are scalars
if hasattr(t, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('t must be a scalar ')
elif hasattr(rh, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('rh must be a scalar ')
elif hasattr(pa, "__len__") : raise TypeError('pa must be a scalar ')
pr = 101.325e3 # reference ambient atmospheric pressure: 101.325 kPa
To1 = 273.16 # triple-point isotherm temp: 273.16 K
To = 293.15 # reference temperature in K: 293.15 K (20°C)
t = t+273.15 # celcius to farenheit
psat = pr*10**(-6.8346 * (To1/t)**1.261 + 4.6151) #saturation vapor pressure equals
h = rh * (psat / pa) # molar concentration of water vapor, as a percentage
frO = (pa / pr) * (24 + 4.04e4 * h * ((0.02 + h) / (0.391 + h))) # oxygen relaxation frequency
frN = (pa / pr) * sqrt(t / To) * (9 + 280 * h * exp(-4.170*((t/To)**(-1/3) -1))) # nitrogen relaxation frequency
z = 0.1068 * exp (-3352/t) / (frN+f**2 /frN)
y = (t/To)**(-5/2) * (0.01275 * exp(-2239.1/t) * 1/(frO+f**2/frO) + z)
Aatm_coef_dB = 8.686 * f**2 * ((1.84e-11 * 1/(pa/pr) * sqrt(t/To)) + y)
return Aatm_coef_dB
def _atmospheric_att_coef (f, t=20, rh=60, pa=101325):
Get the atmospheric attenuation coefficient in Neper/m
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
t: scalar, optional, default is 20
temperature in °C
rh: scalar, optional, default is 60
relative humidity in %
pa: scalar, optional, default is 101325
atmospheric pressure in Pa
Aatm_coef: scalar or array-like
atmospheric attenuation coefficient in Neper/m
Partially from http://www.sengpielaudio.com/AirdampingFormula.htm
# make sure it's array
f = np.asarray(f)
# test if t, rh and pa are scalars
if hasattr(t, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('t must be a scalar ')
elif hasattr(rh, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('rh must be a scalar ')
elif hasattr(pa, "__len__") : raise TypeError('pa must be a scalar ')
Aatm_coef = _atmospheric_att_coef_dB (f, t, rh, pa)/(20*log10(exp(1)))
return Aatm_coef
def _atmospheric_att_factor (f, r, r0, t=20, rh=60, pa=101325):
Get the atmospheric attenuation factor
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
r : scalar or array-like
propagation distances in m
r0 : scalar
reference distance in m
t: scalar, optional, default is 20
temperature in °C
rh: scalar, optional, default is 60
relative humidity in %
pa: scalar, optional, default is 101325
atmospheric pressure in Pa
Aatm_factor : scalar or array-like (vector (1D) or matrix (2D))
atmospheric attenuation factor
=> Multiply this factor with the effective reference acoustic pressure p0
measured at r0 to estimate the pressure after attenuation
rows : frequencies
columns :distances
# make sure it's array
r = np.asarray(r)
f = np.asarray(f)
# test if r is a single value
if r.ndim == 0 : Nr= 1
else: Nr = len(r.flatten())
# test if f is a single value
if f.ndim == 0 : Nf= 1
else: Nf = len(f.flatten())
# test if t, rh and pa are scalars
if hasattr(t, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('t must be a scalar ')
elif hasattr(rh, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('rh must be a scalar ')
elif hasattr(pa, "__len__") : raise TypeError('pa must be a scalar ')
Aatm_coef = _atmospheric_att_coef(f, t, rh, pa)
Aatm_factor = exp(-Aatm_coef.reshape(Nf,1) @ (r.reshape(1,Nr)-r0))
# reshape the array when dimensions are 1
if Aatm_factor.shape[0] == 1:
Aatm_factor = Aatm_factor[0][:]
elif Aatm_factor.shape[1] == 1:
Aatm_factor = Aatm_factor[:,0]
return Aatm_factor
def _atmospheric_att_dB (f, r, r0, t=20, rh=60, pa=101325):
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
r : scalar or array-like
propagation distances in m
r0 : scalar
reference distance in m
t: scalar, optional, default is 20
