Source code for maad.features.alpha_indices

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Collection of functions to compute alpha acoustic indices to chracterise audio signals.
# Authors:  Juan Sebastian ULLOA <>
#           Sylvain HAUPERT <>        
# License: New BSD License

# -------------------       Load modules         ---------------------------
# Import external modules
import numbers
import numpy as np 
from numpy import sum, log, min, max, abs, mean, median, sqrt, diff, var
from skimage.morphology import opening
from scipy.ndimage import binary_erosion, binary_dilation
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd # for csv
# min value
import sys
_MIN_ = sys.float_info.min

# Import internal modules
from maad.util import (rle, index_bw, amplitude2dB, power2dB, dB2power, mean_dB,
                        skewness, kurtosis, format_features, into_bins, entropy, 
                        linear_scale, plot1d, plot2d, overlay_rois)
from maad.spl import wav2leq, psd2leq, power2dBSPL
from maad.features import (centroid_features, zero_crossing_rate, temporal_moments, 
from maad.sound import (envelope, smooth, temporal_snr, linear_to_octave, 
                        avg_amplitude_spectro, avg_power_spectro, spectral_snr, 
from maad.rois import select_rois, create_mask

# =============================================================================
# Private functions
# =============================================================================
def _acoustic_activity (xdB, dB_threshold, axis=1):
    Acoustic Activity [1]_ [2]_:
    for each frequency bin :
    - ACTfract : proportion (fraction) of points above the threshold 
    - ACTcount : number of points above the threshold
    - ACTmean : mean value (in dB) of the portion of the signal above the threhold
    xdB : ndarray of floats
        1d : envelope in dB of the audio signal 
        2d : PSD spectrogram in dB
        It's better to work with PSD or envelope without background variation
        as the process is based on threshold.
    dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is 6dB
        data >Threshold is considered to be an event 
        if the length is > rejectLength
    ACTfract :ndarray of scalars
        proportion (fraction) of points above the threshold for each frequency bin
    ACTcount: ndarray of scalars
        number of points above the threshold for each frequency bin
    ACTmean: scalar
        mean value (in dB) of the portion of the signal above the threhold
    .. [1] Towsey, Michael (2013), Noise Removal from Waveforms and Spectrograms Derived from Natural Recordings of the Environment. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
    .. [2] QUT : Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2018, March 5). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v18.03.0.41 (Version v18.03.0.41). Zenodo.

    ACTsp [Towsey] : ACTfract (proportion (fraction) of point value above the theshold)
    EVNsp [Towsey] : ACTcount (number of point value above the theshold)
    ### For x to be a ndarray
    xdB = np.asarray(xdB)

    ### compute _score
    ACTfract, ACTcount = _score(xdB, dB_threshold, axis=axis)
    ACTfract= ACTfract.tolist()
    ACTcount = ACTcount.tolist()
    ACTmean = mean_dB(xdB[xdB>dB_threshold])
    # Test if ACTmean is nan
    if np.isnan(ACTmean):
        ACTmean = 0
    return ACTfract, ACTcount, ACTmean 

def _acoustic_events(xdB, dt, dB_threshold=6, rejectDuration=None):
    Acoustic events [1]_ [2]_:
        - EVNsum : total events duration (s) 
        - EVNmean : mean events duration (s)
        - EVNcount : number of events per s
    xdB : ndarray of floats
        2d : Spectrogram  in dB

    dt : scalar
        Time resolution

    dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is 6dB
        data >Threshold is considered to be an event 
        if the length is > rejectLength
    rejectDuration : scalar, optional, default is None
        event shorter than rejectDuration are discarded
        duration is in s
    EVNsum :scalar
        total events duration in s
    EVNmean: scalar
        mean events duration in s
    EVNcount: scalar
        number of events per s
    EVN: ndarray of floats 
        binary vector or matrix.
        1 corresponds to event
        0 corresponds to background

    .. [1] Towsey, Michael (2013), Noise Removal from Waveforms and Spectrograms Derived from Natural Recordings of the Environment. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
    .. [2] QUT : Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2018, March 5). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v18.03.0.41 (Version v18.03.0.41). Zenodo.

    # total duration
    if xdB.ndim ==1 : duration = (len(xdB)-1) * dt
    if xdB.ndim ==2 : duration = (xdB.shape[1]-1) * dt
    xdB = np.asarray(xdB)
    # thresholding => binary
    EVN = (xdB>=dB_threshold)*1  
    # Remove events shorter than 'rejectLength' 
    # (done by erosion+dilation = opening)
    if rejectDuration is not None:
        rejectLength = int(round(rejectDuration / dt))
        # tricks. Depending on the dimension of bin_x 
        # if bin_x is a vector
        if EVN.ndim == 1 : kernel = np.ones(rejectLength+1)
        # if bin_x is a matrix
        elif EVN.ndim == 2 : kernel = [list(np.ones(rejectLength+1))]  
        else: print("xdB must be a vector or a matrix")
        # Morphological tool : Opening
        EVN = binary_erosion(EVN, structure=kernel)
        EVN = binary_dilation(EVN, structure=kernel) 
    # Extract the characteristics of each event : 
    # duration (mean and sum in s) and count
    if EVN.ndim == 2 :
        EVNsum = []
        EVNmean = []
        EVNcount = []
        for i, b in enumerate(EVN) :
            l, v = rle(b)  
            if sum(l[v==1])!=0 :
                # mean events duration in s
                EVNmean.append(mean(l[v==1]) * dt)
            # total events duration in s 
            EVNsum.append(sum(l[v==1]) * dt)
            # number of events
            EVNcount.append(sum(v)/ duration)
    elif EVN.ndim == 1 :
        l, v = rle(EVN) 
        if sum(l[v==1]) !=0 :
            # mean events duration in s
            EVNmean = mean(l[v==1]) * dt
            EVNmean = 0
        # total events duration in s 
        EVNsum = sum(l[v==1]) * dt
        # number of events per s
        EVNcount = sum(v) / duration
    else: print("xdB must be a vector or a matrix")
    return EVNsum, EVNmean, EVNcount, EVN

def _score (x, threshold, axis=0):

    count the number of times values in x that are greater than the threshold 
    and normalized by the total number of values in x
    x : ndarray of floats
        Vector or matrix containing the data
    threshold : scalar
        Value > threshold are counted    
    axis : integer, optional, default is 0
        score is calculated along this axis.
    count : scalar
        the number of times values in x that are greater than the threshold
    s : scalar
        count is normalized by the total number of values in x
    x = np.asarray(x)
    x = x>=threshold
    count = sum(x,axis=axis)
    s = sum(x,axis=axis)/x.shape[axis]
    return s, count

def _shannonEntropy(datain, axis=0):
    Shannon Entropy
    datain : ndarray of floats
        Vector or matrix containing the data
    axis : integer, optional, default is 0
        entropy is calculated along this axis.

    Hs : ndarray of floats
        Vector or matrix of Shannon Entropy
    # length of datain along axis
    n = datain.shape[axis]
    Hs = entropy(datain, axis=axis) * np.log(n)
    return Hs

def _gini(x, corr=False):
    Compute the Gini value of x
    x : ndarray of floats
        Vector or matrix containing the data
    corr : boolean, optional, default is False
        Correct the Gini value
    G: scalar
        Gini value
    Ported from ineq library in R
    if sum(x) == 0:
        G = 0 # null gini
        n = len(x)
        G = sum(x * np.arange(1,n+1,1))
        G = 2 * G/sum(x) - (n + 1)
        if corr : G = G/(n - 1)
        else : G= G/n
    return G

def _raoQ (p, bins):
    Compute Rao's Quadratic entropy in 1d [1]_
    p : ndarray of floats (1d)
        a vector containing the probality of each bin
    bins : ndarray of floats (1d)
        a vector containing the value of each bin
    Q : scalar
        Rao's Quadratic entropy value
    .. [1] Botta-Dukát, Zoltán, Rao’s quadratic entropy as a measure of functional diversity based on multiple traits, Journal of Vegetation Science, 2005. `DOI: 10.1111/j.1654-1103.2005.tb02393.x <>`_ 
    # be sure they are ndarray
    p = np.asarray(p)
    bins = np.asarray(bins)
    # Normalize p by the sum in order to get the sum of p = 1
    p = p/np.sum(p)
    # Bins is normalized by the bins range
    bins = bins/(bins.max() - bins.min())
    # take advantage of broadcasting, 
    # Get the pairwise distance 
    # Euclidian distance
    d = abs(bins[..., np.newaxis] - bins[np.newaxis, ...])
    # compute the crossproduct of pixels value pi,pj
    pipj = (p[..., np.newaxis] * p[np.newaxis, ...])

    # Multiply by 2*sqrt(2) to take into account the lower triangle (symmetric)
    Q = np.sum(np.sum(pipj*d))*2*sqrt(2)
    return Q

