#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Collection of functions to convert audio and voltage data to Sound Pressure
Level (SPL in Pascal) and Leq (Continuous Equivalent SPL).
Functions are adapted from the algorithm proposed in Merchant, N.D., Fristrup, K.M., Johnson, M.P., Tyack, P.L., Witt, M.J., Blondel, P. and Parks, S.E. (2015), Measuring acoustic habitats. Methods Ecol Evol, 6: 257-265. `DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12330 <https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.12330>`_
# Authors: Juan Sebastian ULLOA <lisofomia@gmail.com>
# Sylvain HAUPERT <sylvain.haupert@mnhn.fr>
# License: New BSD License
# ------------------- Load modules ---------------------------
# Import external modules
import numpy as np
from numpy import sum, log10, abs, mean, sqrt
# min value
import sys
_MIN_ = sys.float_info.min
# ------------------- Functions ---------------------------
def wav2volt (wave, Vadc=2):
Convert an audio signal amplitude to Volts.
wave : ndarray-like or scalar
wave should already be normalized between -1 to 1 (depending on the number of bits)
take the output of the function sound.load of maad module
ndarray-like or scalar containing the raw sound waveform
Vadc : scalar, optional, default is 2Vpp (=>+/-1V)
Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC
volt : ndarray-like or scalar
ndarray-like or scalar containing the sound waveform in volt
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> maad.spl.wav2volt(wave=w, Vadc=2)
array([ 0.02155849, 0.02570888, 0.02583096, ..., -0.0082877 ,
-0.00438145, -0.00755528])
# force to be ndarray
wave = np.asarray(wave)
volt =wave * Vadc
return volt
def volt2pressure(volt, gain, sensitivity=-35, dBref=94):
Convert Volts to instantaneous sound pressure (p [Pa]).
volt : ndarray-like or scalar
ndarray-like or scalar containing the sound waveform in volt
gain : integer
Total gain applied to the sound (preamplifer + amplifier)
sensitivity : float, optional, default is -35 (dB/V)
Sensitivity of the microphone
dBref : integer, optional, default is 94 (dBSPL)
Pressure sound level used for the calibration of the microphone
(usually 94dB, sometimes 114dB)
p : ndarray-like or scalar
ndarray-like or scalar containing the sound waveform in pressure (Pa)
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> v = maad.spl.wav2volt(wave=w)
>>> maad.spl.volt2pressure(volt=v, gain=42)
array([ 0.00962983, 0.01148374, 0.01153826, ..., -0.00370198,
-0.00195712, -0.00337482])
Same result with the function wav2pressure
>>> maad.spl.wav2pressure(wave=w, gain=42)
array([ 0.00962983, 0.01148374, 0.01153826, ..., -0.00370198,
-0.00195712, -0.00337482])
# force to be ndarray
volt = np.asarray(volt)
# wav to instantaneous sound pressure level (SPL)
# coefficient to convert Volt into pressure (Pa)
coeff = 1/10**(sensitivity/20)
p = volt * coeff / 10**(gain/20)
return p
def wav2pressure (wave, gain, Vadc = 2, sensitivity=-35, dBref=94):
Convert wave amplitude to instantaneous sound pressure (p [Pa]).
wave : ndarray-like or scalar
wave should already be normalized between -1 to 1 (depending on the number of bits)
take the output of the function sound.load of maad module
ndarray-like or scalar containing the raw sound waveform
gain : integer
Total gain applied to the sound (preamplifer + amplifier)
Vadc : scalar, optional, default is 2Vpp (=>+/-1V)
Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC
sensitivity : float, optional, default is -35 (dB/V)
Sensitivity of the microphone
dBref : integer, optional, default is 94 (dBSPL)
Pressure sound level used for the calibration of the microphone
(usually 94dB, sometimes 114dB)
p : ndarray-like or scalar
ndarray-like or scalar containing the sound waveform in pressure (Pa)
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> maad.spl.wav2pressure(wave=w, gain=42)
array([ 0.00962983, 0.01148374, 0.01153826, ..., -0.00370198,
-0.00195712, -0.00337482])
Same result with 2 functions
>>> v = maad.spl.wav2volt(wave=w)
>>> maad.spl.volt2pressure(volt=v, gain=42)
array([ 0.00962983, 0.01148374, 0.01153826, ..., -0.00370198,
-0.00195712, -0.00337482])
# force to be ndarray
wave = np.asarray(wave)
v = wav2volt(wave, Vadc)
p = volt2pressure(v, gain, sensitivity, dBref)
return p
def pressure2dBSPL (p, pRef=20e-6):
Convert sound pressure (p [Pa]) to sound pressure level (L [dB]).
