Source code for maad.util.audio_metadata_utilities

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to get audio metadata from files

Warning for Windows users. Due to problems using slashes and backslashes, Paths must be raw strings
instead of regular strings, to convert a regular string into a raw string simply add an r before the string.
for example:
    raw string:        r'C:/Users/Documents/Folder/SubFolder/file.wav'

import wave
import glob
import os
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

def _ensure_directory(path_str):
    # Create a Path object from the input string
    path = Path(path_str)
    # Check if the path exists and is a directory
    if path.is_dir():
        return path
    elif path.exists():
        # If the path exists but is not a directory, raise an error
        raise ValueError(f"'{path_str}' exists but is not a directory.")
        # If the path does not exist, try adding a '/' at the end and check again
        path_with_slash = path / ''
        if path_with_slash.is_dir():
            return path_with_slash
            raise ValueError(f"'{path_str}' does not exist as a directory.")

[docs] def check_file_format(path_audio): """ Check Wave file consistency. Check if WAVE format is correct and if file name follows standard format. The standard format is SITENAME_DATE_TIME.WAV, with DATE as YYYYMMDD and TIME as HHMMSS. Parameters ---------- path_audio : str Location of audio filename. Raises ------ File Not Found If file does not exist. Returns ------- error : int 0 if no error is found, 1 if WAVE format is incorrect and 2 if filename has no standard format. """ basename = os.path.basename(path_audio) # Check Wave format: # try to open wav file, if error return only file name and null values on fields try: with, 'rb') as f: _ = f.getparams() except FileNotFoundError as fnfe: raise fnfe except: error = 1 return error # Check file name format: # 1. File name must have 3 fields separated by underscore '_' # 2. Second field (date) must have 8 characters # 3. Third field (time) must have 6 charcaters + 4 = 10 ('.WAV') if (len(basename.split('_')) != 3): error = 2 return error else: date_str = basename.split('_')[1] time_str = basename.split('_')[2] if ((len(date_str) != 8) | # date_str should have 8 characters (len(time_str) != 10) | # time_str + '.wav' should have 10 characters (not (date_str.isnumeric())) | # date_str should be numeric (not (time_str[0:-4].isnumeric())) # time_str should be numeric ): error = 2 else: error = 0 return error
[docs] def audio_header(path_audio): """ Get audio header information from WAVE file. Header information includes, sample rate, bit depth, number of channels, number of samples, file size and duration. Parameters ---------- path_audio : str Location of audio file. Returns ------- metadata : dictionary header information. Examples -------- >>> from maad import util >>> dic_metadata = util.audio_header('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> print(dic_metadata) {'path_audio': '../data/spinetail.wav', 'fname': 'spinetail.wav', 'sample_rate': 44100, 'channels': 1, 'bits': 16, 'samples': 861799, 'fsize': 1723642, 'length': 19.541927437641725} """ basename = os.path.basename(path_audio) with, 'rb') as f: meta = f.getparams() metadata = {'path_audio': path_audio, 'fname': basename, 'sample_rate': meta.framerate, 'channels': meta.nchannels, 'bits': meta.sampwidth * 8, 'samples': meta.nframes, 'fsize': os.path.getsize(path_audio), 'length': meta.nframes / meta.framerate} return metadata
[docs] def filename_info(path_audio, verbose =False): """ Get information from filename when using standard format. The standard format is SITENAME_DATE_TIME.WAV, with DATE as YYYYMMDD and TIME as HHMMSS. Parameters ---------- path_audio : str Location of audio file. Returns ------- metadata : dictionary file name information. """ if check_file_format(path_audio) == 0: basename = os.path.basename(path_audio) date = basename.split("_")[1] hour = basename.split("_")[2] date_fmt = date[0:4] + "-" + date[4:6] + "-" + date[6:8] + " " + hour[0:2] + ":" + hour[2:4] + ":" + hour[4:6] # structure data metadata = {'path_audio': path_audio, 'fname': basename, 'sensor_name': basename.split("_")[0], 'date': pd.to_datetime(date_fmt), 'time': basename.split("_")[2][0:6]} else: raise TypeError( 'File name format not supported. The standard format must be SITENAME_DATE_TIME.WAV, with DATE as YYYYMMDD and TIME as HHMMSS.') return metadata
