#!/usr/bin/env python
Mathematical tools for audio signal processing.
# =============================================================================
# Load the modules
# =============================================================================
# Import external modules
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import mean, median, var
from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter1d # for fast running mean
from scipy.signal import periodogram, welch
import pandas as pd
# min value
import sys
_MIN_ = sys.float_info.min
# Import internal modules
from maad.util import linear_scale
# =============================================================================
# public functions
# =============================================================================
def running_mean(x, N, mode="nearest"):
Compute fast running mean for a window size N.
x : 1d ndarray of scalars
mode : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'}, optional,
The `mode` parameter determines how the input array is extended
when the filter overlaps a border. Default is 'nearest'. Behavior
for each valid value is as follows:
'reflect' (`d c b a | a b c d | d c b a`)
The input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last
'constant' (`k k k k | a b c d | k k k k`)
The input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with
the same constant value, defined by the `cval` parameter.
'nearest' (`a a a a | a b c d | d d d d`)
The input is extended by replicating the last pixel.
'mirror' (`d c b | a b c d | c b a`)
The input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last
'wrap' (`a b c d | a b c d | a b c d`)
The input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge.
N : int
length of window to compute the mean
x_mean : 1d ndarray of scalars
Vector with the same dimensions than the original variable x
>>> maad.util.running_mean([2, 8, 0, 4, 1, 9, 9, 0], N=3)
array([4, 3, 4, 1, 4, 6, 6, 3])
x_mean = uniform_filter1d(x, size=N, mode="nearest")
return x_mean
def get_unimode (X, mode ='median', axis=1, N=7, N_bins=100, verbose=False):
Get the statistical mode or modal value which is the most common number in the
X : 1d or 2d ndarray of scalars
Vector or matrix
mode : str, optional, default is 'median'
Select the mode to remove the noise
Possible values for mode are :
- 'ale' : Adaptative Level Equalization algorithm [Lamel & al. 1981]
- 'median' : subtract the median value
- 'mean' : subtract the mean value (DC)
axis : integer, default is 1
if matrix, estimate the mode for each row (axis=0) or each column (axis=1)
N : int (only for mode = "ale")
length of window to compute the running mean of the histogram
N_bins : int (only for mode = "ale")
number of bins to compute the histogram
verbose : boolean, optional, default is False
print messages into the consol or terminal if verbose is True
unimode_value : float
The most common number in the dataset
ale : Adaptative Level Equalization algorithm from Lamel et al., 1981 :
L.F. Lamel, L.R. Rabiner, A.E. Rosenberg, J.G. Wilpon
An improved endpoint detector for isolated word recognition
IEEE Trans. ASSP, ASSP-29 (1981), pp. 777-785
`DOI: 10.1109/TASSP.1981.1163642 <https://doi.org/10.1109/TASSP.1981.1163642>`_
This function is interesting to obtain the background noise (BGN) profile (e.g. frequency bin
by frequency bin) of a spectrogram
>>> w, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> Sxx_power,tn,fn,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram(w,fs,window='hann',noverlap=512, nFFT=1024)
>>> Sxx_dB = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_power)
>>> BGN_med = maad.util.get_unimode (Sxx_dB, mode='median', axis=1)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot(fn,maad.util.mean_dB(Sxx_dB,axis=1))
>>> plt.plot(fn,BGN_med)
Extract the background noise from mean
>>> BGN_mean = maad.util.get_unimode (Sxx_dB, mode='mean', axis=1)
>>> plt.plot(fn,BGN_mean)
Extract the background noise from ale (i.e. unimode)
>>> BGN_ale = maad.util.get_unimode (Sxx_dB, mode='ale', N=7, N_bins=100, axis=1)
>>> plt.plot(fn,BGN_ale)
if X.ndim ==2:
if axis == 0:
X = X.transpose()
axis = 1
elif X.ndim ==1:
axis = 0
if mode=='ale':
if X.ndim ==2:
unimode_value = []
for i, x in enumerate(X):
# Min and Max of the envelope (without taking into account nan)
x_min = np.nanmin(x)
x_max = np.nanmax(x)
# Compute a 50-bin histogram ranging between Min and Max values
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(x, bins=N_bins, range=(x_min, x_max))
# smooth the histogram by running mean
hist_smooth = running_mean(hist, N, mode="nearest")
# find the maximum of the peak with quadratic interpolation
# don't take into account the first 4 bins.
imax = np.argmax(hist_smooth)
# transpose the vector
unimode_value = np.asarray(unimode_value)
unimode_value = unimode_value.transpose()
x = X
# Min and Max of the envelope (without taking into account nan)
x_min = np.nanmin(x)
x_max = np.nanmax(x)
# Compute a 50-bin histogram ranging between Min and Max values
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(x, bins=N_bins, range=(x_min, x_max))
# smooth the histogram by running mean
hist_smooth = running_mean(hist, N, mode="nearest")
# find the maximum of the peak with quadratic interpolation
imax = np.argmax(hist_smooth)
# assuming an additive noise model : noise_bckg is the max of the histogram
# as it is an histogram, the value is unimode_value = bin_edges_interp[np.argmax(hist_interp)]
unimode_value = bin_edges[imax]
elif mode=='median':
unimode_value = median(X, axis=axis)
elif mode=='mean':
unimode_value = mean(X, axis=axis)
return unimode_value
def rms(s):
Compute the root-mean-square (RMS) level of an input signal.