temperature in °C
rh: scalar, optional, default is 60
relative humidity in %
pa: scalar, optional, default is 101325
atmospheric pressure in Pa
Aatm_dB : scalar or array-like (vector (1D) or matrix (2D))
atmospheric attenuation in dB depending on the frequency, the temperature,
the atmospheric pressure, the relative humidity and the distance
=> subtract Aatm_dB from the reference acoustic pressure L0 in dB
(or sound pressure level (SPL)) measuread at distance r0 for each
frequency and distance
rows : frequencies
columns :distances
# make sure it's array
r = np.asarray(r)
f = np.asarray(f)
# test if r is a single value
if r.ndim == 0 : Nr= 1
else: Nr = len(r.flatten())
# test if f is a single value
if f.ndim == 0 : Nf= 1
else: Nf = len(f.flatten())
# test if r0, t, rh and pa are scalars
if hasattr(r0, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('r0 must be a scalar ')
elif hasattr(t, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('t must be a scalar ')
elif hasattr(rh, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('rh must be a scalar ')
elif hasattr(pa, "__len__") : raise TypeError('pa must be a scalar ')
Aatm_coef_dB = _atmospheric_att_coef_dB(f, t, rh, pa)
Aatm_dB = Aatm_coef_dB.reshape(Nf,1) @ (r.reshape(1,Nr)-r0)
# reshape the array when dimensions are 1
if Aatm_dB.shape[0] == 1:
Aatm_dB = Aatm_dB[0][:]
elif Aatm_dB.shape[1] == 1:
Aatm_dB = Aatm_dB[:,0]
return Aatm_dB
def _habitat_att_factor (f, r, r0, a0=0.02):
Get the habitat attenuation factor
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
r : scalar or array-like
propagation distances in m
r0 : scalar
reference distance in m
a0 : scalar
attenuation coefficient of the habitat in dB/kHz/m
Ahab : scalar or array-like (vector (1D) or matrix (2D))
habitat attenuation depending on the frequency and the distance [MATRIX]
=> Multiply this value with the effective reference acoustic pressure p0
measured at r0 to estimate the pressure after attenuation
# make sure it's array
r = np.asarray(r)
f = np.asarray(f)
# test if r is a single value
if r.ndim == 0 : Nr= 1
else: Nr = len(r.flatten())
# test if f is a single value
if f.ndim == 0 : Nf= 1
else: Nf = len(f.flatten())
# test if r0 and a0 are scalars
if hasattr(r0, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('r0 must be a scalar ')
elif hasattr(a0, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('a0 must be a scalar ')
Ahab_coef = _habitat_att_coeff(f, a0)
Ahab_factor = exp(-Ahab_coef.reshape(Nf,1) @ (r.reshape(1,Nr)-r0))
# reshape the array when dimensions are 1
if Ahab_factor.shape[0] == 1:
Ahab_factor = Ahab_factor[0][:]
elif Ahab_factor.shape[1] == 1:
Ahab_factor = Ahab_factor[:,0]
return Ahab_factor
def _habitat_att_dB(f, r, r0, a0=0.02) :
Get the habitat attenuation in dB
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
r : scalar or array-like
propagation distances in m
r0 : scalar
reference distance in m
a0 : scalar, optional, default is 0.02
attenuation coefficient of the habitat in dB/kHz/m
Ahab_dB : scalar or array-like (vector (1D) or matrix (2D))
habitat attenuation in dB depending on the frequency, the distance and
the habitat attenuation coefficient
=> subtract Aatm_dB from the reference acoustic pressure L0 in dB
(or sound pressure level (SPL)) measuread at distance r0 for each
frequency and distance
rows : frequencies
columns :distances
#Ahab_dB = -20*log10(_habitat_att_factor(f,r,r0,a0))
# make sure it's array
r = np.asarray(r)
f = np.asarray(f)
# test if r is a single value
if r.ndim == 0 : Nr= 1
else: Nr = len(r.flatten())
# test if f is a single value
if f.ndim == 0 : Nf= 1
else: Nf = len(f.flatten())
# test if r0 and a0 are scalars
if hasattr(r0, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('r0 must be a scalar ')
