Use multicpu functionality to compute indices

Acoustic indices can summarize aspects of the acoustic energy distribution in audio recordings and are widely used to characterize animal acoustic communities[1-3]. In this example, we will see how to eficiently compute multiple acoustic indices, and present basics post-processing posibilities. The audio recordings used in this example can be downloaded from the open GitHub repository (

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = '_auto_examples/2_advanced/images/sphx_glr_plot_extract_alpha_indices_multicpu_001.png'
import pandas as pd
import os
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Parallel processing packages
# from functools import partial
from tqdm import tqdm
from concurrent import futures

from maad import sound, features
from maad.util import date_parser
import multiprocessing as mp

Define the function that will be used for batch processing

# This function should work by itself without waiting for another process
# Here we defined a function to process a single audio file. The input arguments
# are the path to the audio file and the recording date of the audio file. Both
# arguments are in the dataframe df given by the function date_parser.

def single_file_processing (audio_path,
                            date) :
    audio_path : string
        full path to the audio file (.wav) to process.
        The full path is in the dataframe given by the function date_parser
    date : datetime
        date of recording of the audio file.
        The date is in the dataframe given by the function date_parser

    df_indices : dataframe
        Dataframe containing all the temporal and spectral indices, as well as
        the audio path ('file' column) and the recording date ('Date' column)


    # Load the original sound (16bits) and get the sampling frequency fs
    try :
        wave,fs = sound.load(filename=audio_path,

        """ ===================================================================
                        Computation in the time domain

        # compute all the audio indices and store them into a DataFrame
        # dB_threshold and rejectDuration are used to select audio events.
        df_audio_ind = features.all_temporal_alpha_indices(
                                    wave, fs,
                                    gain = G, sensibility = S,
                                    dB_threshold = 3, rejectDuration = 0.01,
                                    verbose = False, display = False)

        """ ===================================================================
                        Computation in the frequency domain

        # Compute the Power Spectrogram Density (PSD) : Sxx_power
        Sxx_power,tn,fn,ext = sound.spectrogram (
                                        wave, fs, window='hann',
                                        nperseg = 1024, noverlap=1024//2,
                                        verbose = False, display = False,
                                        savefig = None)

        # compute all the spectral indices and store them into a DataFrame
        # flim_low, flim_mid, flim_hi corresponds to the frequency limits in Hz
        # that are required to compute somes indices (i.e. NDSI)
        # if R_compatible is set to 'soundecology', then the output are similar to
        # soundecology R package.
        # mask_param1 and mask_param2 are two parameters to find the regions of
        # interest (ROIs). These parameters need to be adapted to the dataset in
        # order to select ROIs
        df_spec_ind, _ = features.all_spectral_alpha_indices(
                                                flim_low = [0,1500],
                                                flim_mid = [1500,8000],
                                                flim_hi  = [8000,20000],
                                                gain = G, sensitivity = S,
                                                verbose = False,
                                                R_compatible = 'soundecology',
                                                mask_param1 = 6,
                                                display = False)

        """ ===================================================================
                        Create a dataframe
        # add scalar indices into the df_indices dataframe
        df_indices = pd.concat([df_audio_ind,
                                df_spec_ind], axis=1)

        # add date and audio_path
        df_indices.insert(0, 'Date', date)
        df_indices.insert(1, 'file', audio_path)

        # if an error occur, send an empty output
        df_indices = pd.DataFrame()

    return df_indices

Set Variables

We list all spectral and temporal acoustic indices that will be computed.

'ENRf','BGNf','SNRf','Hf', 'EAS','ECU','ECV','EPS','EPS_KURT','EPS_SKEW','ACI',
'ACTspFract','ACTspCount','ACTspMean', 'EVNspFract','EVNspMean','EVNspCount',
'TFSD','H_Havrda','H_Renyi','H_pairedShannon', 'H_gamma', 'H_GiniSimpson','RAOQ',

            'LEQt','BGNt', 'SNRt','MED', 'Ht','ACTtFraction', 'ACTtCount',
            'ACTtMean','EVNtFraction', 'EVNtMean', 'EVNtCount']

# Parameters of the audio recorder. This is not a mandatory but it allows
# to compute the sound pressure level of the audio file (dB SPL) as a
# sonometer would do.
S = -35         # Sensbility microphone-35dBV (SM4) / -18dBV (Audiomoth)
G = 26+16       # Amplification gain (26dB (SM4 preamplifier))

We parse the directory were the audio dataset is located in order to get a df with date and fullfilename. As the data were collected with a SM4 audio recording device we set the dateformat agument to ‘SM4’ in order to be able to parse the date from the filename. In case of Audiomoth, the date is coded as Hex in the filename. The path to the audio dataset is “../../data/indices/”.

if __name__ == '__main__':  # Multiprocessing should be declared under the main entry point
    # Check if the start method is already set
    if mp.get_start_method(allow_none=True) is None:
        mp.set_start_method("fork")  # or "spawn" or "forkserver" depending on your needs

    df = date_parser("../../data/indices/", dateformat='SM4', verbose=True)

    # Date is used as index. Reset the index in order to get back Date as column
    df.reset_index(inplace = True)

    """ ===========================================================================
                    Mono CPU
    # Only one cpu is used to process all data in dataframe, row by row.
    # This is the common way to process the data but it has some limitations :
    # - only 1 CPU is used even if the computer has more CPUs.
    # - data are sequentially processed which means each file will wait for the
    # completion of the previous file in the list. If 1 file requires more time to
    # be processed, the time to complete the overall process will take longer.

    # create an empty dataframe. It will contain all ROIs found for each
    # audio file in the directory
    df_indices = pd.DataFrame()

    tic = time.perf_counter()
    with tqdm(total=len(df), desc="unique cpu indices calculation...") as pbar:
        for index, row in df.iterrows() :
            df_indices_temp = single_file_processing(row["file"], row["Date"])
            df_indices = pd.concat([df_indices, df_indices_temp])
    toc = time.perf_counter()

    # time duration of the process
    monocpu_duration = toc - tic

    print(f"Elapsed time is {monocpu_duration:0.1f} seconds")

    """ ===========================================================================
                    Multi CPU
    # At least 2 CPUs will be used in parallel and the files to process will be
    # distributed on each CPU depending on their availability. This will speed up
    # the process.

    # create an empty dataframe. It will contain all ROIs found for each
    # audio file in the directory
    df_indices = pd.DataFrame()

    # Number of CPU used for the calculation.
    nb_cpu = os.cpu_count()

    tic = time.perf_counter()
    # Multicpu process
    with tqdm(total=len(df), desc="multi cpu indices calculation...") as pbar:
        with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nb_cpu) as pool:
            # give the function to map on several CPUs as well its arguments as
            # as list
            for df_indices_temp in
                df_indices = pd.concat([df_indices, df_indices_temp])
    toc = time.perf_counter()

    # time duration of the process
    multicpu_duration = toc - tic

    print(f"Elapsed time is {multicpu_duration:0.1f} seconds")

    # Display the comparison between to methods
    # -----------------------------------------'ggplot')
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,2))

    # bar graphs
    width = 0.75
    x = ['sequential (mono CPU)', 'parallel (multi CPU)']
    y = [monocpu_duration, multicpu_duration]
    ax.barh(x, y, width, color=('tab:blue','tab:orange'))
    ax.set_xlabel('Elapsed time (s)')
    ax.set_title("Comparison between sequential\n and parallel processing")


    # %%

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