Source code for maad.features.spectral

#!/usr/bin/env python
Collection of functions to extract spectral features from audio signals
License: New BSD License

# =============================================================================
# Load the modules
# =============================================================================
# Import external modules

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import interpolate
from numpy.lib.function_base import _quantile_is_valid
from scipy.optimize import root

# Import internal modules
from maad.util import moments, power2dB
from maad import sound

# define internal functions
def _interpolate_peak_location(pxx):
    """ Estimate peak using quadratic interpolation """
    idxmax = pxx.index.get_loc(pxx.idxmax())
    if (idxmax==0) | (idxmax+1==len(pxx)):
        # if maximum is at beginning or at the end os spectrum, take maximum
        peak = pxx.idxmax()
        amplitude = pxx[peak]
        # use interpolation
        x = pxx.iloc[[idxmax-1, idxmax, idxmax+1]].index.values
        y = pxx.iloc[[idxmax-1, idxmax, idxmax+1]].values
        f = interpolate.interp1d(x,y, kind='quadratic')
        xnew = np.arange(x[0], x[2], 1)
        ynew = f(xnew)
        peak = xnew[ynew.argmax()]
        amplitude = ynew[ynew.argmax()]
    return peak, amplitude
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# public functions
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[docs] def spectral_moments (X, axis=None): """ Computes the first 4th moments of an amplitude spectrum (1d) or spectrogram (2d), mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray of floats Amplitude spectrum (1d) or spectrogram (2d). axis : interger, optional, default is None if spectrogram (2d), select the axis to estimate the moments. Returns ------- mean : float mean of the audio var : float variance of the audio skew : float skewness of the audio kurt : float kurtosis of the audio Examples -------- >>> from maad import sound, features >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> Sxx_power,_,_,_ = sound.spectrogram(s, fs) Compute spectral moments on the mean spectrum >>> import numpy as np >>> S_power = sound.avg_power_spectro(Sxx_power) >>> sm, sv, ss, sk = features.spectral_moments (S_power) >>> print('mean: %2.8f / var: %2.10f / skewness: %2.2f / kurtosis: %2.2f' % (sm, sv, ss, sk)) mean: 0.00000228 / var: 0.0000000001 / skewness: 5.84 / kurtosis: 40.49 Compute spectral moments of the spectrogram along the time axis >>> from maad.features import spectral_moments >>> sm_per_bin, sv_per_bin, ss_per_bin, sk_per_bin = spectral_moments(Sxx_power, axis=1) >>> print('Length of sk_per_bin is : %2.0f' % len(sk_per_bin)) Length of sk_per_bin is : 512 """ # force P to be ndarray X = np.asarray(X) return moments(X,axis)
[docs] def peak_frequency(s, fs, method='best', nperseg=1024, roi=None, amp=False, as_pandas=False, **kwargs): """ Compute the peak frequency for audio signal. The peak frequency is the frequency of maximum power. If a region of interest with time and spectral limits is provided, the peak frequency is computed on the selection. Parameters ---------- s : 1D array Input audio signal fs : float Sampling frequency of audio signal method : {'fast', 'best'}, optional Method used to compute the peak frequency. The default is 'best'. nperseg : int, optional Length of segment to compute the FFT. The default is 1024. roi : pandas.Series, optional Region of interest where peak frequency will be computed. Series must have a valid input format with index: min_t, min_f, max_t, max_f. The default is None. as_pandas: bool Return data as a pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame, when amp is False or True, respectively. Default is False. kwargs : additional keyword arguments Additional keyword arguments to pass to `sound.spectrum`. Returns ------- peak_freq : float Peak frequency of audio segment. amp_peak_freq : float Amplitud of the peak frequency