elif hasattr(a0, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('a0 must be a scalar ')
Ahab_coef_dB = _habitat_att_coeff_dB(f,a0)
Ahab_dB = Ahab_coef_dB.reshape(Nf,1) @ (r.reshape(1,Nr)-r0)
# reshape the array when dimensions are 1
if Ahab_dB.shape[0] == 1:
Ahab_dB = Ahab_dB[0][:]
elif Ahab_dB.shape[1] == 1:
Ahab_dB = Ahab_dB[:,0]
return (Ahab_dB)
def _habitat_att_coeff_dB (f, a0=0.02):
get the habitat attenuation coefficient in dB/m for the frequency f knowing
the habitat attenuation parameter a0 (in dB/kHz/m)
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
a0 : scalar, optional, default is 0.02
attenuation coefficient of the habitat in dB/kHz/m
coeff.Ahab.dB : scalar or array-like (vector (1D))
habitat attenuation coefficient in dB/m for the frequency f
# make sure it's array
f = np.asarray(f)
Ahab_coeff_dB = a0*f/1000
return Ahab_coeff_dB
def _habitat_att_coeff (f, a0=0.02):
get the habitat attenuation factor for the frequency f knowing the habitat
attenuation parameter a0 (in dB/kHz/m)
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
a0 : scalar, optional, default is 0.02
attenuation coefficient of the habitat in dB/kHz/m
coeff.Ahab : scalar or array-like (vector (1D))
habitat attenuation factor for the frequency f
# make sure it's array
f = np.asarray(f)
Ahab_coeff = _habitat_att_coeff_dB(f,a0) /20*log10(exp(1))
return Ahab_coeff
def _attenuation_factor (f, r, r0, t=20, rh=60, pa=101325, a0=0.02) :
get attenuation factor taking into account the geometric, atmospheric
and habitat attenuation contributions
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
r : scalar or array-like
propagation distances in m
r0 : scalar
reference distance in m
t: scalar, optional, default is 20
temperature in °C
rh: scalar, optional, default is 60
relative humidity in %
pa: scalar, optional, default is 101325
atmospheric pressure in Pa
a0 : scalar, optional, default is 0.02
attenuation coefficient of the habitat in dB/kHz/m
A_factor : scalar or array-like (vector (1D) or matrix (2D))
attenuation depending on the frequency and the distance [MATRIX]
=> Multiply this value with the effective reference acoustic pressure p0
measured at r0 to estimate the pressure after attenuation taking into
account 3 types of attenuation
rows : frequencies
columns :distances
# make sure it's array
f = np.asarray(f)
r = np.asarray(r)
Ageo_factor = _geometric_att_factor(r,r0)
Aatm_factor = _atmospheric_att_factor(f,r,r0,t,rh,pa)
Ahab_factor = _habitat_att_factor(f,r,r0,a0)
# make sure it's array
Ageo_factor = np.asarray(Ageo_factor)
Aatm_factor = np.asarray(Aatm_factor)
Ahab_factor = np.asarray(Ahab_factor)
A_factor = Ageo_factor[np.newaxis, ...] * Aatm_factor * Ahab_factor
return A_factor
# =============================================================================
# Public functions
# =============================================================================
def attenuation_dB (f, r, r0, t=20, rh=60, pa=101325, a0=0.02):
Compute the attenuation in decibels taking into account the geometric, atmospheric
and habitat attenuation contributions.
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
r : scalar or array-like
propagation distances in m
r0 : scalar
reference distance in m
t: scalar, optional, default is 20
temperature in °C
rh: scalar, optional, default is 60
relative humidity in %
pa: scalar, optional, default is 101325
atmospheric pressure in Pa
a0 : scalar, optional, default is 0.02
attenuation coefficient of the habitat in dB/kHz/m
Asum_dB : scalar or array-like (vector (1D) or matrix (2D))
Global attenuation in decibel taking into account the geometric, atmospheric
and habitat attenuation.