# =============================================================================
# Public functions
# =============================================================================
[docs] def surface_roughness (x, norm ='global'): """ Compute the surface roughness index of a signal (1D) or a spectrogram (2D). Surface roughness is quantified by the deviations in the direction of the normal vector of a real surface from its ideal form. If these deviations are large, the surface is rough; if they are small, the surface is smooth [1]_. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray of floats vector (1d) or matrix (2d) norm : string, optional, default is 'global' Determine if the ROUGHNESS is normalized by the sum of the whole data ('global' mode) or by the sum of horizontal line for each line ('per_bin') Returns ------- Ra : scalar or 1d ndarray of scalars if x is a vector => Arithmetical mean deviation of x. if x is a matrix => Arithmetical mean deviation of each line of x. Rq : scalar or 1d ndarray of scalars if x is a vector => Root mean squared of deviationn of x. if x is a matrix => Root mean squared of deviation of each line of x. References ---------- .. [1] Wikipedia, """ # force to be ndarray x = np.asarray(x) if x.ndim == 1 : m = np.mean(x) y = x-m # Arithmetic mean deviation Ra = mean(abs(y)) # Root mean square Rq = sqrt(mean(y**2)) elif x.ndim ==2 : if norm == 'per_bin': m = np.mean(x, axis=1) y = x-m[..., np.newaxis] elif norm == 'global': m = np.mean(x) y = x-m else : raise TypeError ('norm has to be in {per_bin, global}') # Arithmetic mean deviation Ra = mean(abs(y), axis=1) # Root mean square Rq = sqrt(mean(y**2, axis=1)) else : raise TypeError ('x should be a vector (1d) or a matrix (2d) of floats') return Ra, Rq
[docs] def roughness (x, norm=None, axis=0) : """ Computes the roughness (depends on the number of peaks and their amplitude) of a vector or matrix x (i.e. waveform, spectrogram...) Roughness = sum(second_derivation(x)²) [1]_ [2]_ Parameters ---------- x : ndarray of floats x is a vector (1d) or a matrix (2d) norm : boolean, optional. Default is None - 'global' : normalize by the maximum value in the vector or matrix - 'per_axis' : normalize by the maximum value found along each axis axis : int, optional, default is 0 select the axis where the second derivation is computed if x is a vector, axis=0 if x is a 2d ndarray, axis=0 => rows, axis=1 => columns Returns ------- y : float or ndarray of floats References ---------- .. [1] Described in Ramsay, J. O., & Silverman, B. W. (2005). Principal components analysis for functional data. Functional data analysis, 147-172. .. [2] Ported from SEEWAVE R Package Sueur, J., Aubin, T., & Simonis, C. (2008). Seewave, a free modular tool for sound analysis and synthesis. Bioacoustics, 18(2), 213-226. `DOI: 10.1080/09524622.2008.9753600 <>`_ """ if norm is not None: if norm == 'per_axis' : m = np.max(x, axis=axis) m[m==0] = _MIN_ # Avoid dividing by zero value if axis==0: x = x/m[None,:] elif axis==1: x = x/m[:,None] elif norm == 'global' : m = np.max(x) if m==0 : m = _MIN_ # Avoid dividing by zero value x = x/m deriv2 = np.diff(x, 2, axis=axis) r = np.sum(deriv2**2, axis=axis) return r
#****************************************************************************** # TEMPORAL ECOACOUSTICS INDICES #****************************************************************************** #=============================================================================
[docs] def temporal_median (s, mode ='fast', Nt=512) : """ Computes the median of the envelope of an audio signal. Parameters ---------- s : 1D array Audio to process (wav) mode : str, optional, default is "fast". Select the mode to compute the envelope of the audio waveform. - "fast" : The sound is first divided into frames (2d) using the function _wave2timeframes(s), then the max of each frame gives a good approximation of the envelope. - "Hilbert" : estimation of the envelope from the Hilbert transform. The method is slow Nt : integer, optional, default is 512 Size of each frame. The largest, the highest is the approximation. Returns ------- MED: float Median of the envelope Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> med = maad.features.temporal_median(s) >>> print(med) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0.007934564717486147 """ # Envelope env = envelope(s, mode=mode, Nt=Nt) # median MED = np.median(env) return MED
[docs] def temporal_entropy (s, compatibility="QUT", mode ='fast', Nt=512) : """ Computes the entropy of the envelope of an audio signal. Parameters ---------- s : 1D array Audio to process (wav) compatibility : string {'QUT', 'seewave'}, default is 'QUT' Select the way to compute the temporal entropy. - QUT [2]_: entropy of the squared envelope - seewave [1]_ : entropy of the envelope mode : str, optional, default is "fast" Select the mode to compute the envelope of the audio waveform. - "fast" : The sound is first divided into frames (2d) using the function _wave2timeframes(s), then the max of each frame gives a good approximation of the envelope. - "Hilbert" : estimation of the envelope from the Hilbert transform. The method is slow. Nt : integer, optional, default is 512 Size of each frame. The largest, the highest is the approximation. Returns ------- Ht: float Temporal entropy of the audio References ---------- .. [1] Seewave : Sueur, J., Aubin, T., & Simonis, C. (2008). Seewave, a free modular tool for sound analysis and synthesis. Bioacoustics, 18(2), 213-226. `DOI: 10.1080/09524622.2008.9753600 <>`_ .. [2] QUT : Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2018, March 5). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v18.03.0.41 (Version v18.03.0.41). Zenodo. Notes ----- The entropy of an audio signal is a measure of energy dispersion. In the temporal domain, values below 0.7 indicate a brief concentration of energy (few miliseconds), while values close 1 indicate low concentration of energy, no peaks, smooth and constant background noise. Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> Ht = maad.features.temporal_entropy (s) >>> print(Ht) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0.7518917279549968 """ # Envelope env = envelope(s, mode=mode, Nt=Nt) # Entropy if compatibility == 'QUT': Ht = entropy(env**2) elif compatibility == 'seewave': Ht = entropy(env) else: raise TypeError('compatibility must be selected in {QUT, seewave}') return Ht
[docs] def acoustic_richness_index (Ht_array, M_array): """ Compute the acoustic richness index of an audio file. This acoustic index was first described in [1]_. The present version was ported from the R package Seewave [2]_. Parameters ---------- Ht_array : 1d ndarray of floats Vector containing the temporal entropy Ht of the selected files M_array: 1d ndarray of floats Vector containing the amplitude index M of the selected files Returns ------- AR : 1d ndarray of floats Vector of acoustic richenss index References ---------- .. [1] Depraetere, M., Pavoine, S., Jiguet, F., Gasc, A., Duvail, S., & Sueur, J. (2012). Monitoring animal diversity using acoustic indices: Implementation in a temperate woodland. Ecological Indicators, 13, 46–54. `DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.05.006 <>`_ .. [2] Seewave : Sueur, J., Aubin, T., & Simonis, C. (2008). Seewave, a free modular tool for sound analysis and synthesis. Bioacoustics, 18(2), 213-226. `DOI: 10.1080/09524622.2008.9753600 <>`_ Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/indices/S4A03895_20190522_060000.wav') >>> Ht_6h00 = maad.features.temporal_entropy(s) >>> M_6h00 = maad.features.temporal_median(s) >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/indices/S4A03895_20190522_080000.wav') >>> Ht_8h00= maad.features.temporal_entropy(s) >>> M_8h00 = maad.features.temporal_median(s) >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/indices/S4A03895_20190522_100000.wav') >>> Ht_10h00 = maad.features.temporal_entropy(s) >>> M_10h00 = maad.features.temporal_median(s) >>> result = maad.features.acoustic_richness_index([Ht_6h00,Ht_8h00,Ht_10h00],[M_6h00,M_8h00,M_10h00]) >>> print(result) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0.11111111 0.44444444 1. ] """ if len(Ht_array) != len(M_array) : print ("warning : Ht_array and M_array must have the same length") AR = rankdata(Ht_array) * rankdata(M_array) / len(Ht_array)**2 return AR
[docs] def temporal_activity (s, dB_threshold=3, mode='fast', Nt=512): """ Compute the acoustic activity index in temporal domain. Acoustic activity corresponds to the portion of the waveform above a threshold [1]_ [2]_ Three values are computed with this function: - ACTfract : proportion (fraction) of points above the threshold - ACTcount : number of points above the threshold - ACTmean : mean value (in dB) of the portion of the signal above the threhold Parameters ---------- s : 1D array of floats audio to process (wav) dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is 3dB data >Threshold is considered to be an activity mode : str, optional, default is "fast" Select the mode to compute the envelope of the audio waveform - "fast" : The sound is first divided into frames (2d) using the function _wave2timeframes(s), then the max of each frame gives a good approximation of the envelope. - "Hilbert" : estimation of the envelope from the Hilbert transform. The method is slow Nt : integer, optional, default is 512 Size of each frame. The largest, the highest is the approximation. Returns ------- ACTfract :ndarray of scalars proportion (fraction) of points above the threshold for each frequency bin ACTcount: ndarray of scalars number of points above the threshold for each frequency bin ACTmean: scalar mean value (in dB) of the portion of the signal above the threhold References ---------- .. [1] Towsey, Michael (2013), Noise Removal from Waveforms and Spectrograms Derived from Natural Recordings of the Environment. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. .. [2] QUT : Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2018, March 5). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v18.03.0.41 (Version v18.03.0.41). Zenodo. Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> ACTfract, ACTcount, ACTmean = maad.features.temporal_activity (s, 6) >>> print('ACTfract: %2.2f / ACTcount: %2.0f / ACTmean: %2.2f' % (ACTfract, ACTcount, ACTmean)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ACTfract: 0.37 / ACTcount: 620 / ACTmean: 24.41 """ ### For wave to be a ndarray s = np.asarray(s) ### envelope if mode == 'fast' : env = envelope(s, mode='fast', Nt=Nt) elif mode == 'hilbert' : env = envelope(s, mode='hilbert') ### get background value _,BGNt,_ = temporal_snr(s, mode, Nt) # linear to power dB envdB = amplitude2dB(env) # subtract the background noise envdB = envdB - BGNt ACTtFraction, ACTtCount, ACTtMean = _acoustic_activity (envdB, dB_threshold, axis=0) return ACTtFraction, ACTtCount, ACTtMean
[docs] def temporal_events (s, fs, dB_threshold=3, rejectDuration=None, mode='fast', Nt=512, display=False, **kwargs): """ Compute the acoustic event index from an audio signal [1]_ [2]_. An acoustic event corresponds to the period of the signal above a threshold. An acoustic event could be short (at list one point if rejectDuration is None) or very long (the duration of the entire audio). Two acoustic events are separated by a period with low audio signal (ie below the threshold). Four values are computed with this function: - EVNtFraction : Fraction: events duration over total duration - EVNmean : mean events duration (s) - EVNcount : number of events per s - EVN : binary vector or matrix with 1 corresponding to event position Parameters ---------- s : 1D array of floats audio to process (wav) fs : Integer sampling frequency in Hz dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is 3dB data >Threshold is considered to be an event if the length is > rejectLength rejectDuration : scalar, optional, default is None event shorter than rejectDuration are discarded duration is in s mode : str, optional, default is "fast" Select the mode to compute the envelope of the audio waveform - "fast" : The sound is first divided into frames (2d) using the function _wave2timeframes(s), then the max of each frame gives a good approximation of the envelope. - "Hilbert" : Estimation of the envelope from the Hilbert transform. The method is slow Nt : integer, optional, default is 512 Size of each frame. The largest, the highest is the approximation. display : boolean, optional, default is False Display the selected events on the audio waveform kwargs, optional. This parameter is used by plt.plot Returns ------- EVNtFraction :scalar Fraction: events duration over total duration EVNmean: scalar mean events duration in s EVNcount: scalar number of events per s EVN: ndarray of floats binary vector or matrix. 1 corresponds to event 0 corresponds to background References ---------- .. [1] Towsey, Michael (2013), Noise Removal from Waveforms and Spectrograms Derived from Natural Recordings of the Environment. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. .. [2] QUT : Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2018, March 5). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v18.03.0.41 (Version v18.03.0.41). Zenodo. Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> EVNtFract, EVNmean, EVNcount, _ = maad.features.temporal_events (s, fs, 6) >>> print('EVNtFract: %2.2f / EVNmean: %2.2f / EVNcount: %2.0f' % (EVNtFract, EVNmean, EVNcount)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE EVNtFract: 0.37 / EVNmean: 0.08 / EVNcount: 5 """ ### For wave to be a ndarray s = np.asarray(s) ### envelope if mode == 'fast' : env = envelope(s, mode, Nt) dt =1/fs*Nt elif mode == 'hilbert' : env = envelope(s, mode) dt = 1/fs # Time vector tn = np.arange(0,len(env),1)*len(s)/fs/len(env) ### get background value _,BGNt,_ = temporal_snr(s, mode, Nt) # linear to power dB envdB = 10*np.log10(env**2) # subtract the background noise envdB = envdB - BGNt EVNtSum, EVNtMean, EVNtCount, EVNt = _acoustic_events (envdB, dt, dB_threshold, rejectDuration=rejectDuration) # EVNtFraction EVNtFraction = EVNtSum / (dt*len(tn)) ### display if display : fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(tn, env/max(abs(env)), lw=0.5, alpha=1) plt.fill_between(tn, 0, EVNt*1,color='red',alpha=0.5) ax.set_title('Detected Events') ax.set_xlabel('Time [sec]') return EVNtFraction, EVNtMean, EVNtCount, EVNt