p : ndarray-like or scalar
Array or scalar containing the sound pressure in Pa
pRef : Sound pressure reference in the medium (air:20e-6 Pa, water:1e-6 Pa)
L : ndarray-like or scalar
Array or scalar containing the sound pressure level (L [dB])
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> p = maad.spl.wav2pressure(wave=w, gain=42)
Get instantaneous sound pressure level (L)
>>> maad.spl.pressure2dBSPL(abs(p))
array([53.65176859, 55.18106489, 55.22220942, ..., 45.3480775 ,
39.81175156, 44.54440589])
Get equivalent sound pressure level (Leq) from the RMS of the pressure signal
>>> p_rms = maad.util.rms(p)
>>> maad.spl.pressure2dBSPL(p_rms)
# force to be ndarray
p = np.asarray(p)
# if p ==0 set to MIN
p[p==0] = _MIN_
# Take the log of the ratio pressure/pRef
L = 20*log10(p/pRef)
return L
def dBSPL2pressure (L, pRef=20e-6):
Convert sound pressure level (L [dB]) to sound pressure (p [Pa]).
L : ndarray-like or scalar
Array or scalar containing the sound pressure level (L [dB])
pRef : Sound pressure reference in the medium (air:20e-6 Pa, water:1e-6 Pa)
p : ndarray-like or scalar
Array or scalar containing the sound pressure in Pa
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> p = maad.spl.wav2pressure(wave=w, gain=42)
>>> p_rms = maad.util.rms(p)
>>> print(p_rms)
>>> L = maad.spl.pressure2dBSPL(p_rms)
>>> maad.spl.dBSPL2pressure(L)
# force to be ndarray
L = np.asarray(L)
# dB SPL to pressure
p = 10**(L/20)*pRef
return p
def wav2dBSPL (wave, gain, Vadc=2, sensitivity=-35, dBref=94, pRef=20e-6):
Convert wave amplitude to instantaneous sound pressure level (L [dB SPL]).
wave : ndarray-like or scalar
wave should already be normalized between -1 to 1 (depending on the number of bits)
take the output of the function sound.load of maad module
ndarray-like or scalar containing the raw sound waveform
gain : integer
Total gain applied to the sound (preamplifer + amplifier)
Vadc : scalar, optional, default is 2Vpp (=>+/-1V)
Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC
sensitivity : float, optional, default is -35 (dB/V)
Sensitivity of the microphone
dBref : integer, optional, default is 94 (dBSPL)
Pressure sound level used for the calibration of the microphone
(usually 94dB, sometimes 114dB)
pRef : Sound pressure reference in the medium (air:20e-6 Pa, water:1e-6 Pa)
L : ndarray-like or scalar
ndarray-like or scalar containing the sound waveform in dB SPL (Sound Pressure level in dB)
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> L = maad.spl.wav2dBSPL(wave=w, gain=42)
Get an approximate of the equivalent sound pressure level (Leq)
>>> maad.util.mean_dB(L)
Get equivalent sound pressure level (Leq) from the dedicated function
>>> Leq = maad.spl.wav2leq(w, fs, gain=42, dt=1)
>>> Leq_mean = maad.util.mean_dB(Leq)
>>> Leq_mean
# force to be ndarray
wave = np.asarray(wave)
p = wav2pressure(wave, gain, Vadc, sensitivity, dBref)
p_abs = abs(p)
L = pressure2dBSPL(p_abs, pRef)
return L
def amplitude2dBSPL (s, gain, Vadc=2, sensitivity=-35, dBref=94, pRef=20e-6):
Convert signal (amplitude) to instantaneous sound pressure level (L [dB SPL]).