[docs] def get_metadata_file(path_audio, verbose=False): """ Get metadata asociated with audio recordings in audio file. Metadata includes basic information of the audio file format (sample rate, number of channels, bit depth and file size), and date information from the filename. Note however, that this function is intended for use only with audio files with a self-describing header. Parameters ---------- path_audio : str Path to the audio file name. verbose : boolean, optional Display error messages. The default is False. Returns ------- metadata : dictionary Dictionary with metadata. """ path_audio = path_audio.replace('\\', '/') # for compatibility with Windows basename = os.path.basename(path_audio) flag = check_file_format(path_audio) if flag == 1: # unreadable audio file metadata = {'path_audio': path_audio, 'fname': basename, 'sample_rate': np.nan, 'channels': np.nan, 'bits': np.nan, 'samples': np.nan, 'fsize': np.nan, 'sensor_name': np.nan, 'date': np.nan, 'time': np.nan, 'length': np.nan} if verbose: print('Incorrect name or wave format. Return null values for: ', path_audio) return metadata elif flag == 2: # filename format error (for passive acoustic monitoring only) info_header = audio_header(path_audio) metadata = {'path_audio': path_audio, 'fname': info_header['fname'], 'sample_rate': info_header['sample_rate'], 'channels': info_header['channels'], 'bits': info_header['bits'], 'samples': info_header['samples'], 'length': info_header['length'], 'fsize': info_header['fsize'], 'sensor_name': np.nan, 'date': np.nan, 'time': np.nan} return metadata else: # No error,execute function info_header = audio_header(path_audio) info_fname = filename_info(path_audio) metadata = {'path_audio': path_audio, 'fname': info_header['fname'], 'sample_rate': info_header['sample_rate'], 'channels': info_header['channels'], 'bits': info_header['bits'], 'samples': info_header['samples'], 'length': info_header['length'], 'fsize': info_header['fsize'], 'sensor_name': info_fname['sensor_name'], 'date': info_fname['date'], 'time': info_fname['time']} return metadata
# %%
[docs] def get_metadata_dir(path_dir, verbose=False): """ Get metadata asociated with audio recordings in a directory. Metadata includes basic information of the audio file format (sample rate, number of channels, bit depth and file size), and date information from the filename. Note however, that this function is intended for use only with audio files with a self-describing header. Parameters ---------- path_dir : str Path of either a directory or a file. it will select all wav files in the parent folder (of either the file or directory in path_dir). The search for file is performed recursively. verbose : boolean, optional Output file progress. The default is False. Returns ------- df_metadata : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe with metadata, files as rows and metadata as columns. See Also -------- maad.util.get_metadata_file, maad.util.audio_header, maad.util.filename_info Examples -------- >>> from maad import util >>> df_metadata = util.get_metadata_dir('../data/indices/') """ # Verify that input is a directory path_dir = _ensure_directory(path_dir) # List all files recursively and select only wav files. flist_wav = glob.glob(f"{path_dir}/**/*.[Ww][Aa][Vv]", recursive=True) # Get metadata for each file df_metadata = pd.DataFrame() for count, file in enumerate(flist_wav): if verbose: print(f'{count +1} / {len(flist_wav)} : {os.path.basename(file)}', end='\r') data = get_metadata_file(file, verbose) df_metadata = pd.concat([df_metadata, pd.DataFrame.from_records([data])]) df_metadata.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return df_metadata
#%% Examples of use """ Test functions # 1. Read metadata from a valid file with correct name format -> read ok path_audio = './test_data/S4A03895_20190522_000000.wav' get_metadata_file(path_audio) audio_header(path_audio) filename_info(path_audio) check_file_format(path_audio) # should be 0 # 2. Read metadata from a valid file with incorrect name format -> null output path_audio = './test_data/spinetail_20220219_30222L.wav' get_metadata_file(path_audio) audio_header(path_audio) filename_info(path_audio) check_file_format(path_audio) # should be error=2 # 3. Read metadata from a wav file with incorrect format and correct name format -> null output path_audio = './test_data/NOHEADER_20190522_000000.wav' get_metadata_file(path_audio) audio_header(path_audio) filename_info(path_audio) check_file_format(path_audio) # should be error=1 # 4. Read metadata from a file with no header and incorrect name format -> null output path_audio = './test_data/NOHEADER_BAD_FNAME_FORMAT.wav' get_metadata_file(path_audio) audio_header(path_audio) filename_info(path_audio) check_file_format(path_audio) # should be error=1 """