#****************************************************************************** # FREQUENCY ECOACOUSTICS INDICES #******************************************************************************
[docs] def frequency_entropy (X, compatibility="QUT") : """ Computes the spectral entropy of a power spectral density (1d) or power spectrogram density (2d). Parameters ---------- X : 1D or 2D array Power Spectral/Spectrogram Density (PSD) of an audio Better to work with PSD (amplitude¹) than with amplitude for energy conservation compatibility : string {'QUT', 'seewave'}, default is 'QUT' Select the way to compute the spectral entropy. - QUT [2]_ : entropy of P - seewave [1]_ : entropy of sqrt(P) Returns ------- Hf: float spectral entropy of the audio Ht_per_bin : array of floats temporal entropy along time axis for each frequency when P is a spectrogram (2d) otherwise Ht_per_bin is empty References ---------- .. [1] Seewave : Sueur, J., Aubin, T., & Simonis, C. (2008). Seewave, a free modular tool for sound analysis and synthesis. Bioacoustics, 18(2), 213-226. `DOI: 10.1080/09524622.2008.9753600 <>`_ .. [2] QUT : Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2018, March 5). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v18.03.0.41 (Version v18.03.0.41). Zenodo. Notes ----- The spectral entropy of a signal measures the energy dispersion along frequencies. Low values indicates a concentration of energy around a narrow frequency band. If the DC value is not removed before processing the large peak at f=0Hz will lower the entropy of the signal. Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> Sxx_power,_,_,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs) >>> Hf, Ht_per_bin = maad.features.frequency_entropy(Sxx_power) >>> print(Hf) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0.631398266587706 >>> print('Length of Ht_per_bin is : %2.0f' % len(Ht_per_bin)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Length of Ht_per_bin is : 512 print only the first ten values of the vector >>> print(Ht_per_bin [0:9]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0.73458664 0.73476487 0.87981728 0.9161413 0.90153962 0.91684881 0.91816039 0.93453925 0.92958317] """ # Force to be an array X = np.asarray(X) # test if P has 2 dimension (i.e a spectrogram Pxx) if X.ndim==1 : # Entropy if compatibility == 'QUT': Hf = entropy(X) Ht_per_bin = [] elif compatibility == 'seewave': Hf = entropy(sqrt(X)) Ht_per_bin = [] else: raise TypeError('compatibility must be selected in {QUT, seewave}') elif X.ndim==2 : # Entropy if compatibility == 'QUT': Hf = entropy(mean(X, axis=1)) # P is a spectrogram, computes entropy along time axis for each frequency Ht_per_bin = entropy(X, axis=1) elif compatibility == 'seewave': Hf = entropy(sqrt(mean(X, axis=1))) # P is a spectrogram, computes entropy along time axis for each frequency Ht_per_bin = entropy(sqrt(X), axis=1) else: raise TypeError('compatibility must be selected in {QUT, seewave}') else: raise TypeError('P must be a spectrum (1d) or a spectrogram (2d)') return Hf, Ht_per_bin
[docs] def number_of_peaks(X, fn, mode='dB', min_peak_val=None, min_freq_dist=200, slopes=(1,1), prominence=0, display=False, **kwargs): """ Count the number of frequency peaks on a mean spectrum. [1]_ This function was adapted from the function fpeaks of the R package Seewave [2]_ Parameters ---------- X : ndarray of floats (1d) or (2d) Amplitude spectrum (1d) or spectrogram (2d). If spectrogram, the mean spectrum will be computed before finding peaks fn : 1d ndarray of floats frequency vector mode : string {dB, linear}, optional, default is dB select if the amplitude spectrum is converted into dB min_peak_val : scalar, optional, default is None amplitude threshold parameter. Only peaks above this threshold will be considered. min_freq_dist: scalar, optional, default is 200 frequency threshold parameter (in Hz). If the frequency difference of two successive peaks is less than this threshold, then the peak of highest amplitude will be kept only. slopes : tupple of two values, optional, default is (1,1) slope parameter, tupple of float of length 2 corresponding to left and right slopes, one or both could be set to None. Refers to the amplitude slopes of the peak. The first value is the left slope and the second value is the right slope. Only peaks with higher slopes than threshold values will be kept. prominence : number, ndarray or sequence, optional, default is None Prominence of peaks. The first element is the minimal prominence and the second element is the maximal prominence. If a single number is provided it is interpreted as the minimal value, and no maximial value will be used. display: boolean, optional, default is False if True, display the mean spectrum with the detected peaks Returns ------- NBPeaks : integer Number of detected peaks on the mean spectrum References ---------- .. [1] Gasc, A. & al (2013). Biodiversity sampling using a global acoustic approach: contrasting sites with microendemics in New Caledonia. PloS one, 8(5), e65311. `DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0065311 <>`_ .. [2] Seewave : Sueur, J., Aubin, T., & Simonis, C. (2008). Seewave, a free modular tool for sound analysis and synthesis. Bioacoustics, 18(2), 213-226. `DOI: 10.1080/09524622.2008.9753600 <>`_ Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx_power, tn, fn, _ = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs) >>> maad.features.number_of_peaks(Sxx_power, fn, slopes=6, min_freq_dist=100, display=True) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 14 """ # Force to be an array X = np.asarray(X) # mean spectrum if X.ndim == 2 : S = avg_amplitude_spectro(X) else: S = X # if mode is "dB", convert into dB if mode == 'dB' : S = amplitude2dB(S) if min_peak_val is not None : min_peak_val = amplitude2dB(min_peak_val) # Find peaks min_pix_distance = min_freq_dist/(fn[1]-fn[0]) index, prop = find_peaks(S, height = min_peak_val, distance = min_pix_distance, prominence=prominence) # keep peaks with with slopes higher than the limit if slopes is None : index_select = index elif isinstance(slopes, numbers.Number) : left_slope = S[index] - S[prop['left_bases']] index_select = index[(left_slope>=slopes)] elif len(slopes) == 2 : if (slopes[0] is not None) and (slopes[1] is not None) : left_slope = S[index] - S[prop['left_bases']] right_slope = S[index] - S[prop['right_bases']] index_select = index[(left_slope>=slopes[0]) & (right_slope>slopes[1])] elif (slopes[0] is not None) and (slopes[1] is None) : left_slope = S[index] - S[prop['left_bases']] index_select = index[(left_slope>=slopes[0])] elif (slopes[0] is None) and (slopes[1] is not None) : right_slope = S[index] - S[prop['right_bases']] index_select = index[(right_slope>slopes[1])] else: index_select = index else: index_select = index # number of peaks NBPeaks = len(index_select) # display if display : if mode == 'dB' : ylabel ='Amplitude [dB]' else: ylabel = 'Amplitude [AU]' fig_kwargs = { 'figtitle':'Mean Spectrum with detected peaks', 'xlabel': kwargs.pop('xlabel','Frequency [Hz]'), 'ylabel': kwargs.pop('ylabel',ylabel) } ax, _ = plot1d(fn,S, **fig_kwargs) ax.plot(fn[index_select], S[index_select], '+', mfc=None, mec='r', mew=2, ms=8) return NBPeaks
#============================================================================= #### Indices based on the entropy
[docs] def spectral_entropy (Sxx, fn, flim=None, display=False) : """ Compute different entropies based on the average spectrum, its variance, and its maxima [1]_ [2]_ Parameters ---------- Sxx : ndarray of floats Spectrogram (2d). It is recommended to work with PSD to be consistent with energy conservation fn : 1d ndarray of floats frequency vector flim : tupple (fmin, fmax), optional, default is None Frequency band used to compute the spectral entropy. For instance, one may want to compute the spectral entropy for the biophony bandwidth display : boolean, optional, default is False Display the different spectra (mean, variance, covariance, max...) Returns ------- EAS : scalar Entropy of Average Spectrum ECU : scalar Entropy of spectral variance (along the time axis for each frequency) ECV : scalar Entropy of Coefficient of Variation (along the time axis for each frequency) EPS : scalar Entropy of spectral maxima (peaks) EPS_KURT : scalar Kurtosis of spectral maxima EPS_SKEW : scalar Skewness of spectral maxima References ---------- .. [1] TOWSEY, Michael W. The calculation of acoustic indices derived from long-duration recordings of the natural environment. 2017. .. [2] QUT : Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2018, March 5). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v18.03.0.41 (Version v18.03.0.41). Zenodo. Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx_power, tn, fn, _ = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs) >>> EAS, ECU, ECV, EPS, EPS_KURT, EPS_SKEW = maad.features.spectral_entropy(Sxx_power, fn, flim=(2000,10000)) >>> print('EAS: %2.2f / ECU: %2.2f / ECV: %2.2f / EPS: %2.2f / EPS_KURT: %2.2f / EPS_SKEW: %2.2f' % (EAS, ECU, ECV, EPS, EPS_KURT, EPS_SKEW)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE EAS: 0.27 / ECU: 0.49 / ECV: 0.24 / EPS: 0.25 / EPS_KURT: 17.58 / EPS_SKEW: 3.55 """ if isinstance(flim, numbers.Number) : print ("WARNING: flim must be a tupple (fmin, fmax) or None") return if flim is None : flim=(fn.min(),fn.max()) # select the indices corresponding to the frequency range iBAND = index_bw(fn, flim) # force Sxx to be an ndarray X = np.asarray(Sxx) # TOWSEY : only on the bio band # EAS [TOWSEY] # #### COMMENT : Result a bit different due to different Hilbert implementation X_mean = mean(X[iBAND], axis=1) Hf = entropy(X_mean) EAS = 1 - Hf #### Entropy of spectral variance (along the time axis for each frequency) """ ECU [TOWSEY] """ X_Var = var(X[iBAND], axis=1) Hf_var = entropy(X_Var) ECU = 1 - Hf_var #### Entropy of coefficient of variance (along the time axis for each frequency) """ ECV [TOWSEY] """ X_CoV = var(X[iBAND], axis=1)/mean(X[iBAND], axis=1) Hf_CoV = entropy(X_CoV) ECV = 1 - Hf_CoV #### Entropy of spectral maxima """ EPS [TOWSEY] """ ioffset = np.argmax(iBAND==True) Nbins = sum(iBAND==True) imax_X = np.argmax(X[iBAND],axis=0) + ioffset imax_X = fn[imax_X] max_X_bin, bin_edges = np.histogram(imax_X, bins=Nbins, range=flim) if sum(max_X_bin) == 0 : max_X_bin = np.zeros(len(max_X_bin)) EPS = float('nan') #### Kurtosis of spectral maxima EPS_KURT = float('nan') #### skewness of spectral maxima EPS_SKEW = float('nan') else: max_X_bin = max_X_bin/sum(max_X_bin) Hf_fmax = entropy(max_X_bin) EPS = 1 - Hf_fmax #### Kurtosis of spectral maxima EPS_KURT = kurtosis(max_X_bin) #### skewness of spectral maxima EPS_SKEW = skewness(max_X_bin) if display: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(fn[iBAND], X_mean/max(X_mean),label="Normalized mean") plt.plot(fn[iBAND], X_Var/max(X_Var),label="Normalized variance") ax.plot(fn[iBAND], X_CoV/max(X_CoV),label="Normalized covariance") ax.plot(fn[iBAND], max_X_bin/max(max_X_bin),label="Normalized Spectral max") ax.set_title('Signals') ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax.legend() return EAS, ECU, ECV, EPS, EPS_KURT, EPS_SKEW
