
maad.util.into_bins(x, an, bin_step, axis=0, bin_min=None, bin_max=None, display=False)[source]

Divide a vector (1D) or a matrix (2D) into multiple bins according to a bin_step with respect of the energy


1D or 2D array to bin

an :1d ndarray of floats

Vector containing the positions of each value. In case of 2D matrix, this vector corresponds to the horizontal (row) or vertical (columns) units


Determine the width of each bin.

axisinteger, optional, default is 0

Determine along which axis the transformation is done. In case of matrix : axis = 0 => transformation is done on column axis = 1 => transformation is done on row

bin_minscalar, optional, default is None

This minimum value corresponds to the start of the first bin. By default, the minimum value is the first value of an.

bin_maxscalar, optional, default is None

This maximum value corresponds to end of the last bin. By default, the maximum value is the last value of an.

displayboolean, optional, defualt is False

Display the result of the tranformation : an histogram In case of matrix, the mean histogram is shown.


1D or 2D array which correspond to the data after being transformed into bins

bin1d ndarray of floats

Vector containing the positions of each bin


>>> import numpy as np
>>> frequency = np.arange(0,20000,100)
>>> delta = np.random.uniform(-10,10, size=(len(frequency),))
>>> amplitude = 0.001 * frequency + 3 + delta
>>> fig_kwargs = {'figtitle':'',
              'xlabel':'Frequency [Hz]',
              'linewidth': 0.5,
              'legend' : 'before binning'
>>> ax,fig = maad.util.plot1d(frequency,amplitude,**fig_kwargs)
>>> amplitude_bin,frequency_bin = maad.util.into_bins(amplitude,frequency,bin_step=1000) 
>>> fig_kwargs = {'figtitle':'',
              'xlabel':'Frequency [Hz]',
              'linewidth': 0.5,
              'color' :'red',
              'legend' : 'after binning'
>>> ax,fig = maad.util.plot1d(frequency_bin, amplitude_bin, ax, **fig_kwargs)