s : ndarray-like or scalar
s is an amplitude signal (not energy signal : s² )
gain : integer
Total gain applied to the sound (preamplifer + amplifier)
Vadc : scalar, optional, default is 2Vpp (=>+/-1V)
Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC
sensitivity : float, optional, default is -35 (dB/V)
Sensitivity of the microphone
dBref : integer, optional, default is 94 (dBSPL)
Pressure sound level used for the calibration of the microphone
(usually 94dB, sometimes 114dB)
pRef : Sound pressure reference in the medium (air:20e-6 Pa, water:1e-6 Pa)
L : ndarray-like or scalar
ndarray-like or scalar containing the sound waveform in dB SPL (Sound Pressure level in dB)
See also
>>> import numpy as np
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> Sxx_amplitude,tn,fn,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram (w, fs, nperseg=1024, mode='amplitude')
>>> S_amplitude_mean = np.mean(Sxx_amplitude, axis=1)
Get instantaneous sound pressure level (L).
>>> maad.spl.amplitude2dBSPL(S_amplitude_mean, gain=42)
array([39.56422048, 44.37117437, 41.95705677, 39.60547011, 36.43237323,
33.24966066, 31.44139953, 30.4473799 , 28.91589639, 27.26962076,
26.7722199 , 26.27328293, 25.69373328, 24.73880674, 23.85828781,
-6.30767022, -6.46481481, -6.49907112, -6.52754376, -6.52476444,
-6.73617834, -6.75685948])
# force to be ndarray
s = np.asarray(s)
L = wav2dBSPL (s, gain, Vadc, sensitivity, dBref, pRef)
return L
def power2dBSPL (P, gain, Vadc=2, sensitivity=-35, dBref=94, pRef=20e-6):
Convert power (amplitude²) to sound pressure level (L [dB]).
P : ndarray-like or scalar
ndarray-like or scalar containing the power signal (P), for instance
Sxx_power, the power spectral density (PSD)
gain : integer
Total gain applied to the sound (preamplifer + amplifier)
Vadc : scalar, optional, default is 2Vpp (=>+/-1V)
Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC
sensitivity : float, optional, default is -35 (dB/V)
Sensitivity of the microphone
dBref : integer, optional, default is 94 (dBSPL)
Pressure sound level used for the calibration of the microphone
(usually 94dB, sometimes 114dB)
pRef : Sound pressure reference in the medium (air:20e-6 Pa, water:1e-6 Pa)
L : ndarray-like or scalar
ndarray-like or scalar containing the sound pressure level (L [dB])
See also
>>> import numpy as np
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> Sxx_power,tn,fn,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram (w, fs, nperseg=1024, mode='psd')
>>> S_power_mean = np.mean(Sxx_power, axis=1)
Get instantaneous sound pressure level (L).
>>> maad.spl.power2dBSPL(S_power_mean, gain=42)
array([41.56456034, 45.44257539, 43.17154534, 41.50665519, 38.08392914,
34.52770543, 32.57142163, 31.68137318, 30.32861314, 28.46111069,
27.88530431, 27.48595098, 26.96673216, 25.88241843, 24.93524547,
-5.24972979, -5.38796789, -5.42812278, -5.47003443, -5.47740917,
-5.67015921, -5.68214822])
# force to be ndarray
P = np.asarray(P)
# convert power (energy) to amplitude
w = sqrt(P)
# convert amplitude to dB sPL
L = wav2dBSPL (w, gain, Vadc, sensitivity, dBref, pRef)
return L
################################## Leq ########################################
def wav2leq (wave, f, gain, Vadc=2, dt=1, sensitivity=-35, dBref = 94, pRef = 20e-6):
Convert wave to Equivalent Continuous Sound Pressure level (Leq [dB SPL]).