[docs] def spectral_cover (Sxx, fn, dB_threshold=3, flim_LF=(0,1000), flim_MF=(1000,10000), flim_HF=(10000,20000)): """ Compute the proportion (cover) of the spectrogram above a threshold for three bandwidths : low frequency band (LF), medium frequency band (MF) and high frequency band (HF) [1]_ [2]_. Parameters ---------- Sxx : 2D array of floats Spectrogram 2D in dB. Usually, better to work with spectrogram without stationnary noise in order to measure only acoustic activity above the background noise fn : 1d ndarray of floats frequency vector dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is 3dB data >Threshold is considered to be an activity flim_LF : tupple, optional, default is (0,1000) Low frequency band in Hz flim_MF : tupple, optional, default is (1000,10000) mid frequency band in Hz flim_HF : tupple, optional, default is (10000,20000) high frequency band in Hz Returns ------- LFC :scalar Proportion of the LF bandwidth of the spectrogram with activity above the threshold MFC: scalar Proportion of the MF bandwidth of the spectrogram with activity above the threshold HFC: scalar Proportion of the HF bandwidth of the spectrogram with activity above the threshold References ---------- .. [1] TOWSEY, Michael W. The calculation of acoustic indices derived from long-duration recordings of the natural environment. 2017. .. [2] QUT : Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2018, March 5). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v18.03.0.41 (Version v18.03.0.41). Zenodo. Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx_power, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs) >>> Sxx_noNoise= maad.sound.median_equalizer(Sxx_power, display=True, extent=ext) >>> Sxx_dB_noNoise = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_noNoise) >>> LFC, MFC, HFC = maad.features.spectral_cover(Sxx_dB_noNoise, fn) >>> print('LFC: %2.2f / MFC: %2.2f / HFC: %2.2f' % (LFC, MFC, HFC)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE LFC: 0.15 / MFC: 0.19 / HFC: 0.13 """ ### For Sxx to be a ndarray Sxx = np.asarray(Sxx) idx = index_bw(fn,flim_LF) lowFreqCover, _, _ = _acoustic_activity (Sxx[idx], dB_threshold, axis=1) LFC = mean(lowFreqCover) idx = index_bw(fn,flim_MF) midFreqCover, _, _ = _acoustic_activity (Sxx[idx], dB_threshold, axis=1) MFC = mean(midFreqCover) idx = index_bw(fn,flim_HF) highFreqCover, _, _ = _acoustic_activity (Sxx[idx], dB_threshold, axis=1) HFC = mean(highFreqCover) return LFC, MFC, HFC
[docs] def spectral_activity (Sxx_dB, dB_threshold=6): """ Compute the acoustic activity on a spectrogram. Acoustic activity corresponds to the portion of the spectrogram above a threshold frequency per frequency along time axis [1]_ [2]_ The function computes for each frequency bin: - ACTfract : proportion (fraction) of points above the threshold - ACTcount : number of points above the threshold - ACTmean : mean value (in dB) of the portion of the signal above the threhold Parameters ---------- Sxx_dB : 2D array of floats Spectrogram 2D in dB. Usually, better to work with spectrogram without stationnary noise in order to measure only acoustic activity above the background noise dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is 6dB data >Threshold is considered to be an activity Returns ------- ACTspfract :ndarray of scalars proportion (fraction) of points above the threshold for each frequency bin ACTspcount: ndarray of scalars number of points above the threshold for each frequency bin ACTspmean: scalar mean value (in dB) of the portion of the signal above the threhold References ---------- .. [1] TOWSEY, Michael W. The calculation of acoustic indices derived from long-duration recordings of the natural environment. 2017. .. [2] QUT : Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2018, March 5). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v18.03.0.41 (Version v18.03.0.41). Zenodo. Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> import numpy as np >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx_power, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs) >>> Sxx_noNoise= maad.sound.median_equalizer(Sxx_power, display=True, extent=ext) >>> Sxx_dB_noNoise = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_noNoise) >>> ACTspfract_per_bin, ACTspcount_per_bin, ACTspmean_per_bin = maad.features.spectral_activity(Sxx_dB_noNoise) >>> print('Mean proportion of spectrogram above threshold : %2.2f%%' %np.mean(ACTspfract_per_bin)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Mean proportion of spectrogram above threshold : 0.07% """ ### For Sxx_dB to be a ndarray Sxx_dB = np.asarray(Sxx_dB) ACTspfract, ACTspcount, ACTspmean = _acoustic_activity (Sxx_dB, dB_threshold, axis=1) return ACTspfract, ACTspcount, ACTspmean
[docs] def spectral_events (Sxx_dB, dt, dB_threshold=6, rejectDuration=None, display=False, **kwargs): """ Compute acoustic events from a spectrogram [1]_ [2]_. An acoustic event corresponds to the period of the signal above a threshold. An acoustic event could be short (at list one point if rejectDuration is None) or very long (the duration of the entire audio). Two acoustic events are separated by a period with low audio signal (ie below the threshold). Acoustic events are calculated frequency by frequency along time axis This function computes: - EVNspFraction : Fraction of events duration over total duration - EVNspmean : mean events duration (s) - EVNspcount : number of events per s - EVNsp : binary vector or matrix with 1 corresponding to event position Parameters ---------- Sxx_dB : 2D array of floats 2D in dB. Usually, better to work with spectrogram without stationnary noise in order to measure only acoustic activity above the background noise dt : float time resolution in s (ie tn[1]-tn[0]) dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is 6dB data >Threshold is considered to be an event if the length is > rejectLength rejectDuration : scalar, optional, default is None event shorter than rejectDuration are discarded duration is in s display : boolean, optional, default is false Display a plot with the number of events per s (EVNspCount) and a binary image with the detected events. kwargs : optional. See matplotlib documentation Returns ------- EVNspFract :scalar Fraction: events duration over total duration EVNspMean: scalar mean events duration in s EVNspCount: scalar number of events per s EVNsp: ndarray of floats binary matrix. 1 corresponds to event 0 corresponds to background References ---------- .. [1] TOWSEY, Michael W. The calculation of acoustic indices derived from long-duration recordings of the natural environment. 2017. .. [2] QUT : Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2018, March 5). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v18.03.0.41 (Version v18.03.0.41). Zenodo. Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> import numpy as np >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx_power, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs) >>> Sxx_noNoise= maad.sound.median_equalizer(Sxx_power) >>> Sxx_dB_noNoise = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_noNoise) >>> EVNspFract_per_bin, EVNspMean_per_bin, EVNspCount_per_bin, EVNsp = maad.features.spectral_events(Sxx_dB_noNoise, dt=tn[1]-tn[0], dB_threshold=6, rejectDuration=0.1, display=True, extent=ext) >>> print('Mean proportion of spectrogram with events: %2.2f%%' %np.mean(EVNspFract_per_bin)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Mean proportion of spectrogram with events: 0.01% """ ### For wave to be a ndarray Sxx_dB = np.asarray(Sxx_dB) EVNspSum, EVNspMean, EVNspCount, EVNsp = _acoustic_events (Sxx_dB, dt, dB_threshold, rejectDuration=rejectDuration) # EVNspFract = EVNspSum * total_duration EVNspFract = EVNspSum / (dt * Sxx_dB.shape[1]) if display : # display Number of events/s / frequency extent = kwargs.pop('extent',None) if extent is not None : y = np.arange(0, Sxx_dB.shape[0])/Sxx_dB.shape[0]*extent[3] xlabel = 'frequency [Hz]' else: y = np.arange(0, Sxx_dB.shape[0]) xlabel = 'pseudofrequency [points]' fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() plt.plot(y, EVNspCount) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_title('EVNspCount : Number of events/s') # display EVENTS detected in the spectrogram if extent is not None : xlabel = 'Time [sec]' ylabel = 'frequency [Hz]' else: extent = (0,Sxx_dB.shape[1],0,Sxx_dB.shape[0]) xlabel = 'pseudoTime [sec]' ylabel = 'pseudofrequency [points]' # set the paramters of the figure title =kwargs.pop('title','Events detected') cmap =kwargs.pop('cmap','gray') figsize=kwargs.pop('figsize',(4, 13)) vmin=kwargs.pop('vmin',0) vmax=kwargs.pop('vmax',1) ax, fig = plot2d (EVNsp*1, extent=extent, now=False, figsize=figsize, title=title, ylabel=ylabel,xlabel=xlabel, vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) return EVNspFract, EVNspMean, EVNspCount, EVNsp
[docs] def acoustic_complexity_index(Sxx): """ Compute the Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI) from a spectrogram [1]_. Parameters ---------- Sxx : ndarray of floats 2d : Spectrogram (i.e matrix of spectrum) Returns ------- ACI_xx: 2d ndarray of scalars Acoustic Complexity Index of the spectrogram ACI_per_bin: 1d ndarray of scalars ACI value for each frequency bin sum(ACI_xx,axis=1) ACI_sum: scalar Sum of ACI value per frequency bin (Common definition) sum(ACI_per_bin) Notes ----- ACI depends on the duration of the spectrogram as the derivation of the signal is normalized by the sum of the signal. Thus, if the background noise is high due to high acoustic activity the normalization by the sum of the signal reduced ACI. So ACI is low when there is no acoustic activity or high acoustic activity with continuous background noise. ACI is high only when acoustic activity is medium, with sounds well above the background noise. References ---------- .. [1] Pieretti N, Farina A, Morri FD (2011) A new methodology to infer the singing activity of an avian community: the Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI). Ecological Indicators, 11, 868-873. `DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2010.11.005 <>`_ Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs, mode='amplitude') >>> _, _ , ACI = maad.features.acoustic_complexity_index(Sxx) >>> print('ACI : %2.0f ' %ACI) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ACI : 306 """ ACI_xx = ((np.abs(diff(Sxx,1)).transpose())/(np.sum(Sxx,1)).transpose()).transpose() ACI_per_bin = np.sum(ACI_xx,axis=1) ACI_sum = np.sum(ACI_per_bin) return ACI_xx, ACI_per_bin, ACI_sum
[docs] def acoustic_diversity_index (Sxx, fn, fmin=0, fmax=20000, bin_step=1000, dB_threshold=-50, index="shannon"): """ Compute the Acoustic Diversity Index (ADI) from a spectrogram [1]_. The diversity can be computed using Shannon, Simpson, or the inverse Simpson diversity index. Parameters ---------- Sxx : ndarray of floats 2d : amplitude spectrogram. In order to obtain the same output as for soundecology, the signal and the spectrogram need to be processed without detrend on. maad.sound.load("myfile.wav", ..., detrend = False) maad.sound.spectrogram(s, fs, ..., detrend = False) For a complete example, see the example below fn : 1d ndarray of floats frequency vector fmin : scalar, optional, default is 0 Minimum frequency in Hz fmax : scalar, optional, default is 20000 Maximum frequency in Hz bin_step : scalar, optional, default is 500 Frequency step in Hz dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is -50dB Threshold to compute the score (ie. the number of data > threshold, normalized by the length) index : string, optional, default is "shannon" - "shannon" : Shannon entropy is calculated on the vector of scores - "simpson" : Simpson index is calculated on the vector of scores - "invsimpson" : Inverse Simpson index is calculated on the vector of scores Returns ------- ADI : scalar Acoustic Diversity Index of the spectrogram (ie. index of the vector of scores) Notes ----- The Acoustic Eveness Index (AEI) and the Acoustic Diversity Index (ADI) are negatively correlated. See also -------- acoustic_eveness_index References ---------- .. [1] Villanueva-Rivera, L. J., B. C. Pijanowski, J. Doucette, and B. Pekin. 2011. A primer of acoustic analysis for landscape ecologists. Landscape Ecology 26: 1233-1246.`DOI: 10.1007/s10980-011-9636-9 <>`_ Examples -------- >>> import maad Load the signal and compute the spectrogram to give the same result as soundecology >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav', detrend=False) >>> Sxx, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs, nperseg=int(fs/10), noverlap=0, mode='amplitude', detrend=False) >>> ADI = maad.features.acoustic_diversity_index(Sxx,fn,fmax=10000) >>> print('ADI : %2.2f ' %ADI) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ADI : 2.05 Load the signal and compute the spectrogram as usual (detrend ON) such that the dB threshold needs to be adapted to give results that are more or less in line with soundecology >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs, mode='amplitude') >>> ADI = maad.features.acoustic_diversity_index(Sxx,fn,fmax=10000, dB_threshold = -47) >>> print('ADI : %2.2f ' %ADI) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ADI : 2.06 """ # number of frequency intervals to compute the score N = np.floor((fmax-fmin)/bin_step) # convert into dB and normalization by the max Sxx_dB = amplitude2dB(Sxx/max(Sxx)) # Score for each frequency in the frequency bandwith s_sum = [] for ii in np.arange(0,N): f0 = int(fmin+bin_step*(ii)) f1 = int(f0+bin_step) s,_ = _score(Sxx_dB[index_bw(fn,(f0,f1)),:], threshold=dB_threshold, axis=0) s_sum.append(mean(s)) s = np.asarray(s_sum) # Entropy if index =="shannon": ADI = _shannonEntropy(s) elif index == "simpson": s = s/sum(s) s = s**2 ADI = 1-sum(s) elif index == "invsimpson": s = s/sum(s) s = s**2 ADI = 1/sum(s) return ADI