RMS is defined as the square root of the arithmetic mean of the square of a set of numbers [1]. The RMS is used to estimate de mean amplitude level of an audio signal or any alternative time series.
s : 1D array
Input signal to process
rms: float
Root mean square of input signal
.. [1] 'Root mean square' (2010). Wikipedia. Available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_mean_square
>>> from maad import sound, util
>>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav')
>>> rms_value = util.rms(s)
return np.sqrt(np.mean(s**2))
def skewness (x, axis=None):
Compute the skewness (asymetry) of an audio signal.
x : ndarray of floats
1d signal or 2d matrix
axis : integer, optional, default is None
select the axis to compute the kurtosis
The default is to compute the mean of the flattened array.
sk : float or ndarray of floats
skewness of x
if x is a 1d vector => single value
if x is a 2d matrix => array of values corresponding to the number of
points in the other axis
>>> from maad import sound, util
>>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav')
>>> util.skewness(s)
if isinstance(x, (np.ndarray)) == True:
if axis is None:
# flatten the array
Nf = len(np.ndarray.flatten((x)))
Nf = x.shape[axis]
mean_x = np.mean(x, axis=axis)
std_x = np.std(x, axis=axis)
if axis == 0 :
z = x - mean_x[np.newaxis, ...]
else :
z = x - mean_x[..., np.newaxis]
sk = (np.sum(z**3, axis=axis)/(Nf-1))/std_x**3
print ("WARNING: type of x must be ndarray")
sk = None
# test if ku is an array with a single value
if (isinstance(sk, (np.ndarray)) == True) and (len(sk) == 1):
sk = float(sk)
return sk
def kurtosis (x, axis=None):
Compute the kurtosis (tailedness or curved or arching) of an audio signal.
x : ndarray of floats
1d signal or 2d matrix
axis : integer, optional, default is None
select the axis to compute the kurtosis
The default is to compute the mean of the flattened array.
ku : float or ndarray of floats
kurtosis of x
if x is a 1d vector => single value
if x is a 2d matrix => array of values corresponding to the number of
points in the other axis
>>> from maad import sound, util
>>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav')
>>> util.kurtosis(s)
if isinstance(x, (np.ndarray)) == True:
if axis is None:
# flatten the array
Nf = len(np.ndarray.flatten((x)))
Nf = x.shape[axis]
mean_x = np.mean(x, axis=axis)
std_x = np.std(x, axis=axis)
if axis==0 :
z = x - mean_x[np.newaxis, ...]
z = x - mean_x[..., np.newaxis]
ku = (np.sum(z**4, axis=axis)/(Nf-1))/std_x**4
print ("WARNING: type of x must be ndarray")
ku = None
# test if ku is an array with a single value
if (isinstance(ku, (np.ndarray)) == True) and (len(ku) == 1):
ku = float(ku)
return ku
def moments (X, axis=None):
Computes the first 4th moments of a vector (1d, ie. spectrum or waveform)
or spectrogram (2d)
- mean
- variance
- skewness
- kurtosis
X : ndarray of floats
vector (1d : spectrum, waveform) or matrix (2d : spectrogram).
axis : interger, optional, default is None
if spectrogram (2d), select the axis to estimate the moments.
mean : float
mean of X
var : float
variance of X
skew : float
skewness of X
kurt : float
kurtosis of X
>>> from maad import sound, util
>>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav')
>>> mean, var, skew, kurt = util.moments(s)
>>> print ('mean:%2.4f / var:%2.4f / skew:%2.4f / kurt:%2.4f' %(mean, var, skew, kurt))
mean:-0.0000 / var:0.0012 / skew:-0.0065 / kurt:24.7116
# force X to be ndarray
X = np.asarray(X)
return mean(X, axis), var(X, axis), skewness(X, axis), kurtosis(X, axis)
def entropy (x, axis=0):
Compute the entropy of a vector (waveform) or matrix (spectrogram).
x : ndarray of floats
x is a vector (1d) or a matrix (2d)
axis : int, optional, default is 0
select the axis where the entropy is computed
if x is a vector, axis=0
if x is a 2d ndarray, axis=0 => rows, axis=1 => columns
H : float or ndarray of floats
entropy of x
>>> from maad import sound, util
>>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav')
>>> H = util.entropy(s)
>>> print ('Entropy is %2.4f' %H)
Entropy is 0.9998
# force x to be ndarray
x = np.asarray(x)
if isinstance(x, (np.ndarray)) == True:
if x.ndim > axis:
if x.shape[axis] == 0:
print ("WARNING: x is empty")
H = None
elif x.shape[axis] == 1:
H = 0 # null entropy
elif x.any() == 0: # test if there are only zeros
if x.ndim == 1 : # case vector
H = 1 # entropy = 1
else : # case matrix
if axis == 0 : H = np.ones(x.shape[1]) # entropy = 1
if axis == 1 : H = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # entropy = 1
# if datain contains negative values -> rescale the signal between
# between posSitive values (for example (0,1))
if np.min(x)<0:
x = linear_scale(x,minval=0,maxval=1)
# length of datain along axis
n = x.shape[axis]
# Tranform the signal into a Probability mass function (pmf)
# Sum(pmf) = 1
if axis == 0 :
pmf = x/np.sum(x,axis)
elif axis == 1 :
pmf = (x.transpose()/np.sum(x,axis)).transpose()
pmf[pmf==0] = _MIN_
#normalized by the length : H=>[0,1]
H = -np.sum(pmf*np.log(pmf),axis)/np.log(n)
print ("WARNING :axis is greater than the dimension of the array")
H = None
print ("WARNING: x must be ndarray")
H = None
return H