wave : ndarray-like or scalar
wave should already be normalized between -1 to 1 (depending on the number of bits)
take the output of the function sound.load of maad module
ndarray-like or scalar containing the raw sound waveform
f : integer
Sampling frequency in Hz
gain : integer
Total gain applied to the sound (preamplifer + amplifier)
Vadc : scalar, optional, default is 2Vpp (=>+/-1V)
Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC
dt : float, optional, default is 1 (second)
Integration step to compute the Leq (Equivalent Continuous Sound level)
sensitivity : float, optional, default is -35 (dB/V)
Sensitivity of the microphone
dBref : integer, optional, default is 94 (dBSPL)
Pressure sound level used for the calibration of the microphone
(usually 94dB, sometimes 114dB)
pRef : Sound pressure reference in the medium (air:20e-6, water:1e-6 Pa)
Leq : float
Equivalent Continuous Sound pressure level (Leq [dB SPL])
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> Leq = maad.spl.wav2leq (w, fs, gain=42)
>>> maad.util.mean_dB(Leq)
# force to be ndarray
wave = np.asarray(wave)
# convert in Volt
volt = wav2volt(wave, Vadc)
##### volt amplitude to Leq
# wav to RMS
dN = int(np.floor(dt*f)) # RMS period in number of points
N_RMS = int(np.floor(len(volt)/dN)) # number of RMS periods
# reduction of volt vector length
volt_1D = volt[0:dN*N_RMS]
# reshape into 2D (the duration of each row is dt)
volt_2D = volt_1D.reshape(N_RMS,dN)
volt_RMS = sqrt(mean(volt_2D**2,axis=1))
# if volt_RMS ==0 set to MIN
volt_RMS[volt_RMS==0] = _MIN_
# RMS to Leq (Equivalent Continuous Sound level)
Leq = 20*log10(volt_RMS) - sensitivity - gain + dBref - 20*np.log10(pRef/20e-6)
return Leq
def pressure2leq (p, fs, dt=1, pRef = 20e-6):
Convert pressure vector (p [Pa]) to Equivalent Continuous Sound Pressure
level (Leq [dB SPL]).
p : ndarray-like
Array containing the sound pressure in Pa
fs : integer
Sampling frequency in Hz
dt : float, optional, default is 1 (second)
Integration step to compute the Leq (Equivalent Continuous Sound level)
pRef : Sound pressure reference in the medium (air:20e-6, water:1e-6 Pa)
Leq : float
Equivalent Continuous Sound pressure level (Leq [dB SPL])
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> p = maad.spl.wav2pressure(wave=w, gain=42)
>>> Leq = maad.spl.pressure2leq (p, fs)
>>> maad.util.mean_dB(Leq)
# be sure they are ndarray
p = np.asarray(p)
##### wav SPLto Leq
# wav to RMS
dN = int(np.floor(dt*fs)) # RMS period in number of points
N_RMS = int(np.floor(len(p)/dN)) # number of RMS periods
# reduction of volt vector length
p_1D = p[0:dN*N_RMS]
# reshape into 2D (the duration of each row is dt)
p_2D = p_1D.reshape(N_RMS,dN)
p_RMS = sqrt(mean(p_2D**2,axis=1))
# if p_RMS ==0 set to MIN
p_RMS[p_RMS==0] = _MIN_
# RMS to Leq (Equivalent Continuous Sound level)
Leq = 20*log10(p_RMS/pRef)
return Leq
def psd2leq (P, gain, Vadc=2, sensitivity=-35, dBref = 94, pRef = 20e-6):
Convert Power spectral density (PSD, amplitude²) into
Equivalent Continuous Sound pressure level (Leq [dB SPL])
P : ndarray-like (1d)
ndarray-like containing the Power spectral density (PSD=amplitude²)
gain : integer
Total gain applied to the sound (preamplifer + amplifier)
Vadc : scalar, optional, default is 2Vpp (=>+/-1V)
Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC
sensitivity : float, optional, default is -35 (dB/V)
Sensitivity of the microphone
dBref : integer, optional, default is 94 (dBSPL)
Pressure sound level used for the calibration of the microphone
(usually 94dB, sometimes 114dB)
pRef : Sound pressure reference in the medium (air:20e-6, water:1e-6 Pa)
Leq : float