[docs] def acoustic_eveness_index (Sxx, fn, fmin=0, fmax=20000, bin_step=500, dB_threshold=-50): """ Compute the Acoustic Eveness Index (AEI) from a spectrogram [1]_. Parameters ---------- Sxx: ndarray of floats 2d : amplitude spectrogram. In order to obtain the same output as for soundecology, the signal and the spectrogram need to be processed without detrend on. maad.sound.load("myfile.wav", ..., detrend = False) maad.sound.spectrogram(s, fs, ..., detrend = False) For a complete example, see the example below fn : 1d ndarray of floats frequency vector fmin : scalar, optional, default is 0 Minimum frequency in Hz fmax : scalar, optional, default is 20000 Maximum frequency in Hz bin_step : scalar, optional, default is 500 Frequency step in Hz dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is -50 Threshold to compute the score (ie. the number of data > threshold, normalized by the length) Returns ------- AEI : scalar Acoustic Eveness of the spectrogram (ie. Gini of the vector of scores) Notes ----- The Acoustic Eveness Index (AEI) and the Acoustic Diversity Index (ADI) are negatively correlated. See also -------- acoustic_diversity_index References ---------- .. [1] Villanueva-Rivera, L. J., B. C. Pijanowski, J. Doucette, and B. Pekin. 2011. A primer of acoustic analysis for landscape ecologists. Landscape Ecology 26: 1233-1246.`DOI: 10.1007/s10980-011-9636-9 <>`_ Examples -------- >>> import maad Load the signal and compute the spectrogram to give the same result as soundecology >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav', detrend=False) >>> Sxx, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs, nperseg=int(fs/10), noverlap=0, mode='amplitude', detrend=False) >>> AEI = maad.features.acoustic_eveness_index(Sxx,fn,fmax=10000) >>> print('AEI : %2.2f ' %AEI) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE AEI : 0.39 Load the signal and compute the spectrogram as usual (detrend ON) such that the dB threshold needs to be adapted to give results that are more or less in line with soundecology >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs, mode='amplitude') >>> AEI = maad.features.acoustic_eveness_index(Sxx,fn,fmax=10000, dB_threshold = -47) >>> print('AEI : %2.2f ' %AEI) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE AEI : 0.39 """ # number of frequency intervals to compute the score N = np.floor((fmax-fmin)/bin_step) # convert into dB and normalization by the max Sxx_dB = amplitude2dB(Sxx/max(Sxx)) # Score for each frequency in the frequency bandwith s_sum = [] for ii in np.arange(0,N): f0 = int(fmin+bin_step*(ii)) f1 = int(f0+bin_step) s,_ = _score(Sxx_dB[index_bw(fn,(f0,f1)),:], threshold=dB_threshold, axis=0) s_sum.append(mean(s)) s = np.asarray(s_sum) # Gini AEI = _gini(s) return AEI
#============================================================================= #### Indices based on the energy #=============================================================================
[docs] def soundscape_index (Sxx_power,fn,flim_bioPh=(1000,10000),flim_antroPh=(0,1000), R_compatible = 'soundecology'): """ Compute the Normalized Difference Soundscape Index from a power spectrogram [1]_. Parameters ---------- Sxx_power : ndarray of floats 2d : Power Spectrogram fn : vector frequency vector flim_bioPh : tupple (fmin, fmax), optional, default is (1000,10000) Frequency band of the biophony flim_antroPh: tupple (fmin, fmax), optional, default is (0,1000) Frequency band of the anthropophony R_compatible : string, optional, default is "soundecology" if 'soundecology', the result is similar to the package SoundEcology in R Otherwise, the result is specific to maad or Seewave R package Returns ------- NDSI : scalar (bioPh-antroPh)/(bioPh+antroPh) ratioBA : scalar biophonic energy / anthropophonic energy antroPh : scalar Acoustic energy in the anthropophonic bandwidth bioPh : scalar Acoustic energy in the biophonic bandwidth References ---------- .. [1] Kasten, Eric P., Stuart H. Gage, Jordan Fox, and Wooyeong Joo. 2012. The Remote Environmental Assessment Laboratory's Acoustic Library: An Archive for Studying Soundscape Ecology. Ecological Informatics 12: 50-67. `DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2012.08.001 <>`_ Ported from Seewave ( and soundecology R packages ( Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx_power, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs) >>> NDSI, ratioBA, antroPh, bioPh = maad.features.soundscape_index(Sxx_power,fn) >>> print('NDSI Soundecology : %2.2f ' %NDSI) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE NDSI Soundecology : 0.10 >>> NDSI, ratioBA, antroPh, bioPh = maad.features.soundscape_index(Sxx_power,fn,R_compatible=None) >>> print('NDSI MAAD: %2.2f ' %NDSI) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE NDSI MAAD: 0.99 """ if R_compatible == 'soundecology' : # Step is determined as the difference between anthro_max and anthro_min bin_step = flim_antroPh[1] - flim_antroPh[0] #Convert into bins Sxx_bins, bins = into_bins(Sxx_power, fn, bin_min=fn[0], bin_max=fn[-1], bin_step=bin_step, axis=0) else: # Frequency resolution is 1000 Hz bin_step = 1000 #Convert into bins Sxx_bins, bins = into_bins(Sxx_power, fn, bin_min=fn[0], bin_max=fn[-1], bin_step=bin_step, axis=0) # In Seewave, the first bin (0kHz) is removed Sxx_bins = Sxx_bins[bins>=1000,] bins = bins[bins>=1000] # Energy in BIOBAND bioPh = sum(Sxx_bins[index_bw(bins, flim_bioPh), ]) # Energy in ANTHROPOBAND antroPh = sum(Sxx_bins[index_bw(bins, flim_antroPh), ]) # NDSI and ratioBA indices NDSI = (bioPh-antroPh)/(bioPh+antroPh) ratioBA = bioPh / antroPh return NDSI, ratioBA, antroPh, bioPh
[docs] def bioacoustics_index (Sxx, fn, flim=(2000, 15000), R_compatible ='soundecology'): """ Compute the Bioacoustics Index from a spectrogram [1]_. Parameters ---------- Sxx : ndarray of floats matrix : Spectrogram fn : vector frequency vector flim : tupple (fmin, fmax), optional, default is (2000, 15000) Frequency band used to compute the bioacoustic index. R_compatible : string, default is "soundecology" if 'soundecology', the result is similar to the package SoundEcology in R Otherwise, the result is specific to maad Returns ------- BI : scalar Bioacoustics Index References ---------- .. [1] Boelman NT, Asner GP, Hart PJ, Martin RE. 2007. Multi-trophic invasion resistance in Hawaii: bioacoustics, field surveys, and airborne remote sensing. Ecological Applications 17: 2137-2144. `DOI: 10.1890/07-0004.1 <>`_ .. [2] Ported and modified from the soundecology R package - Notes ----- Soundecology compatible version: * Average of dB value * Remove negative value in order to get positive values only * Dividing by the frequency resolution df instead of multiplication Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs,mode='amplitude') >>> BI = maad.features.bioacoustics_index(Sxx,fn) >>> print('BI Soundecology : %2.2f ' %BI) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE BI Soundecology : 52.84 >>> BI = maad.features.bioacoustics_index(Sxx,fn,R_compatible=None) >>> print('BI MAAD : %2.2f ' %BI) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE BI MAAD : 17.05 """ # select the indices corresponding to the frequency bins range indf = index_bw(fn,flim) # frequency resolution. df = fn[1] - fn[0] # ======= As soundecology if R_compatible == 'soundecology' : # Mean Sxx normalized by the max meanSxx = mean(Sxx/max(Sxx), axis=1) # Convert into dB meanSxxdB = amplitude2dB(meanSxx) # "normalization" in order to get positive 'vectical' values meanSxxdB = meanSxxdB[indf,]-min(meanSxxdB[indf,]) # this is not the area under the curve... # what is the meaning of an area under the curve in dB... BI = sum(meanSxxdB)/df # ======= maad version else: # better to average the PSD for energy conservation PSDxx_norm = (Sxx**2/max(Sxx**2)) meanPSDxx_norm = mean(PSDxx_norm, axis=1) # Compute the area # take the sqrt in order to go back to Sxx BI = sqrt(sum(meanPSDxx_norm))* df return BI
#============================================================================= # # New ecoacoustics indices introduced by S. HAUPERT, 2020 # #============================================================================= #=============================================================================
[docs] def temporal_leq (s, fs, gain, Vadc=2, sensitivity=-35, dBref=94, dt=1): """ Computes the Equivalent Continuous Sound level (Leq) of an audio signal in the time domain. Parameters ---------- s : 1D array of floats audio to process (wav) fs : Integer sampling frequency in Hz gain : integer Total gain applied to the sound (preamplifer + amplifier) Vadc : scalar, optional, default is 2Vpp (=>+/-1V) Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC sensitivity : float, optional, default is -35 (dB/V) Sensitivity of the microphone dBref : integer, optional, default is 94 (dBSPL) Pressure sound level used for the calibration of the microphone (usually 94dB, sometimes 114dB) dt : float, optional, default is 1 (second) Integration step to compute the Leq (Equivalent Continuous Sound level) Returns ------- LEQt: float Equivalent Continuous Sound level (Leq) in dB SPL Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> Leq = maad.features.temporal_leq (s, fs, gain=42) >>> print('Leq is %2.1fdB SPL' % Leq) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Leq is 63.7dB SPL """ # compute the Leq for each dt step leq = wav2leq(s, fs, gain, Vadc, dt, sensitivity, dBref) # average them LEQt = mean_dB(leq, axis=1) return LEQt
[docs] def spectral_leq (X, gain, Vadc=2, sensitivity=-35, dBref=94, pRef = 20e-6): """ Computes the Equivalent Continuous Sound level (Leq) from a power spectrum (1d) or power spectrogram (2d). Parameters ---------- X : ndarray of floats Spectrum (1d) or Spectrogram (2d). Work with PSD to be consistent with energy concervation gain : integer Total gain applied to the sound (preamplifer + amplifier) Vadc : scalar, optional, default is 2Vpp (=>+/-1V) Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC sensitivity : float, optional, default is -35 (dB/V) Sensitivity of the microphone dBref : integer, optional, default is 94 (dBSPL) Pressure sound level used for the calibration of the microphone (usually 94dB, sometimes 114dB) pRef : Sound pressure reference in the medium (air : 20e-6, water : 1e-6) Returns ------- LEQf: float Equivalent Continuous Sound level (Leq) in dB SPL Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> Sxx_power,_,_,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram(s,fs) >>> Leqf, Leqf_per_bin = maad.features.spectral_leq(Sxx_power, gain=42) >>> print('Leq (from spectrogram) is %2.1fdB SPL' % Leqf) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Leq (from spectrogram) is 63.7dB SPL """ # force X to be an ndarray X = np.asarray(X) # test if X has 2d (Spectrogram Pxx) if X.ndim == 2 : # average spectrogram along time direction X = mean(X, axis=1) # convert power spectrogram/spectrum into dBSPL LEQf_per_bin = power2dBSPL(X, gain, Vadc, sensitivity, dBref, pRef) else : LEQf_per_bin = [] # convert spectrogram/spectrum into pressure LEQf = psd2leq(X, gain, Vadc, sensitivity, dBref, pRef) return LEQf, LEQf_per_bin
[docs] def more_entropy(x, order=3, axis=0) : """ Compute the entropy of an audio signal using multiple methods. There are currently five types supported: [1]_ - Havrda - Renyi - paired Shannon - gamma - Gini Simpson Parameters ---------- x : ndarray of floats vector (1d) or matrix (2d) of scalars. Vector could be audio recording or spectrum Matrix could be spectrogram order : integer, default is 3 determine the order of the entropy in case of Havrda, Renyi and gamma entropy. if order =2, Havrda is equal to Gini Simpson entropy axis : integer, default is 0 In case of x is a matrix, select the row (axis=0) or the columns (axis=1) of the matrix to compute the entropies. Returns ------- H_Havrda : scalar Havrda entropy H_Renyi : scalar Renyi entropy H_pairedShannon : scalar Paired Shannon entropy H_gamma : scalar Gamma entropy H_GiniSimpson : scalar Gini Simpson entropy References ---------- .. [1] Zhao, Yueqin. "Rao's Quadratic Entropy and Some New Applications" (2010). Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertation,Mathematics and Statistics, Old Dominion University. `DOI: 10.25777/qgak-sf09 <>`_ Examples -------- >>> import maad Compute entropy in time domain. >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> env = maad.sound.envelope(s) >>> Ht_Havrda, Ht_Renyi, Ht_pairedShannon, Ht_gamma, Ht_GiniSimpson = maad.features.more_entropy(env**2, order=3) >>> print('Ht_Havrda: %2.2f / Ht_Renyi: %2.2f / Ht_pairedShannon: %2.2f / Ht_gamma: %2.0f / Ht_GiniSimpson: %2.2f' % (Ht_Havrda, Ht_Renyi, Ht_pairedShannon, Ht_gamma, Ht_GiniSimpson)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Ht_Havrda: 0.33 / Ht_Renyi: 7.20 / Ht_pairedShannon: 9.04 / Ht_gamma: 24223924 / Ht_GiniSimpson: 1.00 Compute entropy in spectral domain. >>> Sxx_power,_,_,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram(s,fs) >>> S_power = maad.sound.avg_power_spectro(Sxx_power) >>> Hf_Havrda, Hf_Renyi, Hf_pairedShannon, Hf_gamma, Hf_GiniSimpson = maad.features.more_entropy(S_power, order=3) >>> print('Hf_Havrda: %2.2f / Hf_Renyi: %2.2f / Hf_pairedShannon: %2.2f / Hf_gamma: %2.0f / Hf_GiniSimpson: %2.2f' % (Hf_Havrda, Hf_Renyi, Hf_pairedShannon, Hf_gamma, Hf_GiniSimpson)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Hf_Havrda: 0.33 / Hf_Renyi: 3.23 / Hf_pairedShannon: 4.92 / Hf_gamma: 7931 / Hf_GiniSimpson: 0.97 """ if isinstance(x, (np.ndarray)) == True: if x.ndim > axis: if x.shape[axis] == 1: axis=0 print ("WARNING: axis is to large, axis is set to 0") # if datain contains negative values -> rescale the signal between # between posSitive values (for example (0,1)) if np.min(x)<0: x = linear_scale(x,minval=0,maxval=1) # Tranform the signal into a Probability mass function (pmf) # Sum(pmf) = 1 if axis == 0 : pmf = x/np.sum(x,axis) elif axis == 1 : pmf = (x.transpose()/np.sum(x,axis)).transpose() pmf[pmf==0] = _MIN_ # alpha order entropy of Havrda and Charvat H_Havrda = (1-np.sum(pmf**order, axis=axis)) / (2**(order-1)-1) # alpha order entropy of Renyi H_Renyi = np.log(np.sum(pmf**order, axis=axis))/(1-order) # paired Shannon entropy H_pairedShannon = -np.sum(pmf*log(pmf), axis=axis)-np.sum((1-pmf)*log(1-pmf), axis=axis) # gamma entropy H_gamma = (1-(np.sum(pmf**(1/order), axis=axis))**order)/(1-2**(order-1)) # Gini-Simpson entropy H_GiniSimpson = 1-np.sum(pmf**2,axis=axis) return H_Havrda, H_Renyi, H_pairedShannon, H_gamma, H_GiniSimpson
