
maad.features.spectral_cover(Sxx, fn, dB_threshold=3, flim_LF=(0, 1000), flim_MF=(1000, 10000), flim_HF=(10000, 20000))[source]

Compute the proportion (cover) of the spectrogram above a threshold for three bandwidths : low frequency band (LF), medium frequency band (MF) and high frequency band (HF) [1] [2].

Sxx2D array of floats

Spectrogram 2D in dB. Usually, better to work with spectrogram without stationnary noise in order to measure only acoustic activity above the background noise

fn1d ndarray of floats

frequency vector

dB_thresholdscalar, optional, default is 3dB

data >Threshold is considered to be an activity

flim_LFtupple, optional, default is (0,1000)

Low frequency band in Hz

flim_MFtupple, optional, default is (1000,10000)

mid frequency band in Hz

flim_HFtupple, optional, default is (10000,20000)

high frequency band in Hz

LFC :scalar

Proportion of the LF bandwidth of the spectrogram with activity above the threshold

MFC: scalar

Proportion of the MF bandwidth of the spectrogram with activity above the threshold

HFC: scalar

Proportion of the HF bandwidth of the spectrogram with activity above the threshold



TOWSEY, Michael W. The calculation of acoustic indices derived from long-duration recordings of the natural environment. 2017.


QUT : Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2018, March 5). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v18.03.0.41 (Version v18.03.0.41). Zenodo.


>>> import maad
>>> s, fs = maad.sound.load('../data/cold_forest_daylight.wav')
>>> Sxx_power, tn, fn, ext = maad.sound.spectrogram (s, fs)  
>>> Sxx_noNoise= maad.sound.median_equalizer(Sxx_power, display=True, extent=ext) 
>>> Sxx_dB_noNoise = maad.util.power2dB(Sxx_noNoise)
>>> LFC, MFC, HFC = maad.features.spectral_cover(Sxx_dB_noNoise, fn) 
>>> print('LFC: %2.2f / MFC: %2.2f / HFC: %2.2f' % (LFC, MFC, HFC)) 
LFC: 0.15 / MFC: 0.19 / HFC: 0.13