=> subtract Asum_dB from the reference acoustic pressure L0 in dB
(or sound pressure level (SPL)) measuread at distance r0 for each
frequency and distance to estimate the pressure after attenuation taking
into account 3 types of attenuation
rows : frequencies
columns :distances
>>> import numpy as np
>>> fn = np.arange(500,10500,500)
>>> r = np.arange(10,110)
>>> r0 = 1
>>> Asum_dB, df_att = maad.spl.attenuation_dB(fn,r,r0)
For 2kHz @50m, the attenuation is mainly drive by geometric attenuation
>>> df_att[(df_att.f==2000) & (df_att.r==50)]
f r Ageo_dB Aatm_dB Ahab_dB Asum_dB
310 2000 50 33.9794 0.454776 1.96 36.394176
For 10Hz @100m, the attenuation due to the atmosphere and the habitat is no
>>> df_att[(df_att.f==10000) & (df_att.r==100)]
f r Ageo_dB Aatm_dB Ahab_dB Asum_dB
1990 10000 100 40.0 13.335002 19.8 73.135002
# make sure it's array
f = np.asarray(f)
r = np.asarray(r)
Ageo_dB = _geometric_att_dB(r,r0)
Aatm_dB = _atmospheric_att_dB(f,r,r0,t,rh,pa)
Ahab_dB = _habitat_att_dB(f,r,r0,a0)
# make sure it's array
Ageo_dB = np.asarray(Ageo_dB)
Aatm_dB = np.asarray(Aatm_dB)
Ahab_dB = np.asarray(Ahab_dB)
Asum_dB = Ageo_dB[np.newaxis,...] + Aatm_dB + Ahab_dB
#### create a dataframe with all values
# test if f is a single value
if f.ndim == 0 : Nf= 1
else: Nf = len(f)
# test if r is a single value
if r.ndim == 0 : Nr= 1
else: Nr = len(r)
# for Ageo, repeat vector along frequency axis
Ageo_dB = np.tile(Ageo_dB,(Nf,1))
# for f, repeat vector along distance axis
f = np.tile(f,(Nr,1)).T
# for r, repeat vector along frequency axis
r = np.tile(r,(Nf,1))
# prepare data (transform matrices into long vectors)
data = {'f':f.flatten(),
df_att = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['f',
return Asum_dB, df_att
def dBSPL_per_bin (L, f) :
Function to spread the sound pressure level (Energy in dB) along a frequency
vector (bins).
L : scalar
Sound Pressure Level in dB
f: array-like (vector (1D))
frequency vector in Hz
L_per_bin : array-like (vector (1D))
sound pressure level in dB with values corresponding to the frequency's
number of bins
Spread 80dB SPL from 2kHz to 5kHz with 1kHz step
>>> maad.spl.dBSPL_per_bin(80,[2000,3000,4000,5000])
array([73.97940009, 73.97940009, 73.97940009, 73.97940009])
Spread 80dB SPL from 2kHz to 10kHz with 1kHz step
>>> maad.spl.dBSPL_per_bin(80,[2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000])
array([70.45757491, 70.45757491, 70.45757491, 70.45757491, 70.45757491,
70.45757491, 70.45757491, 70.45757491, 70.45757491])
Spread 80dB SPL from 2kHz to 5kHz with 0.5kHz step
>>> maad.spl.dBSPL_per_bin(80,[2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000])
array([71.5490196, 71.5490196, 71.5490196, 71.5490196, 71.5490196,
71.5490196, 71.5490196])
# test if f is a scalar
if not hasattr(f, "__len__") :
L_per_bin = L
# if f is a vector
# force to be ndarray
f = np.asarray(f)
# init
L_per_bin = np.ones(len(f)) * L
nb_bin= len(f)
# dB SPL for the frequency bandwidth
L_per_bin = L_per_bin - 10*log10(nb_bin)
return L_per_bin
def detection_distance (L_bkg, L0, f, r0= 1, delta_r=1, t=20, rh=60, pa=101325,
a0=0.02, rmax=10000):
Compute the detection distance also known as detection range or detection radius
or active space.
L_bkg : scalar or array-like
sound pressure level of the background/ambient "noise" in dB SPL
L0 : scalar or array-like
Initial sound pressure level measured at distance r0
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
r0 : scalar
distance at which L0 was measured (generally @1m)
delta_r : scalar
distance resolution in m
t: scalar, optional, default is 20
temperature in °C
rh: scalar, optional, default is 60
relative humidity in %
pa: scalar, optional, default is 101325
atmospheric pressure in Pa
a0 : scalar, optional, default is 0.02
attenuation coefficient of the habitat in dB/kHz/m
rmax : scalar, optional, default is 10000
define the maximal distance that is taken into account for active distance
calculation. Default value is 10000m (i.e. 10km) which is OK for most of
the purpose. If you increase the value, the calculation will be longer
distance_max : scalar or array-like
maximum distance of propagation before the sound pressure level is below
the ambient sound level
The maximum detection range is limited by the background noise or ambient sound
also called noise. The signal is attenuated during the propagation until
the level reaches the ambient sound level, meaning that the signal could not
be disantangle from the background sound anymore.