[docs] def frequency_raoq (S_power, fn, bin_step=1000): """ Compute Rao's quadratic entropy on a power spectrum (1d). [1]_ Parameters ---------- S_power : ndarray of floats Spectrum (1d) fn : 1d ndarray of floats frequency vector bin_step : scalar, optional, default is 1000 Frequency step in Hz Returns ------- RAOQ : scalar Rao quadratic entropy References ---------- .. [1] Zhao, Yueqin. "Rao's Quadratic Entropy and Some New Applications" (2010). Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertation,Mathematics and Statistics, Old Dominion University. `DOI: 10.25777/qgak-sf09 <>`_ Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/spinetail.wav') >>> Sxx_power,tn,fn,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram(s,fs) >>> S_power = maad.sound.avg_power_spectro(Sxx_power) >>> maad.features.frequency_raoq(S_power, fn) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0.10556621228886422 """ # be sure they are ndarray X = np.asarray(S_power) #Convert into bins X_bins, bins = into_bins(X, fn, bin_min=fn[0], bin_max=fn[-1], bin_step=bin_step, axis=None) # Compute Rao Quadratic Entropy RAOQ = _raoQ(X_bins,bins) return RAOQ
[docs] def tfsd (Sxx, fn, tn, flim=(2000,8000), log=True, mode='thirdOctave', display=False): """ Compute the Time frequency derivation index (tfsd) from a spectrogram. [1]_ [2]_ Parameters ---------- Sxx : ndarray of floats matrix : Amplitude spectrogram fn : vector frequency vector corresponding to the spectrogram tn : vector time vector corresponding to the spectrogram flim : tupple (fmin, fmax), optional, default is (2000, 8000) Frequency band used to compute tfsd. log : boolean, optional, default is True If True, the log of Sxx is taken before calculating the TFSD as it was defined in [1]_ [2]_ if False, no log is applied, TFSD > 0.3 indicates the presence of birds mode : string {'thirdOctave','Octave'}, default is thirdOctave Select the way to transform the spectrogram with linear bands into octave bands display : boolean, optional, default is False Display the 1st and 2nd derivation of the spectrogram Returns ------- tfsd : scalar Time frequency derivation index Notes ----- The TFSD varies between 0 and 1, where 1 indicates sound events on the full spectrogram. When flim=(2000,8000), TFSD mostly indicates the presence of birds in the signal When flim=(0,1000), TFSD mostly indicates the presence of human voice in the signal When log=False and flim=(2000,8000), a TFSD > 0.3 indicates the presence of birds in the signal References ---------- .. [1] Aumond, P., Can, A., De Coensel, B., Botteldooren, D., Ribeiro, C., & Lavandier, C. (2017). Modeling soundscape pleasantness using perceptual assessments and acoustic measurements along paths in urban context. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. `DOI: 10.3813/AAA.919073 <>`_ .. [2] Gontier, F., Lavandier, C., Aumond, P., Lagrange, M., & Petiot, J. F. (2019). Estimation of the perceived time of presence of sources in urban acoustic environments using deep learning techniques. Acta Acustica united with Acustica.`DOI: 10.3813/AAA.919384 <>`_ Examples -------- >>> import maad During the day >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx_power,tn,fn,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram(s,fs) >>> maad.features.tfsd(Sxx_power,fn, tn) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0.4637352908292768 During the night >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_night.wav') >>> Sxx_power,tn,fn,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram(s,fs) >>> maad.features.tfsd(Sxx_power,fn, tn) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0.42435773298811824 """ # In order to be complient with the definition of the tfsd, it must be computed on dB scale # But t if log : Sxx = np.log10(Sxx) # convert into 1/3 octave if mode == 'thirdOctave' : x, fn_bin = linear_to_octave(Sxx, fn, thirdOctave=True) elif mode == 'Octave' : x, fn_bin = linear_to_octave(Sxx, fn, thirdOctave=False) # Derivation along the time axis, for each frequency bin GRADdt = diff(x, n=1, axis=1) # Derivation of the previously derivated matrix along the frequency axis GRADdf = diff(GRADdt, n=1, axis=0) # select the bandwidth if flim is not None : GRADdf_select = GRADdf[index_bw(fn_bin[0:-1],bw=flim),] else : GRADdf_select = GRADdf # calcul of the tfsd : sum of the pseudo-gradient in the frequency bandwidth # which is normalized by the total sum of the pseudo-gradient tfsd = sum(abs(GRADdf_select))/sum(abs(GRADdf)) # in case tfsd is a NaN set to 0 if np.isnan(tfsd) : tfsd = 0 if display : extent=(tn[0], tn[-1], fn_bin[0], fn_bin[-1]) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1, sharex=True) # set the paramteers of the figure fig.set_facecolor('w') fig.set_edgecolor('k') fig.set_figheight(4) fig.set_figwidth (13) # display image _im1 = ax1.imshow(power2dB(GRADdt), vmax = max(power2dB(GRADdt)), vmin = min(power2dB(GRADdt)), interpolation='none', origin='lower', cmap='gray', extent=extent) plt.colorbar(_im1, ax=ax1) # set the parameters of the subplot ax1.set_title('Derivation along time axis') ax1.set_xlabel('Time [sec]') ax1.set_ylabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax1.axis('tight') # display image _im2 = ax2.imshow(power2dB(GRADdf), vmax = max(power2dB(GRADdf)), vmin = min(power2dB(GRADdf)), interpolation='none', origin='lower', cmap='gray', extent=extent) plt.colorbar(_im2, ax=ax2) # set the parameters of the subplot ax2.set_title('Derivation along frequency axis') ax2.set_xlabel('Time [sec]') ax2.set_ylabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax2.axis('tight') fig.tight_layout() # Display the figure now return tfsd
[docs] def acoustic_gradient_index(Sxx, dt, order=1, norm='per_bin', display=False): """ Compute the Acoustic Gradient Index (AGI) from a raw spectrogram. This index must be computed on a raw spectrogram (background noise must remain). Parameters ---------- Sxx : ndarray of floats 2d : Spectrogram dt : float Time resolution in seconds. norm : string, optional, default is 'per_bin' Determine if the AGI is normalized by the global mean value ('global' mode) or by the median value per frequency bin ('per_bin') Returns ------- AGI_xx : 2d ndarray of scalars Acoustic Gradient Index of the spectrogram AGI_per_bin : 1d ndarray of scalars AGI value for each frequency bin sum(AGI_xx,axis=1) AGI_sum : scalar Sum of AGI value per frequency bin (Common definition) sum(AGI_per_bin) AGI_mean ; scalar average AGI value per frequency bin (independant of the number of frequency bin) mean(AGI_per_bin) Examples -------- >>> import maad During the day >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx_power,tn,fn,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram(s,fs) >>> _, _, AGI_mean, _ = maad.features.acoustic_gradient_index(Sxx_power,tn[1]-tn[0]) >>> AGI_mean # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 5.026112548525073 During the night >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_night.wav') >>> Sxx_power,tn,fn,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram(s,fs) >>> _, _, AGI_mean, _ = maad.features.acoustic_gradient_index(Sxx_power,tn[1]-tn[0]) >>> AGI_mean # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 1.45631461307782 """ # derivative (order = 1, 2, 3...) AGI_xx = abs(diff(Sxx, order, axis=1)) / (dt**order ) if norm is not None : # Normalize the derivative by the median derivative which should # correspond to the background (noise) derivative if norm =='per_bin': m = median(AGI_xx, axis=1) m[m==0] = _MIN_ # Avoid dividing by zero value AGI_xx = AGI_xx/m[:,None] elif norm == 'global': m = median(AGI_xx) if m==0: m = _MIN_ AGI_xx = AGI_xx/m # mean per bin AGI_per_bin = mean (AGI_xx,axis=1) # Mean global AGI_mean = mean(AGI_per_bin) # global sum AGI_sum = np.sum(AGI_per_bin) # display full SPECTROGRAM in dB if display==True : fig4, ax4 = plt.subplots() # set the paramteers of the figure fig4.set_facecolor('w') fig4.set_edgecolor('k') fig4.set_figheight(4) fig4.set_figwidth (13) # display image _im = ax4.imshow(power2dB(Sxx**2), interpolation='none', origin='lower', vmin =20, vmax=70, cmap='gray') plt.colorbar(_im, ax=ax4) # set the parameters of the subplot ax4.set_title('Spectrogram') ax4.set_xlabel('Time [sec]') ax4.set_ylabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax4.axis('tight') fig4.tight_layout() # Display the figure now return AGI_xx, AGI_per_bin, AGI_mean, AGI_sum
[docs] def region_of_interest_index(Sxx_dB_noNoise, tn, fn, smooth_param1=1, mask_mode='relative', mask_param1=6, mask_param2=0.5, min_roi=9, max_roi=512*10000, max_ratio_xy = None, remove_rain = False, display=False, **kwargs): """ Compute an acoustic activity index based on the regions of interested detected on a spectrogram. The function first find regions of interest (ROI) and then compute the number or ROIs and the cover area of these ROIS on the spectrogram. Parameters ---------- Sxx_dB_noNoise : ndarray of floats Spectrogram without noise (i.e matrix of spectrum) tn : 1d ndarray of floats time vector (horizontal x-axis) fn : 1d ndarray of floats Frequency vector (vertical y-axis) smooth_param1 : scalar, default is 1 Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel used to smooth the image The larger is the number, the smoother will be the image and the longer it takes. Standard values should fall between 0.5 to 3 mask_mode : string in {'relative', 'absolute'}, optional, default is 'relative' | if 'relative': Binarize an image based on a double relative threshold. The values used for the thresholding depends on the values found in the image. => relative threshold | if 'absolute' : Binarize an image based on a double relative threshold. The values used for the thresholding are independent of the values in the image => absolute threshold .. warning:: The default ``mask_mode`` parameter is deprecated in version 1.3 and will be changed to ``absolute`` in version 1.4. mask_param1 : scalar, default is 6 | if 'relative' : bin_std | if 'absolute' : bin_h .. warning:: The default ``mask_param1`` parameter is deprecated in version 1.3 and will be changed to ``10`` in version 1.4. mask_param2 : scalar, default is 0.5 | if 'relative' : bin_per | if 'absolute' : bin_l .. warning:: The default ``mask_param2`` parameter is deprecated in version 1.3 and will be changed to ``3`` in 1.4. min_roi, max_roi : scalars, optional, default : 9, 512*10000 Define the minimum and the maximum area possible for a ROI. If None, the minimum ROI area is 1 pixel and the maximum ROI area is the area of the image .. warning:: The default ``min_roi`` and ``max_roi`` parameter is deprecated in version 1.3 and will be changed to ``None`` in 1.4. max_ratio_xy : scalar, optional, default : None Define the maximum ratio between the vertical axis (y) and horizontal axis (x) that is allowed for a ROI. This is very convenient to remove vertical spikes (e.g. rain). 10 seems a reasonable value to remove most of spikes due to light to medium rainfall. remove_rain : boolean, default is False If True, vertical frequency spikes due to rain are removed as possible by applying a morphological mathematical image processing : grey opening .. warning:: The ``remove_rain`` parameter is deprecated in version 1.3 and will be removed in 1.4. It's better to use the ``max_ratio_yx`` parameter display : boolean, default is false plot graphs and spectrograms /*/*kwargs optional. This parameter is used by plt.plot and savefig functions Returns ------- ROItotal : float Total number of ROIs found. The higher is the number of ROI, the higher is the acoustic abondance and/or richness expected ROIcover : float Percentage of spectrogram cover. The higher is the cover percentage, the higher is the acoustic richness expected. Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx_power,tn,fn,_ = maad.sound.spectrogram(s,fs) >>> Sxx_noNoise= maad.sound.median_equalizer(Sxx_power) >>> Sxx_dB_noNoise = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_noNoise) >>> ROItotal, ROIcover = maad.features.region_of_interest_index(Sxx_dB_noNoise, tn, fn, display=True) >>> print('The total number of ROIs found in the spectrogram is %2.0f' %ROItotal) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE The total number of ROIs found in the spectrogram is 265 >>> print('The percentage of spectrogram covered by ROIs is %2.0f%%' %ROIcover) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE The percentage of spectrogram covered by ROIs is 12% """ # extent kwargs.update({'extent':(tn[0], tn[-1], fn[0], fn[-1])}) # if remove rain => remove frequential spikes (rain) if remove_rain == True : Sxx_dB_noNoise = opening(Sxx_dB_noNoise, footprint=np.ones([1,5])) # Smooth the spectrogram in order to facilitate the creation of masks Sxx_dB_noNoise_smooth = smooth(Sxx_dB_noNoise, std=smooth_param1, display=display, savefig=None,**kwargs) # binarization of the spectrogram to select part of the spectrogram with # acoustic activity if mask_mode == 'relative' : im_mask = create_mask(Sxx_dB_noNoise_smooth, mode_bin = 'relative', bin_std=mask_param1, bin_per=mask_param2, display=display, savefig=None, **kwargs) elif mask_mode == 'absolute' : im_mask = create_mask(Sxx_dB_noNoise_smooth, mode_bin = 'absolute', bin_h=mask_param1, bin_l=mask_param2, display=display, savefig=None, **kwargs) else: raise TypeError ('mask_mode should be selected in {relative, absolute}') # get the mask with rois (im_rois) and the bounding box for each rois (rois_bbox) # and an unique index for each rois => in the pandas dataframe rois im_rois, rois = select_rois(im_mask, min_roi=min_roi, max_roi=max_roi, display= display, **kwargs) ##### Extract centroids features of each roi from the spectrogram in dB without noise X = dB2power(Sxx_dB_noNoise) rois = format_features(rois, tn, fn) centroid = centroid_features(X, rois, im_rois) ###### remove rois with ratio >max_ratio_xy (they are mostly artefact # such as wind, ain or clipping) # add ratio x/y rois['ratio_xy'] = (rois.max_y -rois.min_y) / (rois.max_x -rois.min_x) if max_ratio_xy is not None : rois = rois[rois['ratio_xy'] < max_ratio_xy] if display : X = Sxx_dB_noNoise kwargs.update({'vmax':np.max(X)}) kwargs.update({'vmin':np.min(X)}) ax, fig = overlay_rois(X, rois, **kwargs) #ROItotal ROItotal = len(centroid) ##### calcul the area of each roi # rectangular area (overestimation) area = (rois.max_y -rois.min_y) * (rois.max_x -rois.min_x) # size of im_rois => whole spectrogram x,y = im_rois.shape total_area = x*y # Pourcentage of ROI over the total area ROIcover = sum(area) / total_area *100 return ROItotal, ROIcover
[docs] def all_temporal_alpha_indices(s, fs, verbose=False, display=False, **kwargs): """ Compute 16 temporal domain acoustic indices. Parameters ---------- s : 1D array Audio to process (wav) fs : float Sampling frequency of the audio (Hz) verbose : boolean, default is False print indices on the default terminal display : boolean, default is False Display graphs kwargs : arguments for functions: - temporal_leq(s, fs, gain, Vadc, sensitivity, dBref, dt) - temporal_snr(s, mode, Nt) - temporal_median(s, mode, Nt) - temporal_entropy(s, compatibility, mode, Nt) - temporal_activity (s,dB_threshold, mode, Nt) - temporal_events (s, fs, dB_threshold, rejectDuration, mode, Nt,display) For envelope mode : str, optional, default is "fast" Select the mode to compute the envelope of the audio waveform - "fast" : The sound is first divided into frames (2d) using the function _wave2timeframes(s), then the max of each frame gives a good approximation of the envelope. - "Hilbert" : estimation of the envelope from the Hilbert transform. The method is slow Nt : integer, optional, default is 512 Size of each frame. The largest, the highest is the approximation. For entropy compatibility : string {'QUT', 'seewave'}, default is 'QUT' Select the way to compute the temporal entropy. - QUT : entropy of the envelope² - seewave : entropy of the envelope For LEQt calculation gain : integer Total gain applied to the sound (preamplifer + amplifier) Vadc : scalar, optional, default is 2Vpp (=>+/-1V) Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC sensitivity : float, optional, default is -35 (dB/V) Sensitivity of the microphone dBref : integer, optional, default is 94 (dBSPL) Pressure sound level used for the calibration of the microphone (usually 94dB, sometimes 114dB) dt : float, optional, default is 1 (second) Integration step to compute the Leq (Equivalent Continuous Sound level) For audio activity and events dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is 3dB data >Threshold is considered to be an event if the length is > rejectLength rejectDuration : scalar, optional, default is None event shorter than rejectDuration are discarded duration is in s Returns ------- df_temporal_indices: Pandas dataframe Dataframe containing of the calculated audio indices : ZCR, MEANt, VARt, SKEWt, KURTt, LEQt, BGNt, SNRt, MED, Ht, ACTtFraction, ACTtCount, ACTtMean, EVNtFraction, EVNtMean, EVNtCount See also -------- temporal_moments, temporal_events, temporal_activity, temporal_entropy, temporal_median, temporal_leq, temporal_snr, zero_crossing_rate Examples -------- >>> import maad >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_night.wav') >>> df_temporal_indices_NIGHT = maad.features.all_temporal_alpha_indices (s,fs) >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> df_temporal_indices_DAY = maad.features.all_temporal_alpha_indices (s,fs) Variation between night and day >>> variation = abs(df_temporal_indices_DAY - df_temporal_indices_NIGHT)/df_temporal_indices_NIGHT*100 >>> print('LEQt variation night vs day: %2.2f %%' % variation['LEQt'][0]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE LEQt variation night vs day: 29.66 % >>> print('Ht variation night vs day: %2.2f %%' % variation.Ht.iloc[0]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Ht variation night vs day: 2.33 % >>> print('MEANt variation night vs day: %2.2f %%' % variation['MEANt'][0]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE MEANt variation night vs day: 299.62 % >>> print('VARt variation night vs day: %2.2f %%' % variation['VARt'][0]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE VARt variation night vs day: 1664.02 % >>> print('EVNtFraction variation night vs day: %2.2f %%' % variation['EVNtFraction'][0]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE EVNtFraction variation night vs day: 98.48 % """ #### get variables # Envelope => mode {'fast', 'hilbert"}, if 'fast', set Nt, number of point by frame mode = kwargs.pop('mode','fast') Nt = kwargs.pop('Nt',512) # for entropy : compatibility {'QUT', 'seewave'} compatibility = kwargs.pop('compatibility','QUT') # for LEQ : gain = kwargs.pop('gain',42) Vadc = kwargs.pop('Vadc',2) dt = kwargs.pop('dt',1) sensitivity = kwargs.pop('sensitivity',-35) dBref = kwargs.pop('dBref',94) # for audio activity and events dB_threshold = kwargs.pop('dB_threshold',3) rejectDuration = kwargs.pop('rejectDuration',0.01) #### create a list df_temporal_indices=[] """************************* Zero Crossing Rate ************ ***********""" ZCR = zero_crossing_rate(s,fs) df_temporal_indices += [ZCR] if verbose : print("ZCR %2.5f" % ZCR) """**************************** 4 audio moments *************************""" MEANt, VARt, SKEWt, KURTt = temporal_moments(s) df_temporal_indices += [MEANt, VARt, SKEWt, KURTt] if verbose : print("MEANt %2.5f" % MEANt) print("VARt %2.5f" % VARt) print("SKEWt %2.5f" % SKEWt) print("KURTt %2.5f" % KURTt) """********** total sound pressure level in temporal domain ***********""" LEQt = temporal_leq(s, fs, gain, Vadc, sensitivity, dBref, dt) df_temporal_indices += [LEQt] if verbose : print("LEQt %2.5f" % LEQt) """************ Signal to noise Ratio and noise energy *************""" _,BGNt,SNRt = temporal_snr(s, mode, Nt) df_temporal_indices += [BGNt, SNRt] if verbose : print("SNRt %2.5f" % SNRt) print("BGNt %2.5f" % BGNt) """*********************** median energy ***************************""" MED = temporal_median(s, mode, Nt) df_temporal_indices += [MED] if verbose : print("MED %2.5f" % MED) """******************* energy concentration : entropy****************""" Ht = temporal_entropy(s, compatibility, mode, Nt) df_temporal_indices += [Ht] if verbose : print("Ht %2.5f" % Ht) """**************************** Acoustic activity ********************""" """ ACT & EVN [TOWSEY] """ ACTtFraction, ACTtCount, ACTtMean = temporal_activity (s,dB_threshold, mode, Nt) df_temporal_indices += [ACTtFraction, ACTtCount, ACTtMean] if verbose : print("ACTtFraction %2.5f" % ACTtFraction) print("ACTtCount %2.5f" % ACTtCount) print("ACTtMean %2.5f" % ACTtMean) EVNtFraction, EVNtMean, EVNtCount, _ = temporal_events (s, fs, dB_threshold, rejectDuration, mode, Nt, display=display) df_temporal_indices += [EVNtFraction, EVNtMean, EVNtCount] if verbose : print("EVNtFraction %2.5f" % EVNtFraction) print("EVNtMean %2.5f" % EVNtMean) print("EVNtCount %2.5f" % EVNtCount) df_temporal_indices = pd.DataFrame([df_temporal_indices], columns=['ZCR', 'MEANt', 'VARt', 'SKEWt', 'KURTt', 'LEQt', 'BGNt', 'SNRt', 'MED', 'Ht', 'ACTtFraction', 'ACTtCount', 'ACTtMean', 'EVNtFraction', 'EVNtMean', 'EVNtCount']) return df_temporal_indices
[docs] def all_spectral_alpha_indices (Sxx_power, tn, fn, flim_low=[0,1000], flim_mid=[1000,10000], flim_hi=[10000,20000], verbose=False, display=False, **kwargs): """ Computes the acoustic indices in spectral (spectrum (1d) or spectrogram (2d)) domain. Parameters ---------- Sxx_power : 2D array of floats Power spectrogram to process (taken directly from maad.sound.spectrogram) tn : 1d ndarray of floats time vector (horizontal x-axis) fn : 1d ndarray of floats Frequency vector (vertical y-axis) flim_low : tupple, optional, default is (0,1000) Low frequency band in Hz flim_mid : tupple, optional, default is (1000,10000) mid frequency band in Hz flim_hi : tupple, optional, default is (10000,20000) high frequency band in Hz verbose : boolean, default is False print indices on the default terminal display : boolean, default is False Display graphs kwargs : arguments for functions: - spectral_leq - frequency_entropy - soundscape_index - bioacoustics_index - acoustic_diversity_index - acoustic_eveness_index - spectral_cover - spectral_activity - spectral_events - tfsd - region_of_interest_index For soundscape_index, bioacoustics_index, acoustic_diversity_index, acoustic_eveness_index R_compatible : string, optional, default is "soundecology" if 'soundecology', the result is similar to the package SoundEcology in R. Otherwise, the result is specific to maad For LEQf calculation gain : integer Total gain applied to the sound (preamplifer + amplifier) Vadc : scalar, optional, default is 2Vpp (=>+/-1V) Maximal voltage (peak to peak) converted by the analog to digital convertor ADC sensitivity : float, optional, default is -35 (dB/V) Sensitivity of the microphone dBref : integer, optional, default is 94 (dBSPL) Pressure sound level used for the calibration of the microphone (usually 94dB, sometimes 114dB) pRef : float Sound pressure reference in the medium (air : 20e-6, water : 1e-6) For spectral activity and events dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is 3dB data >Threshold is considered to be an event if the length is > rejectLength For spectral activity and events rejectDuration : scalar, optional, default is None event shorter than rejectDuration are discarded duration is in s For Roi smooth_param1 : scalar, default is 1 Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel used to smooth the image The larger is the number, the smoother will be the image and the longer it takes. Standard values should fall between 0.5 to 3 mask_mode : string in {'relative', 'absolute'}, optional, default is 'relative' if 'relative': Binarize an image based on a double relative threshold. The values used for the thresholding depends on the values found in the image. => relative threshold if 'absolute' : Binarize an image based on a double relative threshold. The values used for the thresholding are independent of the values in the image => absolute threshold mask_param1 : scalar, default is 6 if 'relative' : bin_h if 'absolute' : bin_std mask_param2 : scalar, default is 0.5 if 'relative' : bin_l if 'absolute' : bin_per remove_rain : boolean, default is False If True, most of spikes in spectrogram due to rain are removed using a math morphological method, the grey opening max_ratio_yx : scalar, optional, default : None Define the maximum ratio between the vertical axis (y) and horizontal axis (x) that is allowed for a ROI. This is very convenient to remove vertical spikes (e.g. rain). 