of audio segment. Examples -------- >>> from maad import features, sound >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') Compute peak frequency >>> peak_freq, peak_freq_amp = features.peak_frequency(s, fs, amp=True) >>> print('Peak Frequency: {:.5f}, Amplitude: {:.5f}'.format(peak_freq, peak_freq_amp)) Peak Frequency: 6634.16016, Amplitude: 0.00013 """ if roi is None: pxx, fidx = sound.spectrum(s, fs, nperseg, **kwargs) else: pxx, fidx = sound.spectrum(s, fs, nperseg, tlims=[roi.min_t, roi.max_t], flims=[roi.min_f, roi.max_f], **kwargs) pxx = pd.Series(pxx, index=fidx) if method=='fast': # simplest form to get peak frequency, but less precise peak_freq = pxx.idxmax() amp_peak_freq = pxx[peak_freq] elif method=='best': # use interpolation get better estimate of peak frequency peak_freq, amp_peak_freq = _interpolate_peak_location(pxx) else: raise Exception("Invalid method. Method should be 'fast' or 'best' ") if amp: if as_pandas: out = pd.DataFrame({"freq":peak_freq, "amp":amp_peak_freq}, index=[0]) else: out = np.array([peak_freq, amp_peak_freq]) else: if as_pandas: out = pd.Series([peak_freq], index=["peak_freq"]) else: out = peak_freq return out
[docs] def spectral_quantile(s, fs, q=[0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95], nperseg=1024, roi=None, as_pandas=False, amp=False, **kwargs): """ Compute the q-th quantile of the power spectrum. If a region of interest with time and spectral limits is provided, the q-th quantile is computed on the selection. Parameters ---------- s : 1D array Input audio signal fs : float Sampling frequency of audio signal q : array or float, optional Quantile or sequence of quantiles to compute, which must be between 0 and 1 inclusive. The defaul is [0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95]. nperseg : int, optional Length of segment to compute the FFT. The default is 1024. roi : pandas.Series, optional Region of interest where peak frequency will be computed. Series must have a valid input format with index: min_t, min_f, max_t, max_f. The default is None. as_pandas: bool Return data as a pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame, when amp is False or True, respectively. Default is False. amp: bool Enable quantiles amplitude output. Default is False. kwargs : additional keyword arguments If `window='hann'`, additional keyword arguments to pass to `sound.spectrum`. Returns ------- Pandas Series or Numpy array Quantiles of power spectrum. Examples -------- >>> from maad import sound, features >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') Compute the q-th quantile of the power spectrum >>> qs = features.spectral_quantile(s, fs, [0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95], as_pandas=True) >>> print(qs) 0.05 6029.296875 0.25 6416.894531 0.50 6632.226562 0.75 6890.625000 0.95 9216.210938 dtype: float64 Compute the q-th quantile of the power spectrum and its amplitude >>> qs = features.spectral_quantile(s, fs, [0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95], amp=True, as_pandas=True) >>> print(qs) freq amp 0.05 6029.296875 0.000007 0.25 6416.894531 0.000067 0.50 6632.226562 0.000087 0.75 6890.625000 0.000022 0.95 9216.210938 0.000004 """ q = np.asanyarray(q) if not _quantile_is_valid(q): raise ValueError("Percentiles must be in the range [0, 1]") # Compute spectrum # if roi is None: # pxx, fidx = sound.spectrum(s, fs, nperseg, **kwargs) # else: # pxx, fidx = sound.spectrum(s, fs, nperseg, # tlims=[roi.min_t, roi.max_t], # flims=[roi.min_f, roi.max_f], # **kwargs) # pxx = pd.Series(pxx, index=fidx) if roi is None: Sxx,_,fn,_ = sound.spectrogram(s, fs, nperseg=nperseg, **kwargs) else: Sxx,_,fn,_ = sound.spectrogram(s, fs, nperseg=nperseg, tlims=[roi.min_t, roi.max_t], flims=[roi.min_f, roi.max_f], **kwargs) pxx = pd.Series(np.average(Sxx,axis=1), index=fn) # Compute spectral q norm_cumsum = pxx.cumsum()/pxx.sum() spec_quantile = [] for quantile in q: spec_quantile.append(pxx.index[np.where(norm_cumsum>=quantile)[0][0]]) if amp: if as_pandas: out = pd.DataFrame({"freq":spec_quantile, "amp":pxx[spec_quantile].values}, index=q) else: out = np.transpose(np.array([q, spec_quantile, pxx[spec_quantile]])) else: if as_pandas: out = pd.Series(spec_quantile, index=q) else: out = np.array(spec_quantile) return out
