
maad.features.peak_frequency(s, fs, method='best', nperseg=1024, roi=None, amp=False, as_pandas=False, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the peak frequency for audio signal. The peak frequency is the frequency of maximum power. If a region of interest with time and spectral limits is provided, the peak frequency is computed on the selection.

s1D array

Input audio signal


Sampling frequency of audio signal

method{‘fast’, ‘best’}, optional

Method used to compute the peak frequency. The default is ‘best’.

npersegint, optional

Length of segment to compute the FFT. The default is 1024.

roipandas.Series, optional

Region of interest where peak frequency will be computed. Series must have a valid input format with index: min_t, min_f, max_t, max_f. The default is None.

as_pandas: bool

Return data as a pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame, when amp is False or True, respectively. Default is False.

kwargsadditional keyword arguments

Additional keyword arguments to pass to sound.spectrum.


Peak frequency of audio segment.


Amplitud of the peak frequency of audio segment.


>>> from maad import features, sound
>>> s, fs = sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav')

Compute peak frequency

>>> peak_freq, peak_freq_amp = features.peak_frequency(s, fs, amp=True)
>>> print('Peak Frequency: {:.5f}, Amplitude: {:.5f}'.format(peak_freq, peak_freq_amp))
Peak Frequency: 6634.16016, Amplitude: 0.00013