10 seems a reasonable value to remove most of spikes due to light to medium rainfall. min_roi, max_roi : scalars, optional, default : 9, 512*10000 Define the minimum and the maximum area possible for an ROI. If None, the minimum ROI area is 1 pixel and the maximum ROI area is the area of the image For ADI, AEI, RAOQ bin_step : scalar, optional, default is 1000 Frequency step in Hz For ADI and AEI ADI_dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is -50 Threshold in dB AEI_dB_threshold : scalar, optional, default is -50 Threshold in dB Returns ------- df_spectral_indices: Panda dataframe Dataframe containing of the calculated spectral indices : df_per_bin_indices : Panda dataframe Dataframe containing of the calculated spectral indices per frequency bin : See Also -------- number_of_peaks, spectral_leq, spectral_snr, frequency_entropy, spectral_entropy, acoustic_complexity_index, soundscape_index, soundscape_index, roughness, acoustic_diversity_index, acoustic_eveness_index, spectral_cover, spectral_activity, spectral_events, tfsd, more_entropy, frequency_raoq, acoustic_gradient_index, region_of_interest_index Notes ----- In order to obtain the same output for AEI and ADI as for soundecology, the signal and the spectrogram need to be processed without detrend on. maad.sound.load("myfile.wav", ..., detrend = False) maad.sound.spectrogram(s, fs, ..., detrend = False) For a complete example, see the examples of the functions acoustic_eveness_index and acoustic_diversity_index Examples -------- >>> import maad Spectral indices on a daylight recording >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav') >>> Sxx_power,tn,fn,ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs) >>> df_spectral_indices_DAY, _ = maad.features.all_spectral_alpha_indices(Sxx_power,tn,fn,display=True, extent=ext) Spectral indices on a night recording >>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_night.wav') >>> Sxx_power,tn,fn,ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs) >>> df_spectral_indices_NIGHT, _ = maad.features.all_spectral_alpha_indices(Sxx_power,tn,fn,display=True) Variation between night and day >>> variation = abs(df_spectral_indices_DAY - df_spectral_indices_NIGHT)/df_spectral_indices_NIGHT*100 >>> print('LEQf variation night vs day: %2.2f %%' % variation['LEQf'][0]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE LEQf variation night vs day: 34.94 % >>> print('Hf variation night vs day: %2.2f %%' % variation['Hf'][0]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Hf variation night vs day: 105.61 % >>> print('ACI variation night vs day: %2.2f %%' % variation['ACI'][0]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ACI variation night vs day: 3.39 % >>> print('AGI variation night vs day: %2.2f %%' % variation['AGI'][0]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE AGI variation night vs day: 20.50 % >>> print('ROItotal variation night vs day: %2.2f %%' % variation['ROItotal'][0]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ROItotal variation night vs day: 264.47 % """ # extent kwargs.update({'extent':(tn[0], tn[-1], fn[0], fn[-1])}) #### get variables R_compatible = kwargs.pop('R_compatible','soundecology') # for LEQ : gain = kwargs.pop('gain',42) Vadc = kwargs.pop('Vadc',2) sensitivity = kwargs.pop('sensitivity',-35) dBref = kwargs.pop('dBref',94) pRef = kwargs.pop('pRef',20e-6) # for audio activity and events dB_threshold = kwargs.pop('dB_threshold',3) rejectDuration = kwargs.pop('rejectDuration',None) # if None => 3 pixels ### for Roi min_roi_area = kwargs.pop('min_roi_area',None) # if None => 30ms * 100Hz max_roi_area = kwargs.pop('max_roi_area',None) # smooth_param1 = kwargs.pop('smooth_param1',1) mask_mode = kwargs.pop('mask_mode','relative') mask_param1 = kwargs.pop('mask_param1',6) mask_param2 = kwargs.pop('mask_param2',0.5) remove_rain = kwargs.pop('remove_rain',False) max_ratio_xy = kwargs.pop('max_ratio_xy',10) ### for ADI, AEI, RAOQ bin_step = kwargs.pop('bin_step',1000) # in Hz ### for ADI, AEI ADI_dB_threshold = kwargs.pop('ADI_dB_threshold',-50) # in dB AEI_dB_threshold = kwargs.pop('AEI_dB_threshold',-50) # in dB # => for same result as soundecology, we have to compute AEI and ADI outside # of this function as the signal can't be detrended (the dc value is not # removed) # -30 seems to give reasonable results that are more or less expected #### create a list df_spectral_indices=[] df_per_bin_indices=[] ### for flim to be ndarray flim_low = np.asarray(flim_low) flim_mid = np.asarray(flim_mid) flim_hi = np.asarray(flim_hi) #### Prepare different spectrograms and spectrums # amplitude spectrogram Sxx_amplitude = sqrt(Sxx_power) # mean amplitude spectrum S_amplitude = avg_amplitude_spectro(Sxx_amplitude) # mean power spectrum S_power = avg_power_spectro(Sxx_power) """************************* Long term spectrogram *********************""" # mean power spectrum => for long term spectrogram (LTS) LTS = avg_power_spectro(Sxx_power) df_per_bin_indices +=[fn.tolist()] df_per_bin_indices +=[LTS.tolist()] """**************************** 4 spectrum moments *********************""" MEANf, VARf, SKEWf, KURTf = spectral_moments(S_amplitude) df_spectral_indices += [MEANf, VARf, SKEWf, KURTf] if verbose : print("MEANf %2.5f" % MEANf) print("VARf %2.5f" % VARf) print("SKEWf %2.5f" % SKEWf) print("KURTf %2.5f" % KURTf) """*********************** 4 audio moments per bin ********************""" MEANt_per_bin, VARt_per_bin, SKEWt_per_bin, KURTt_per_bin = spectral_moments(Sxx_amplitude, axis=1) MEANt_per_bin = np.asarray(MEANt_per_bin).tolist() VARt_per_bin = np.asarray(VARt_per_bin).tolist() SKEWt_per_bin = np.asarray(SKEWt_per_bin).tolist() KURTt_per_bin = np.asarray(KURTt_per_bin).tolist() df_per_bin_indices += [ MEANt_per_bin,VARt_per_bin, SKEWt_per_bin,KURTt_per_bin ] """**************************** Number of peaks ************************""" NBPEAKS = number_of_peaks(S_amplitude,fn,display=display) df_spectral_indices += [NBPEAKS] if verbose : print("NBPEAKS %2.5f" % NBPEAKS) """********* total sound pressure level in frequency domain ************""" LEQf, LEQf_per_bin = spectral_leq(Sxx_power, gain, Vadc, sensitivity, dBref, pRef) df_spectral_indices += [LEQf] df_per_bin_indices += [np.asarray(LEQf_per_bin).tolist()] if verbose : print("LEQf %2.5f" % LEQf) """************ Signal to noise Ratio and noise energy *************""" """ SNRf [TOWSEY] """ ENRf, BGNf, SNRf, ENRf_per_bin, BGNf_per_bin, SNRf_per_bin = spectral_snr(Sxx_power) df_spectral_indices += [ENRf, BGNf, SNRf] df_per_bin_indices += [ np.asarray(ENRf_per_bin).tolist(), np.asarray(BGNf_per_bin).tolist(), np.asarray(SNRf_per_bin).tolist() ] if verbose : print("ENRf %2.5f" % ENRf) print("BGNf %2.5f" % BGNf) print("SNRf %2.5f" % SNRf) """******************* energy concentration : entropy ****************""" Hf, Ht_per_bin = frequency_entropy(Sxx_power, compatibility="QUT") df_spectral_indices += [Hf] df_per_bin_indices += [np.asarray(Ht_per_bin).tolist()] if verbose : print("Hf %2.5f" % Hf) """*********************** Remove stationnary noise ********************""" #### Use median_equalizer function as it is fast reliable Sxx_power_noNoise = median_equalizer(Sxx_power, display=display, **kwargs) #### Convert into dB Sxx_dB_noNoise = power2dB(Sxx_power_noNoise) """******** Spectral indices from Spectrum (Amplitude or Energy) *******""" """ EAS, ECU, ECV, EPS, KURT, SKEW [TOWSEY] """ #### Does not take into account low frequencies. EAS, ECU, ECV, EPS, EPS_KURT, EPS_SKEW = spectral_entropy (Sxx_power_noNoise, fn, flim=(flim_mid[0],flim_hi[1]), display=display) df_spectral_indices += [EAS, ECU, ECV, EPS, EPS_KURT, EPS_SKEW] if verbose : print("EAS %2.5f" % EAS) print("ECU %2.5f" % ECU) print("ECV %2.5f" % ECV) print("EPS %2.5f" % EPS) print("EPS_KURT %2.5f" % EPS_KURT) print("EPS_SKEW %2.5f" % EPS_SKEW) """============================================================= ECOLOGICAL INDICES : ACI NDSI rBA Bioacoustics Index =============================================================""" #### Acoustic complexity index => 1st derivative of the spectrogram """ ACI """ _,ACI_per_bin,ACI_sum = acoustic_complexity_index(Sxx_amplitude) ACI=ACI_sum df_spectral_indices += [ACI] df_per_bin_indices += [np.asarray(ACI_per_bin).tolist()] if verbose : print("ACI {seewave} %2.5f" %ACI) #### energy repartition in the frequency bins """ NDSI & rBA """ NDSI, rBA, AnthroEnergy, BioEnergy = soundscape_index(Sxx_power, fn, flim_bioPh=flim_mid, flim_antroPh=flim_low, R_compatible=R_compatible) df_spectral_indices += [NDSI, rBA, AnthroEnergy, BioEnergy] if verbose : if R_compatible == 'soundecology' : print("NDSI {soundecology} %2.5f" %NDSI) else : print("NDSI {seewave} %2.5f" %NDSI) ###### Bioacoustics Index : the calculation in R from soundecology is weird... """ BI """ BI = bioacoustics_index(Sxx_amplitude, fn, flim=flim_mid, R_compatible=R_compatible) df_spectral_indices += [BI] if verbose : if R_compatible == 'soundecology' : print("BI {SoundEcology} %2.5f" %BI) else : print("BI {MAAD} %2.5f" %BI) #### roughness """ ROU """ ROU_per_bin = roughness(Sxx_amplitude, norm=None, axis=1) ROU = np.sum(ROU_per_bin) df_spectral_indices += [ROU] df_per_bin_indices += [np.asarray(ROU_per_bin).tolist()] if verbose : print("roughness %2.2f" % ROU) """*********** Spectral indices from the decibel spectrogram ***********""" #### Score """ ADI & AEI """ """ COMMENT : - threshold : -50dB when norm by the max (as soundecology) 6dB if PSDxxdB_SansNoise """ ADI = acoustic_diversity_index(Sxx_amplitude, fn, fmin=flim_low[0], fmax=flim_mid[1], bin_step=bin_step, dB_threshold=ADI_dB_threshold, index="shannon") AEI = acoustic_eveness_index(Sxx_amplitude, fn, fmin=flim_low[0], fmax=flim_mid[1], bin_step=bin_step, dB_threshold=AEI_dB_threshold) df_spectral_indices += [ADI, AEI] if verbose : print("ADI %2.5f" %ADI) print("AEI %2.5f" %AEI) """************************** SPECTRAL COVER ***************************""" #### frequency cover """ LFC, MFC, HFC [TOWSEY] """ LFC, MFC, HFC = spectral_cover (Sxx_dB_noNoise, fn,dB_threshold=dB_threshold, flim_LF=flim_low,flim_MF=flim_mid,flim_HF=flim_hi) df_spectral_indices += [LFC, MFC, HFC] if verbose : print("LFC %2.5f" %LFC) print("MFC %2.5f" %MFC) print("HFC %2.5f" %HFC) """**************************** Activity *******************************""" # Time resolution (in s) DELTA_T = tn[1]-tn[0] if rejectDuration is None : rejectDuration = DELTA_T * 3 X = Sxx_dB_noNoise ACTspFract, ACTspCount, ACTspMean = spectral_activity (X, dB_threshold=dB_threshold) ACTspFract_avg = np.mean(ACTspFract) ACTspCount_avg = np.mean(ACTspCount) df_spectral_indices += [ACTspFract_avg, ACTspCount_avg, ACTspMean] df_per_bin_indices += [ np.asarray(ACTspFract).tolist(), np.asarray(ACTspCount).tolist() ] if verbose : print("ACTspFract %2.5f" %ACTspFract_avg) print("ACTspCount %2.5f" %ACTspCount_avg) print("ACTspMean %2.5f" %ACTspMean) EVNspFract, EVNspMean, EVNspCount, _ = spectral_events (X, dt=DELTA_T, dB_threshold=dB_threshold, rejectDuration=rejectDuration, display=display, **kwargs) EVNspFract_avg = np.mean(EVNspFract) EVNspMean_avg = np.mean(EVNspMean) EVNspCount_avg = np.mean(EVNspCount) df_spectral_indices += [EVNspFract_avg, EVNspMean_avg, EVNspCount_avg] df_per_bin_indices += [ np.asarray(EVNspFract).tolist(), np.asarray(EVNspMean).tolist(), np.asarray(EVNspCount).tolist() ] if verbose : print("EVNspFract %2.5f" %mean(EVNspFract)) print("EVNspMean %2.5f" %mean(EVNspMean)) print("EVNspCount %2.5f" %mean(EVNspCount)) """**************************** New indices*****************************""" """ TFSD """ # compute TFSD with mode = ThirdOctave and flim TFSD= tfsd(Sxx_amplitude,fn,tn,flim=flim_mid,mode='thirdOctave', log=True) df_spectral_indices += [TFSD] if verbose : print("TFSD %2.5f" % TFSD) """ More entropy""" X = S_power H_Havrda, H_Renyi, H_pairedShannon, H_gamma, H_GiniSimpson = more_entropy(X, order=3) df_spectral_indices += [H_Havrda, H_Renyi, H_pairedShannon, H_gamma, H_GiniSimpson] if verbose : print("H_Havrda %2.2f" % H_Havrda) print("H_Renyi %2.2f" % H_Renyi) print("H_pairedShannon %2.2f" % H_pairedShannon) print("H_gamma %2.2f" % H_gamma) print("H_GiniSimpson %2.2f" % H_GiniSimpson) """ RAOQ """ X = S_power RAOQ = frequency_raoq(X, fn, bin_step=bin_step) df_spectral_indices += [RAOQ] if verbose : print("RAOQ %2.2f" % RAOQ) #### Acoustic gradient index => real 1st derivative of the spectrogram """ AGI """ # Time resolution (in s) DELTA_T = tn[1]-tn[0] X = Sxx_amplitude _, AGI_per_bin, AGI, _ = acoustic_gradient_index( X, dt=DELTA_T, order=1, norm='per_bin' ) df_spectral_indices += [AGI] df_per_bin_indices += [np.asarray(AGI_per_bin).tolist()] if verbose : print("AGI %2.3f" % AGI) """ ROI index """ # Time resolution (in s) DELTA_T = tn[1]-tn[0] # Frequency resolution (in Hz) DELTA_F = fn[1]-fn[0] # Minimum time duration of an event (in s) MIN_EVENT_DUR = 30e-3 # Minimum frequency bandwidth (in Hz) MIN_FREQ_BW = 100 # Min Region Of Interest ROI if min_roi_area is None : min_roi_area = int(MIN_EVENT_DUR/DELTA_T * MIN_FREQ_BW / DELTA_F) ROItotal, ROIcover = region_of_interest_index(Sxx_dB_noNoise, tn, fn, smooth_param1, mask_mode, mask_param1, mask_param2, min_roi=min_roi_area, max_roi=max_roi_area, remove_rain = remove_rain, max_ratio_xy = max_ratio_xy, display=display) df_spectral_indices += [ROItotal, ROIcover] if verbose : print("ROItotal %2.3f" % ROItotal) print("ROIcover %2.3f" % ROIcover) df_spectral_indices = pd.DataFrame([df_spectral_indices], columns=['MEANf', 'VARf', 'SKEWf', 'KURTf', 'NBPEAKS', 'LEQf', 'ENRf', 'BGNf', 'SNRf', 'Hf', 'EAS', 'ECU', 'ECV', 'EPS', 'EPS_KURT', 'EPS_SKEW', 'ACI', 'NDSI', 'rBA', 'AnthroEnergy', 'BioEnergy', 'BI', 'ROU', 'ADI', 'AEI', 'LFC', 'MFC', 'HFC', 'ACTspFract', 'ACTspCount', 'ACTspMean', 'EVNspFract', 'EVNspMean', 'EVNspCount', 'TFSD', 'H_Havrda', 'H_Renyi', 'H_pairedShannon', 'H_gamma', 'H_GiniSimpson', 'RAOQ', 'AGI', 'ROItotal', 'ROIcover']) df_per_bin_indices = pd.DataFrame([df_per_bin_indices], columns=['frequencies', 'LTS', 'MEANt_per_bin', 'VARt_per_bin', 'SKEWt_per_bin', 'KURTt_per_bin', 'LEQf_per_bin', 'ENRf_per_bin', 'BGNf_per_bin', 'SNRf_per_bin', 'Ht_per_bin', 'ACI_per_bin', 'ROU_per_bin', 'ACTspFract_per_bin', 'ACTspCount_per_bin', 'EVNspFract_per_bin', 'EVNspMean_per_bin', 'EVNspCount_per_bin', 'AGI_per_bin']) return df_spectral_indices, df_per_bin_indices
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()