[docs] def spectral_bandwidth(s, fs, nperseg=1024, roi=None, as_pandas=False, **kwargs): """ Compute the bandwith of the power spectrum. If a region of interest with time and spectral limits is provided, the spectral bandwidth is computed on the selection. Parameters ---------- s : 1D array Input audio signal fs : float Sampling frequency of audio signal nperseg : int, optional Length of segment to compute the FFT. The default is 1024. roi : pandas.Series, optional Region of interest where peak frequency will be computed. Series must have a valid input format with index: min_t, min_f, max_t, max_f. The default is None. as_pandas : bool Return data as a pandas.Series. This is usefull when computing multiple features over a signal. Default is False. kwargs : additional keyword arguments If `window='hann'`, additional keyword arguments to pass to `sound.spectrum`. Returns ------- bandwidth_50 : float Bandwidth 50% of the audio bandwidth_90 : float Bandwidth 90% of the audio Examples -------- >>> from maad import features, sound >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> bw_50, bw_90 = features.spectral_bandwidth(s, fs, nperseg=1024) >>> print("Bandwidth 50% : {:.4f} / Bandwidth 90% : {:.4f}".format(bw_50, bw_90)) Bandwidth 50% : 473.7305 / Bandwidth 90% : 3186.9141 """ # Compute spectral bandwith with the quantiles q = spectral_quantile( s, fs, [0.05, 0.25, 0.75, 0.95], nperseg, roi, False, True, **kwargs) out = np.array([np.abs(q[2,1]-q[1,1]), np.abs(q[3,1]-q[0,1])]) if as_pandas: out = pd.Series(out, index=["bw_50", "bw_90"]) return out
[docs] def all_spectral_features(s, fs, nperseg=1024, roi=None, method='fast', **kwargs): """ Compute all the spectral features for a signal. Parameters ---------- s : 1D array Input audio signal fs : float Sampling frequency of audio signal nperseg : int, optional Length of segment to compute the FFT. The default is 1024. roi : pandas.Series, optional Region of interest where peak frequency will be computed. Series must have a valid input format with index: min_t, min_f, max_t, max_f. The default is None. method : {'fast', 'best'}, optional Method used to compute the peak frequency. The default is 'fast'. kwargs : additional keyword arguments If `window='hann'`, additional keyword arguments to pass to `sound.spectrum`. Returns ------- spectral_features : pandas DataFrame DataFrame with all spectral features computed in the spectrum Examples -------- >>> from maad import features, sound >>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') Compute all the spectral features >>> features.all_spectral_features(s, fs, nperseg=1024, roi=None) sm 2.276330e-06 sv 8.118042e-11 ss 5.844664e+00 sk 4.048891e+01 freq_05 6.029297e+03 freq_25 6.416895e+03 freq_50 6.632227e+03 freq_75 6.890625e+03 freq_95 9.216211e+03 peak_freq 6.632227e+03 bw_50 4.737305e+02 bw_90 3.186914e+03 dtype: float64 """ # Compute transformations Sxx_power,_,_,_ = sound.spectrogram (s, fs, window='hann', nperseg=nperseg) S_power = sound.avg_power_spectro(Sxx_power) # Compute features sm = spectral_moments(S_power) qs = spectral_quantile(s, fs, [0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95], nperseg, roi, **kwargs) bw_50, bw_90 = spectral_bandwidth(s, fs, nperseg, roi, **kwargs) peak_freq = peak_frequency(s, fs, method, nperseg, roi, **kwargs) # Organize data into a Dataframe spectral_features = pd.Series({ "sm":sm[0], "sv":sm[1], "ss":sm[2], "sk":sm[3], "freq_05":qs[0], "freq_25":qs[1], "freq_50":qs[2], "freq_75":qs[3], "freq_95":qs[4], "peak_freq":peak_freq, "bw_50":bw_50, "bw_90":bw_90}) return spectral_features
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()