Estimation of the active distance for an initial sound of 90dB SPL @2kHz
with a background noise of 50dB SPL
>>> f, r = maad.spl.active_distance (L_bkg=50, L0=90, f=2000)
>>> print('Max active distance is %2.1fm' %r)
Max active distance is 70.0m
Estimation of the active distance for an initial sound of 90dB SPL @10kHz
with a background noise of 50dB SPL
>>> f, r = maad.spl.active_distance (L_bkg=50, L0=90, f=10000)
>>> print('Max active distance is %2.1fm' %r)
Max active distance is 32.0m
Estimation of the active distance for an initial sound of 90dB SPL @2kHz
with a background noise of 30dB SPL
>>> f, r = maad.spl.active_distance (L_bkg=30, L0=90, f=2000)
>>> print('Max active distance is %2.1fm' %r)
Max active distance is 263.0m
Estimation of the active distance for an initial sound of 90dB SPL @2kHz
with a background noise of 30dB SPL, in tropical rain forest atmosphere
(t=30, rh=99)
>>> f, r = maad.spl.active_distance(L_bkg=30,L0=90,f=2000,t=30,rh=99)
>>> print('Max active distance is %2.1fm' %r)
Max active distance is 247.0m
Estimation of the active distance for an initial sound of 90dB SPL @2kHz
with a background noise of 30dB SPL, in cold dry forest atmosphere
(t=5, rh=40)
>>> f, r = maad.spl.active_distance(L_bkg=30,L0=90,f=2000,t=5,rh=40)
>>> print('Max active distance is %2.1fm' %r)
Max active distance is 225.0m
# test if f is a scalar
if not hasattr(f, "__len__") : f = np.array([f])
if not hasattr(L_bkg, "__len__") : L_bkg = np.array([L_bkg])
if not hasattr(L0, "__len__") : L0 = np.array([L0])
# test if f, L_bkg and L0 have the same length
if not (len(f)==len(L_bkg) & len(f)==len(L_bkg) & len(L0)==len(L_bkg)) :
raise TypeError ('L_bkg, L0 and f must have the same length')
# test if r0 and a0 are scalars
if hasattr(r0, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('r0 must be a scalar ')
if hasattr(rmax, "__len__") : raise TypeError ('rmax must be a scalar ')
# set the distance vector
r = np.arange(1,rmax,delta_r)
# number of frequencies
Nf = len(f)
# set the distance max vector to store the result
distance_max = np.zeros(Nf)
# test for each frequency if the signal sound level at distance r is below
# the background sound level
for ii in np.arange(Nf) :
# estimate the full attenuation of the signal
Asum_dB, _ = attenuation_dB(f[ii], r, r0, t, rh, pa, a0)
# Get the sound level after subtracting the attenuation
L = L0[ii] - Asum_dB
# distance max that corresponds to a
if sum((L - L_bkg[ii])>0) >1 :
distance_max[ii] = r[np.argmin((L - L_bkg[ii])[(L - L_bkg[ii])>0])]
else :
distance_max[ii] = 0
# test if f and distance_max are scalars
if len(f) == 1 : f = f[0]
if len(distance_max) == 1 : distance_max = distance_max[0]
# return the frequency vector associated with the distance max
return f,distance_max
def pressure_at_r0 (f, r, p, r0=1, t=20, rh=60, pa=101325, a0=0.02) :
Estimate the pressure p0 at distance r0 from pressure p measured at
distance r. This function takes into account the geometric, atmospheric
and habitat attenuations.
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
r: scalar or array-like
distance in m at which p in Pa was measured
p : scalar or array-like
pressure in Pa
r0 : scalar
distance at which p0 needs to be estimated (generally @1m)
t: scalar, optional, default is 20
temperature in °C
rh: scalar, optional, default is 60
relative humidity in %
pa: scalar, optional, default is 101325
atmospheric pressure in Pa
a0 : scalar, optional, default is 0.02
attenuation coefficient of the habitat in dB/kHz/m
p0 : scalar or array-like
estimated pressure at distance r0.
