
maad.sound.wave2frames(s, Nt=512)[source]

Reshape a sound waveform (ie vector) into a serie of frames (ie matrix) of length Nt.

s1d ndarray of floats (already divided by the number of bits)

Vector containing the sound waveform

Ntint, optional, default is 512

Number of points per frame

timeframes2d ndarray of floats

Matrix containing K frames (row) with Nt points (column), K*N <= length (s)


>>> import numpy as np  

Fast method to estimate the envelope of a waveform

>>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/rock_savanna.wav')
>>> frames = maad.sound.wave2frames(s, Nt=32)
>>> env_fast = np.max(abs(frames),0) 

Comparison with the classic method with Hilbert transform

>>> env_hilbert = maad.sound.envelope(s, mode='hilbert')

Compute the time vector for the vector wave.

>>> t = np.arange(0,len(s),1)/fs

Compute the time vector for the vector env_fast.

>>> t_env_fast = np.arange(0,len(env_fast),1)*len(s)/fs/len(env_fast)

Plot 0.1s of the envelope and 0.1s of the abs(s).

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,4))
>>> ax1.plot(t[t<0.1], abs(s[t<0.1]), label='abs(s)', lw=0.7)
>>> ax1.plot(t[t<0.1], env_hilbert[t<0.1], label='env(s) - hilbert option', lw=0.7)
>>> ax1.plot(t_env_fast[t_env_fast<0.1], env_fast[t_env_fast<0.1], label='env(s) - fast option', lw=0.7)
>>> ax1.set_xlabel('Time [sec]')
>>> ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude')
>>> ax1.legend()