Equivalent Continuous Sound pressure level (Leq [dB SPL])
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> Sxx_power,tn,fn,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram (w, fs)
>>> S_power_mean = maad.sound.avg_power_spectro(Sxx_power)
>>> maad.spl.psd2leq(S_power_mean, gain=42)
# be sure they are ndarray
P = np.asarray(P)
# convert P (amplitude²) to pressure²
P = wav2pressure (sqrt(P), gain, Vadc, sensitivity, dBref)**2
# if P ==0 set to MIN
P[P==0] = _MIN_
# Energy (pressure^2) to Leq (=> Leq (Equivalent Continuous Sound level)
# if the sum is performed on the whole PSD)
Leq = 10*log10(sum(P)/pRef**2)
return Leq
################################ TEST ########################################
## Test the current operating system
if __name__ == "__main__":
# ############## Import MAAD module
from pathlib import Path # in order to be Windows/Linux/MacOS compatible
import os
# change the path to the current path where the script is located
# Get the current dir of the current file
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('__file__'))
# data directory
datadir = (Path(dir_path).parents[1] / "data/").resolve()
filename = datadir/"cold_forest_daylight.wav"
# Go to the root directory where is the module maad and import maad
maad_path = Path(dir_path).parents[1]
from maad import sound, util, spl
####### Variables
SENSITIVITY = -35 # Sensbility microphone (for SM4 it is -35dBV)
GAIN_TOTAL = 42 # total amplification gain : preamplifier gain = 26dB and gain = 16dB
PREF = 20e-6 # Reference pressure (in the air : 20µPa)
DELTA_T = 1 # Leq integration time dt in s
NFFT = 1024 # length of the fft
VADC = 2 # Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC (i.e : +/- 1V peak to peak => Vadc=2V)
# Load the sound
wav,fs = sound.load(filename=filename, channel='right', detrend=False, verbose=False)
## conversion into dB SPL
print('Leq calculation directly from the sound file (in time or frequency domain)')
# convert sounds (wave) into SPL and subtract DC offset
wav = wav - np.mean(wav)
# wav -> pressure -> Leq
p = spl.wav2pressure(wav, gain=GAIN_TOTAL, Vadc=VADC, sensitivity=SENSITIVITY, dBref=94)
Leq = spl.pressure2leq(p, fs, dt=DELTA_T, pRef=PREF)
print('Leq from volt', util.mean_dB(Leq))
# wav -> Leq
wav_Leq2 = spl.wav2leq(wav, f=fs, gain=GAIN_TOTAL, Vadc=VADC, dt=DELTA_T,
sensitivity=SENSITIVITY, dBref=94, pRef=PREF)
print('Leq from wav', util.mean_dB(wav_Leq2))
# Power Density Spectrum : PSD
# with wav
from numpy import fft
P = abs(fft.fft(wav)/len(wav))**2
# average Leq from PSD
P_Leq3 = spl.psd2leq(P, gain=GAIN_TOTAL, Vadc=VADC,
sensitivity=SENSITIVITY, dBref=94, pRef=PREF)
print('Leq from PSD',P_Leq3)
# Leq from spectrogram Sxx_power :
print('Leq calculation from Spectrogram (time-frequency representation of a sound)')
# Power Density Spectrogram : Sxx_power
# with wav
Sxx_power,tn,fn,_ = sound.spectrogram (wav, fs=fs, nperseg=NFFT, mode='psd')
# Sxx_power to S_power
S_power = np.mean(Sxx_power,axis=1)
# average Leq from S_power
P_Leq5 = spl.psd2leq(S_power, gain=GAIN_TOTAL, Vadc=VADC,
sensitivity=SENSITIVITY, dBref=94, pRef=PREF)
print('Leq from Sxx_power spectrogram',P_Leq5)
# total energy from S_power
energy = np.sum(S_power)
P_Leq6 = spl.wav2dBSPL(np.sqrt(energy), gain=GAIN_TOTAL, Vadc=VADC,
sensitivity=SENSITIVITY, dBref=94, pRef=PREF)
print('Leq from S_power energy',P_Leq6)
print('> The difference with previous Leq calculation is due to the average of '+
'the Sxx_power along the time axis which reduces the noise contribution into the total energy.')
print('> By increasing the NFFT length (i.e. NFFT=4096), Leq value converges towards previous Leq values')