This is a scalar if p is a scalar or a vector if p and r are vectors or
a matrix if p and r are matrix
Estimation of L0, knowing L=50dB SPL @60m @100Hz
>>> p = maad.spl.dBSPL2pressure(50)
>>> p0 = maad.spl.pressure_at_r0(100,60,p)
>>> L0 = maad.spl.pressure2dBSPL(p0)
>>> L0
Estimation of L0, knowing L=50dB SPL @60m @10000Hz
>>> p0 = maad.spl.pressure_at_r0(10000,100,p)
>>> L0 = maad.spl.pressure2dBSPL(p0)
>>> L0
Estimation of L0, knowing L=50dB SPL @10m @100Hz
>>> p = maad.spl.dBSPL2pressure(50)
>>> p0 = maad.spl.pressure_at_r0(100,10,p)
>>> L0 = maad.spl.pressure2dBSPL(p0)
>>> L0
# if vectors, test if r and L have same length
if (hasattr(r, "__len__") and hasattr(p, "__len__")) :
if not (len(r) == len(p)) : raise TypeError ('if vectors, r and p must have the same length')
# if scalar set f, r L as ndarray
if not hasattr(f, "__len__") : f = np.array([f])
if not hasattr(r, "__len__") : r = np.array([r])
if not hasattr(p, "__len__") : p = np.array([p])
# force to be an ndarray
f = np.asarray(f)
r = np.asarray(r)
p = np.asarray(p)
# f, r and L must be scalars or vectors
if f.ndim>1 : raise TypeError ('f must be a scalar or a vector')
if r.ndim>1 : raise TypeError ('r must be a scalar or a vector')
if p.ndim>1 : raise TypeError ('p must be a scalar or a vector')
Ageo_factor = _geometric_att_factor(r,r0)
Aatm_factor = _atmospheric_att_factor(f,r,r0,t,rh,pa)
Ahab_factor = _habitat_att_factor(f,r,r0,a0)
if Ageo_factor.size == Aatm_factor.size:
p0 = p * Ageo_factor**(-1) * Aatm_factor**(-1) * Ahab_factor**(-1)
p0 = p * (Ageo_factor**(-1))[np.newaxis,...] * Aatm_factor**(-1) * Ahab_factor**(-1)
if hasattr(p0, "__len__") :
# reshape the array when dimensions are 1
if p0.ndim ==1:
if p0.shape[0] == 1:
p0 = p0[0]
return p0
def dBSPL_at_r0 (f, r, L, r0=1, t=20, rh=60, pa=101325, a0=0.02, pRef=10e-6) :
Estimate the sound pressure level L0 (dB SPL) at distance r0 from sound pressure
level L measured at distance r.
This function takes into account the geometric, atmospheric and habitat attenuations.
f: scalar or array-like
frequency in Hz
r: scalar or array-like
distance in m at which p in Pa was measured
if r is a vector, r must have the same length as L
L : scalar or array-like
Sound pressure level L in dB SPL
if L is a vector, L must have the same length as r
r0 : scalar
distance at which p0 needs to be estimated (generally @1m)
t: scalar, optional, default is 20
temperature in °C
rh: scalar, optional, default is 60
relative humidity in %
pa: scalar, optional, default is 101325
atmospheric pressure in Pa
a0 : scalar, optional, default is 0.02
attenuation coefficient of the habitat in dB/kHz/m
L0 : scalar or array-like
estimated sound presssure level L0 at distance r0 [SCALAR]
# Transform the pressure into dB SPL
p = dBSPL2pressure(L)
# Get the initial pressure (Pa)
p0 = pressure_at_r0(f, r, p, r0, t, rh, pa, a0)
# Transform the pressure into dB SPL
L0 = pressure2dBSPL(p0, pRef)
return L0
def apply_attenuation (p0, fs, r, r0= 1, t=20, rh=60, pa=101325, a0=0.02):
Apply attenuation of a temporal signal p0 after propagation between the
reference distance r0 and the final distance r taken into account the
geometric, atmospheric and habitat attenuation contributions.
p0 : array-like (vector 1d)
temporal signal p0 in Pa (time domain)
fs: scalar
sampling frequency Hz
r: scalar
distance of propagation (in m) of the signal p0
r0 : scalar
distance at which the temporal signal p0 was measured
t: scalar, optional, default is 20
temperature in °C
rh: scalar, optional, default is 60
relative humidity in %
pa: scalar, optional, default is 101325
atmospheric pressure in Pa
a0 : scalar, optional, default is 0.02
attenuation coefficient of the habitat in dB/kHz/m
p : array-like (vector 1d)
temporal signal (time domain) after attenuation
Prepare the spinetail sound (Sound level @1m = 85dB SPL).
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav')
>>> p0 = maad.spl.wav2pressure(wave=w, gain=42)
>>> p0_sig = p0[int(5.68*fs):int(7.48*fs)]
>>> p0_noise = p0[int(8.32*fs):int(10.12*fs)]
>>> Sxx_power, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram(p0_sig ,fs)
>>> Sxx_power_noise, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram(p0_noise ,fs)
>>> Sxx_dB = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_power, db_range=96) + 96
>>> Sxx_dB_noise = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_power_noise, db_range=96) + 96
Get the sound level of the spinetail song (sound between 4900-7500 Hz).
>>> p0_sig_4900_7500 = maad.sound.select_bandwidth(p0_sig,fs,fcut=[4900,7300],forder=10, ftype='bandpass')
>>> L = maad.spl.pressure2leq(p0_sig_4900_7500, fs)
>>> print ('Sound Level measured : %2.2fdB SPL' %L)
Estimate maximum distance from the source.
>>> r = maad.spl.active_distance(L, 85, f=(7500+4900)/2)
plot original spectrogram
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5) = plt.subplots(1,5, sharex=True, figsize=(15,3))
>>> maad.util.plot2d(Sxx_dB, ax=ax1, extent=ext, vmin=0, vmax=70, figsize=[3,3])
Compute the audio attenuation at 10m.
>>> p_att = maad.spl.apply_attenuation(p0_sig, fs, r0=5, r =10)
>>> Sxx_power_att, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram(p_att,fs)
>>> Sxx_dB_att_10m = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_power_att,db_range=96) + 96
>>> p_att = maad.spl.apply_attenuation(p0_sig, fs, r0=5, r =20)
>>> Sxx_power_att, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram(p_att,fs)
>>> Sxx_dB_att_20m = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_power_att,db_range=96) + 96
>>> p_att = maad.spl.apply_attenuation(p0_sig, fs, r0=5, r =40)
>>> Sxx_power_att, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram(p_att,fs)
>>> Sxx_dB_att_40m = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_power_att,db_range=96) + 96
>>> p_att = maad.spl.apply_attenuation(p0_sig, fs, r0=5, r =80)
>>> Sxx_power_att, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram(p_att,fs)
>>> Sxx_dB_att_80m = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_power_att,db_range=96) + 96
Add noise to the signal.
>>> Sxx_dB_att_10m = maad.util.add_dB(Sxx_dB_att_10m,Sxx_dB_noise) - 3
>>> Sxx_dB_att_20m = maad.util.add_dB(Sxx_dB_att_20m,Sxx_dB_noise) - 3
>>> Sxx_dB_att_40m = maad.util.add_dB(Sxx_dB_att_40m,Sxx_dB_noise) - 3
>>> Sxx_dB_att_80m = maad.util.add_dB(Sxx_dB_att_80m,Sxx_dB_noise) - 3
Plot attenuated spectrogram.
>>> maad.util.plot2d(Sxx_dB_att_10m, ax=ax2, extent=ext, vmin=0, vmax=70, figsize=[3,3])
>>> maad.util.plot2d(Sxx_dB_att_20m, ax=ax3, extent=ext, vmin=0, vmax=70, figsize=[3,3])
>>> maad.util.plot2d(Sxx_dB_att_40m, ax=ax4, extent=ext, vmin=0, vmax=70, figsize=[3,3])
>>> maad.util.plot2d(Sxx_dB_att_80m, ax=ax5, extent=ext, vmin=0, vmax=70, figsize=[3,3])
# Fourier domain
p0_f = np.fft.fft(p0)
f = np.arange(len(p0_f)) / len(p0_f) * fs /2
# apply attenuation
p_f = p0_f * _attenuation_factor(f, r, r0, t, rh, pa, a0)
# Go back to the time domain
p = np.fft.ifft(p_f)
# keep the real part
p = np.real(p)
return (p)